at the Jewish Theological Seminary
FALL 2017


September 18, 25
October 2, 16, 30
November 6, 13, 20, 27
December 11


11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Why Doesn't the Baby Fall Out? And Other Rabbinic Answers to Life's Big Questions
Rachel Rosenthal 

How is a woman different than a sack of coins? Can God be compared to a human king? Who actually destroyed the Temple? We will study various pieces of midrash to answer these questions and to develop frameworks for how the rabbis thought about things like allegory, science, history, and theology.

1:30 – 3:00 PM
Conservative Judaism, Women's Issues and Halakhah
Rabbi/Dr. David J. Fine 

How does Conservative Judaism approach change in Jewish law?  We will examine the history of the decision-making process as it applies to halakhic issues; what social realities were behind the evolution of Conservative Judaism as we know it today? Sessions will cover a variety of topics, but will focus more extensively on the changing role of women in Jewish Law. Those topics will include: minyan,  aliyot, signing Jewish documents, serving as rabbis and cantors, as well as mikveh, pidyon haben, and other similar types of questions.  
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