We continue to fundraise to ensure the sustainability of our School and Jewish continuity.
In an extraordinary year, BCHSJS, the Bergen County High School of Jewish Studies, still provides a space for our students to be together, continue learning and deepen their Jewish connections. We teach Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and Gemilut Chasadim (providing kindness) and we feel an obligation to reflect these core Jewish values in everything we do. To that end, we are proud to be setting aside a percentage of what is raised from this year's fundraising to donate to some of the local food pantries. The remaining donations will go to sustaining BCHSJS, so we can continue to thrive and provide a community space for our teens.  
Please support BCHSJS by placing a tribute ad in our online journal or making a donation.
Thank you to our generous sponsors!
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