Adat Yeshurun Stands With Israel Gala
An evening honoring the eternal bond between
Israel and Congregation Adat Yeshurun.
In this existential moment, for Israel and global Jewry, Adat demonstrates our enduring bond, by partnering with Shlomit, a small, religious community bordering Egypt and Gaza.  On October 7th, they heroically defended a neighboring community, tragically suffering loss of life and injuries.  Our mission is to tangibly show our love through connection, funding and rebuilding.

Please join us for an inspirational, uplifting Shabbos as we Stand with Israel
during our Annual Gala long weekend.
Shabbos services lead by renowned Israeli vocalist Ohad Moskowitz.
Rabbi Reich’s Special Drashot focused on our enduring bond with Israel.
Strengthening the Adat Community’s commitment to Israel, a privileged     
sacred partnership, as we embrace the people of Shlomit,
TWO caring communities separated by thousands of miles, but with one heart.
Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach to our Honorees!
Please click on the honoree photo to read more.
Brian and Suzanne Marcus
Guests of Honor
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