About Shul Sisters
A shared desire to use music to lift women’s voices brought together acclaimed Cantors Laurie Akers (Congregation Or Shalom in suburban Chicago), Rachel Brook (Anshe Emet Synagogue, Chicago, IL), and Rachel Goldman (Congregation Ner Tamid, Los Angeles), as Shul Sisters, cantorial vocal trio. Shul Sisters, the first female cantorial trio in the US, has been collaborating since January 2019. Releasing the viral video, “I’m Gonna Walk It with You,” with Christian faith leaders inspired the Shul Sisters to continue the work of connecting communities across the world through harmony. With the fundamental belief that joining together in song reminds us of our inherent worth and beauty, the Shul Sisters continue to inspire people across the globe. BQLI Region of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism would like to thank Shul Sisters for allowing us to share their music with you tonight. www.shulsisters.com 
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