Francesca Lunzer Kritz           Judy and Jerry Frank        
Founders Award
Francesca Lunzer Kritz
Fran (Francesca) Lunzer Kritz is a health policy reporter based in Silver Spring, Maryland. Her husband, Neil J. Kritz, is the senior scholar in residence at the United States Institute of Peace and splits his time between Washington, D.C. and Jerusalem. They are members of the Kemp Mill Synagogue in Silver Spring, Maryland and Kehillat Ramban in Jerusalem.
Fran has been a staff reporter for Forbes, U.S. News & World Report and the New York Times News Service and is currently a contributor for NPR, The Washington Post, Kaiser Health News and the California Health Report.
Fran has been a proud volunteer for Bikur Cholim for more than a dozen years ranging from food drop offs to fundraising. Her most poignant moment as a Bikur Cholim volunteer came one erev  chag in her home while hosting a family that included two young children undergoing tests for a serious illness at the National Institutes of Health. The mother, with boundless energy, had fed and dressed her family, preparing them for the holiday, and lit the holiday candles with the children circled around her, singing and dancing. A few moments after candle lighting, with the children playing on their own, Fran went to check in on the young mother, and found her sitting alone, head bowed and sobbing, praying for the strength to shield her children from her worry and fear.  "We’re here to help that mother, and every parent, child and sibling that comes into our care, to worry and fear just a little bit less," says Fran.
Fran and Neil are the very proud parents of Dina, who recently graduated from Brandeis University, and is spending this year in a Tanach teacher training program in Jerusalem enroute to a career in Jewish education and Matthew, a junior at Princeton University.
Fran served as president of Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington from 2010 to 2015 and remains a member of the Board of Directors. She is also the secretary of the Hebrew Free Loan Association of Greater Washington, a board member of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington and the co-chair of the Kemp Mill Synagogue’s bereavement committee.
Bernice Fishman Community Service Award
Judy and Jerry Frank
Judy & Jerry Frank have been active members of the Beth Sholom Potomac community for 40 years.
Jerry is a pediatric dentist; Judy is a clinical social worker in private practice in Bethesda.
Both Judy & Jerry are members of the Chevra Kadisha and together they have organized a weekly Kabbalat Shabbat service at Brookdale Nursing Home. Jerry also enjoys his weekly volunteering at the Sunflower Cafe; it was Judy who first encouraged the Beth Sholom community to be involved in Social Action projects and who is still an active member of that committee.
Over the years, Jerry has served on the board of two synagogues and the Jewish Community Center. Judy was a founding member of ASIRT, the Association for International Road Safety.
Having cared for family members who can no longer enjoy independence, Judy & Jerry recognize and appreciate the work of Bikur Cholim. Driving patients and delivering meals, has given them both opportunities to spend time  in a meaningful and rewarding way.
Judy and Jerry are especially grateful that their three children and eight grandchildren are active members of their respective Jewish communities.

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