Message from Rabbi and Rebbitzen Reich
As we return the Torah to the Ark, we are reminded of the words of
King Solomon:  עץ חיים היא למחזיקים בה   The Torah is like a Tree of Life.
For 36 years, Adat has been the source of that life, providing a
life of Torah to La Jolla. We are humbled to be part
of this incredible community and Torah center.
But as Shlomo HaMelech  writes, it isn't enough that the Torah is a source
of life. We need to hold onto it, attach ourselves to it, and support it. This
year's Gala celebrates our collective efforts to support our Torah center
in La Jolla, especially those who have done so for more than 18 years.
Rabbi and Rebbitzen Reich's message continued
We have had an amazing year of continued and new programming and classes, full seats at Minyanim and Shabbos and Yom Tov services, and reaching many new members. We strive to extend the branches of our Etz Chaim to every Jew in La Jolla and San Diego, giving "Etz Chaim" to all.
As we celebrate this milestone of 36 years, we continue the legacy from Har Sinai of providing an Etz Chaim for all. When we stood at Har Sinai, almost 3,300 years ago, we stood as one, recognizing that each one of us matters. For the Jewish people to thrive, we need full participation and engagement by each member of our single unit. It is integral that each member of Klal Yisroel has access and entry to the Torah.
Rabbi and Rebbitzen Reich's message continued
Shlomo Hamelech writes that the result of  עץ חיים היא למחזיקים בה,
through the Support of the magnificent Torah in La Jolla,
ותומכיה מאושר - its supporters rejoice.
We should be blessed that with all of us coming together
to support our "Etz Chaim," we will achieve the greatest joy of all -
the joy of an Etz Chaim for us and for future generations.
Mazel tov!

Rabbi Daniel and Brooke Reich
A Message from Brian and Suzanne Marcus
Today we celebrate those members of 18 years or more,
who comprise the bedrock of this community.

The theme for this DOUBLE CHAI (36-year anniversary) Gala is "Etz Chaim" (Tree of Life), a powerful metaphor for the Torah. Just as a tree grows from a tiny seed, so too does our understanding and relationship with the Divine. The tree's roots ground us in our traditions, while its branches reach toward the heavens, symbolizing our aspirations and potential for growth.
Our members who have been with us for 18 years ago or more are our roots. We are sustained today for a brighter future by those loyal individuals, who have shown what it means to volunteer, to open their homes and hearts to all.

We express our deep gratitude to three essential groups that are the lifeblood of the shul:
First, our essential staff, especially Rabbi Reich and Rebbitzen Brooke, who have made an impact on so many lives, but also the Sapirs and the Ertels as well as the people who keep everything running, Annette Olson, Catharine Simolari and Milton Garcia.
Second, the extraordinary women of our community. Through their tireless volunteer work, they have embodied the essence of "chesed" - loving-kindness. They have devoted countless hours to ensure that our community functions smoothly and remains a welcoming place.
Third, the men who form the backbone of our daily minyan. It is comforting to know that Adat is a shul where there is always a minyan, regardless of weather or season.
We invite every member of our community to support this fundraiser. Every act of generosity counts. May we continue to uplift one another, as we have done for generations.
Brian and Suzanne Marcus
Etz Chaim
Mazal Tov to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Reich and to Brian & Suzanne Marcus on leading this wonderful congregation to its double chai celebration. We are so grateful and thankful for all you do for our community. Thank you to the dream team that keep the shul running, Annette, Catharine and Milton and Maria. G-d willing Adat Yeshurun should continue to grow and prosper to celebrate many more multiples of chai.
Mike and Karen Aron and Family
Etz Chaim
Mazal Tov to those who have
been Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members
Jeremy and Hilda Cohen
Etz Chaim
At each stage of growth of Adat Yeshurun a
select group of people stood out from the
crowd to help ensure the growth of our beautiful shul.
Here's thanks to all of you who made a such a
difference, and here's more thanks in
recognition of all of those who plan to take
up the mantle so that our Jewish community can
continue to grow to greater and greater heights.
Zachary & Sigalit Dimenstein, Sam & Sandra Dimenstein
Mazal Tov to those who have
been Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members.
Amy and Jonathan Aires
With thanks to Rabbi Wohlgerlernter
and Rabbi Reich for all they have done
to enable Adat Yeshurun to play
such a valuable and meaningful role
in our lives for so many years.

Neil and Ruth Berkowitz
Adat Yeshurun has been a
Tree of Life for so many people.
Mazel Tov on the Anniversary.
Thank you so much to Rabbi Daniel and Brooke
Reich, Rabbi Jeff and Shoshie Wohlgelernter,
and Rabbi Netzach and Channa Sapir.
Thank you to all who contribute
in so many meaningful ways.
May the shul grow from strength to strength.
Todd Salovey and Diane Boomer
In gratitude to Adat Yeshurun, its leadership, and
every member. Your roots are our community's foundation,
and the blossoming of your flowers our inspiration from
year to year and generation to generation.
Dedicated to our mothers' upcoming yarzeit
Jennie Burk Sivan 17, 5754, June 5, and
Helen Frysh, of blessed memory, the next day. 
Helen provided a solid foundation for the future,
and of course thanking the rabbis in the community.

Thank you!
Harold Frysh and Wendy Burk
Thank you Adat for creating a
warm, nurturing "home" for
our family and the community
and for increasing yiddishkeit,
the love of Torah and a
commitment to Israel.
David and Claire Ellman
Mazal Tov
to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members.
Gavin and Cheryl Horn
In Memory of Sadie Weiner z"l ( August 1926-May
2023), beloved mother to Suzanne Marcus and
Ivor Weiner, who tought us many life lessons including
Commitment Loyalty, Resilience and Endurance.
These same values apply to our honorees today:
The members of Adat Yeshurun
for the past 18 years or more.
We honor them all!
Mazal Tov!
Brian and Suzanne Marcus
As we celebrate this milestone, we honor the long-time members for your commitment to our shul. Each one of you has enriched our shul in countless ways. You have shared your wisdom, talents and friendship.
Your legacy will continue to inspire future generations. For our family, our shul has played a major role. We have celebrated simchas, mourned losses and grown together as a community. It wasn't just the candy man that made our shul experience sweet, it was the love and warmth we felt every time we walked through the doors, the sense of belonging and the friendships we forged. Over the years we have watched our shul grow and evolve, new families join, new programs and initiatives take shape and new leaders emerge, and we are proud to be part of the journey. May we continue to thrive and grow for many years to come.
Charles Jaffe and Janith Seidel
Adat is our home away from home. We feel privileged to be a part of the shul and
community, and wish everyone a
long life in good health and Torah.
The all-inclusive Chesed of Adat enhanced the
life of our son, Michael Rabin z"l, during his
12 years before his passing on May 14, 2022.
We are especially grateful to the kindness and
teaching he received from Rabbi Wohlgelernter and Shoshie, and Rabbi Reich and Brooke.
We remember Michael for his first yahrzeit with these words,
"He welcomed everyone with a generous heart and a warm smile."
                     Yaakov and Devorah Shore
We feel gratitude for the Rabbis, religious leaders
and families who built a strong foundation
from which we thrive into the future.
We are happy to call Adat our second home for the
past few years and look forward to sharing 
many more joyous and religious occasions at Adat.
Mark and Phyllis Strauss
Branches of Adat
In honor of Rabbi and Brooke
Reich, Brian and Suzanne
Marcus, and all who have made
possible this important
milestone, Mazal Tov!
Moises and Jennifer Eilemberg and Family
Branches of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have
been Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members
Jonny Borok
Branches of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have
been Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members.
Peter and Hilary Bowers
Branches of Adat
Thank you distinguished Nominees for all your
efforts over the years to create and sustain
such a wonderful Shul.
We all look forward to continued growth as we
go from Strength to Strength!
Harvey and Anne Brenner
Branches of Adat
Mazal Tov to the Rabbi,
President, and all
the members.
Mark and Flora Brunswick
Branches of Adat
Mazeltov to all the Adat
Yeshurun CHAI members and
May the community go from
strength to strength spreading the
words of Torah, Avodah and
Gemilut chasadim
Perry and Michelle Diamond
Branches of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have
been Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members.
David and Mary Feifel
Branches of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have
been Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members.
Martin and Arlene Fogel
Branches of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have
been Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members.
Barbara Frank
Branches of Adat
Mazal Tov Rabbi Wohlgelernter and Shoshie
Rabbi Reich and Brooke on this
milestone anniversary.
We are blessed to be a part of this
wonderful community.
Felicia & Marc Gipsman
Branches of Adat
With gratitude to Rabbi and Rebbetzin
Wohlgelernter, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Reich, the
leadership, congregants and staff, Adat
Yeshurun has thrived to reach this
incredible milestone.
Mazeltov to all!
Roland and Myrice Goldberg
Branches of Adat
Mazal tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Wohlgelernter,
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Reich, and to the Board, on the synagogue's continued success.
Your efforts and hard work show.
May the shul's next 36 years reflect and build
upon your merits and accomplishments.
יישר כוח
Helfon and Guily Hanono
Branches of Adat
With eternal gratitude to Rabbi Jeff & Shoshie for all you have done for our spiritual growth since 1996 and to Rabbi Reich and Brooke for continuing their legacy to inspire future generations. Rabbi Jeff married Aniko and I and prepared our daughter, Eliana, for her Bat Mitzvah. Rabbi Reich continued with our family and prepared our son, Daniel, for his Bar Mitzvah. We have celebrated simchas, mourned losses and grown together as a community. We have witnessed our shul grow and evolve, new families join, new programs and initiatives take shape and new leaders emerge, and we are proud to be part of the journey. May we continue to thrive and grow for many years to come.
Dave and Aniko Hastings
Branches of Adat
Mazal tov to Rabbi Wohlgelernter and Shoshie,
Rabbi Reich and Brooke, Brian and Suzanne, all
the honorees and our shul family.
Our lives and community have
been enriched by all of you.
May you go from strength to strength.
Anne and Len Jurkowski and Family
Branches of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have
been Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members
Lawrence Lotzof
Branches of Adat
L'Chaim to Adat Yeshurun, as it embarks on its
next chapter, embracing the past with reverence,
the present with gratitude,
and the future with unwavering hope.
Mazal tov on this remarkable milestone of 36 years.
Am Adat Chai! 
Michael and Paula Mantell
Branches of Adat
Mazal tov to the many people who have built
and maintained our Adat community with their
presence, work, education and leadership.
It continues to be a joy to be part of
this remarkable venture.
Colin and Jane Scher
Branches of Adat
Mazeltov to all Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members!
May our Shul continue to go
from strength to strength!
In memory of our beloved Shlomo Zvi z"l
The Smiedt Family
Branches of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have
been Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members.
Adam and Marina Sragovicz
Branches of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have
been Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members
Mitch Shack and Tina Beranbaum
Branches of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have
been Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members
Gidon and Marilyn Williams
Roots of Adat
Mazal Tov
to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members.
Mark and Laura Abelkop

Mazal Tov
to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members.
Noel and Miriam Fishman

Mazal Tov
to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members
Jerry and Sheila Hermel and Family

Mazal Tov
to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members.
Megan and Jacob Kamaras
Roots of Adat
It has been a great pleasure to see
how Adat Yeshurun has grown
and evolved over the years.
Mazel Tov to all who have contributed.
Irwin Krinsky

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Reich, Rabbi Wohlgelernter,
and all members of Adat on this milestone anniversary.
We are grateful to be part of this
wonderful community.
Stuart and Nora Laiken

Mazal Tov
to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members.
Marc & Shana Lebovits

Mazal Tov
to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members.
Craig, Marty and Wolfy Lotzof
Roots of Adat
Mazal Tov
to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members.
Gregory Ross

Mazal Tov
to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members.
Paul and Debbie Shtein

Mazal Tov
to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members.
Nicole and Jonathan Smith

Mazal Tov
to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members
Anton and Julie Woolf
Roots of Adat
Mazal Tov
to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun
Chai Members
Brandon & Lara Woolf Grusd

Seeds of Adat
Mazal Tov to the Adat Chai Members. The road has
had challenges, resulting in a great congregation!
Stephen and Brenda Abelkop

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Rachel and Mickey Abraham

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Ary Abramovic

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun members 18 years or longer.
Basil and Michelle Abramowitz
Seeds of Adat
Mazel Tov to all and thank you Rabbi Reich
for your leadership taking us forward.
Julian Aires

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members
Altman Family

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members
Alan Angel

We are blessed to be a part of the Adat family and thank
Rabbi Reich, Brian and volunteers for their devotion
Felicia and Irwin Belcher
Seeds of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members. 
Liza and Shimon Blumenfeld

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Jaime and Karen Breziner

Special thanks to Rabbi Reich, president Brian Marcus and
board members and Gabais Todd Salovey and Gavin Horn.
Brian and Merle Datnow

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Neal and Dee Desind
Seeds of Adat
In honor of the Adat Yeshurun community.
David and Jackie Diamond

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members
Tali Hochstein, Dov Horowitz and family

Mazal Tov to Adat Yeshurun
and all the Chai Members.
Howard Dyckman

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Marsha Eiseman
Seeds of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Rabbi Shmuel and Chaya Ertel

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members
Sari and Jim Esserman

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members
The Factor Family

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Freifeld Family
Seeds of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Charles Farbstein

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Uri and Belinda Feldman

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Yaron and Gabriella Fireizen

A well-deserved L'Chaim to the Gala honorees and the sturdy
branches, roots and all the seeds of the Adat Etz Chaim.
Jack Forman
Seeds of Adat
Thirty one years later, I love to say that Adat became my
Jewish home away from home. Beracha, Mazal Y Salud!
Alessandra Franco

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Julian and Beryl Frank

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Bella Freifeld

Mazel Tov on the double Chai anniversary.
May ADAT continue to thrive for a very long time.
Irwin and Ana Friede
Seeds of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Lolie Fromm

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Rhoda Gaylis

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Nicole Gesher

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members
Philip and Glenda Ginsburg
Seeds of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Eli and Iliana Glovinsky

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Tanya Goodman

Mazel tov Adat Yeshurun! Delighted we moved here in 2004!
Our family's blessed to have been a part of this community
Eva Illyes-Eiseman

Mazal Tov to Adat Yeshurun on the
36th Anniversary of the Synagoogue.
Joan and Ivor Jacobson
Seeds of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Gershon Jaffe

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members
Lionel Kahn

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Stephen and Alysa Kaplan

We are grateful for the blessings & yiddishkeit Adat has
brought to our family, community & neighborhood. Mazeltov!
Howard and Ann Katz
Seeds of Adat
Mazel Tov to my five wonderful
grandchildren and their beautiful neshamas.
Dr. Mara Lynn Katzman

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Brian and Sarah Keating

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Ariel Klainerman
Seeds of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Janet Klein and Family

Honored and grateful to have been members of the
Adat Community for 32 years.
Arthur and Peta Klitofsky

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Ron and Kim Lazarus

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Eric Leiter
Seeds of Adat
Thank you Rabbi & Rebbetzin Reich and Brian & Suzanne
Marcus for all you do for this amazing community!
Delon and Daniela Levi

In Loving Memory of Nate Levy z"l, who did his best for
Adat, and in honor of David Levy for long time Gabbai.
Celia Levy

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Sacha Litman

May we all go from chai to chai
in health, happiness and prosperity.
Frances Lobman
Seeds of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Iris and Abe Loebenstein

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Joanne and Sam Marcus

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Peter Miller

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members
Zoe and Jonathan Moed
Seeds of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Nicole and Daniel Monsowitz

Thank you Rabbi and Rebbetzin Reich
and the board for all your hard work.
Sorrel and Judy Nemzer

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Hana Olivensky

We are honored to have been associated with this incredible
community for the past 24 years! The Pamensky Family
Martin and Beverley Pamensky
Seeds of Adat
Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Reich, and Brian and
Suzanne Marcus for their dedicated and inspired leadership!
Peikes Family

Mazal Tov to the Adat Yeshurun community.
Gideon Rappaport

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Scott and Flory Rappoport

Blue and Ezraella Robbins
Seeds of Adat
Stephanie and Jordan Rosenfeld

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members
David and Sylvia Roth

Mazal tov and kol hakavod to all those
who give their heart and soul to Adat!
Howard and Diane Schachat

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members
Gavin and Zara Sclar
Seeds of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Ken & Julia Stone

With profound hakaras hatov, we pay tribute to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Reich. Thank you for your guidance & inspiration. In memory of Gershon ben Ephraim Reuvan.
The Swartzberg Family

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members
Steven and Sharon Tradonsky

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Eva Trieger
Seeds of Adat
Mazel Tov to the shul on this double chai celebration.
And Mazel Tov to the 18+ year members - we almost made it!
Yvonne and Rick Venger

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Bessie Wainstein

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Jeff and Stacey Wechsler

Mazal Tov to Brian and Suzanne for 25 years at Adat!
Your love for and dedication to the community are inspiring!
Ivor and Joy Weiner
Seeds of Adat
Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Steven and Ava Weitzen

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Jonathan and Jennifer Zilberstein

Mazal Tov to those who have been
Adat Yeshurun Chai Members.
Brian Zimmerman

Thank-you to all who have made
Adat Yeshurun what it is today.
Jack and Ellen Zyroff