Melanie Fleisher
Board Excellence Award
Melanie Fleisher was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. After graduating as a speech-language pathologist, she began her career at a school for students with learning disabilities. In 1992, Melanie married Steven, and five months later, the couple moved to England, where they worked and traveled. In 1993, they relocated to the USA, where they settled in Baltimore for 20 years before moving to Silver Spring in 2013. Melanie is passionate about traveling, especially to visit family in South Africa, and she enjoys reading, walking, and cooking. She loves spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren. Melanie served on the board of BCGW from 2013 until 2023. She was on the executive board and served as secretary for the organization. She also served on the Education Committee at Berman for 2 years and she served on the board of Kemp Mill Synagogue for 2 years.

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