Mitzvah Project 2022*
Masorti Olami Ukraine Emergency Campaign
As the war in Ukraine continues, our Ukrainian Masorti/Conservative communities across the country and beyond its borders are still in need of support. Masorti Olami and its partners at The Schechter Institutes are continuing to assist community members both within Ukraine and in host countries around the world.
Please click here to make a direct donation.
*The Mitzvah Project is a BQLI Region Tikkun Olam initiative that we support at our Annual Woman of Achievement Gala. In past years our members have donated to Hatzilu Rescue Organization, Matilde’s Mentionables, Neve Hanna Children’s Home, Lend A Hand Project, and collected toiletries and feminine hygiene projects for local women’s shelters. This year’s Mitzvah Project was chosen due to the critical needs of our Ukrainian brethren. Your generous donation will save lives, assist refugees and hopefully, when peace comes, help rebuild Ukraine. 
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