Anne and Jerry Gontownik
Emunah Founders Award
Anne and Jerry Gontownik care deeply about the Jewish people, are ardent Zionists, and are driven by the concept of “Kol Yisrael Areyvim Ze Bazeh.” The Gontowniks have created and implemented unique programs with many communal organizations. For over 20 years, Anne has been serving on the National Board of Emunah of America and is a past president of the Gella Feldman Chapter of Englewood. She also served as vice president of The Frisch School in Paramus. Both Anne and Jerry are involved with the Orthodox Union’s Teach Coalition, and Jerry has served as a senior vice president, advocating for Jewish education, as well as chairperson of the Ambassadors Corps of NORPAC, a pro-Israel, bipartisan political action committee.

Anne and Jerry each grew up in homes where being a Jew was considered a privilege and a responsibility. Jerry’s parents, Zina and Abe Z"L, were Holocaust survivors. Abe was a leader among the Partisans in Vilna and conveyed to Jerry the importance of standing up for fellow Jews. Anne’s parents, Elaine and Robert Z”L Jacobs, American-born Zionists, raised their family in a home where caring about Israel meant taking action to help make a difference. Based on the homes they grew up in, Anne and Jerry always sought out opportunities to engage their children in projects that highlight the joy of helping other Jews, both in Israel and America.

Anne and Jerry hold Emunah close to their hearts, and their life story is intertwined with many Emunah projects. When Anne and Jerry were blessed to celebrate their own family smachot, they felt these celebrations were incomplete without their family also facilitating a simcha for others in Israel. When their fifth son was born, they asked their family and friends that all gifts be donated to Emunah. They also established the Birthday Toy Room at Emunah's Bet Elazraki Children Home. Their sons celebrated Hanachat Tefillin ceremonies at the Kotel and had their party at The Appleman Art College, along with Emunah’s children. Their son, Ezra, met his wife, Lilly, while volunteering at Emunah's Bet Elazraki and got engaged at Emunah's Neve Michael Children Home. Ezra also the co-founder of Kol Hanearim, and ran the first cohort of KH at Neve Michael the summer of 2015. Anne and Jerry’s love for Emunah continues with their grandchildren. Most recently, the Gontowniks celebrated the Bnei Mitzvah of three of their grandchildren at Emunah’s Neve Michael Children's Home. Their grandchildren also chose to contribute to Emunah in honor of their simchas.

Anne and Jerry are the proud parents of Shira and Ari, Daniela and Zev, Bellene and Yoni, Jordana and Ranan, Hillel, and Lilly and Ezra. They are the proud grandparents of Netanel, Eliana, Maya, Didi, Abie, Ruthie, Ava, Nora, Sylvia, Jacob, Phila, Jack, Avery, Asher, Mia, and Jean Rose.
Anne and Jerry are grateful to Hashem for the blessings He has bestowed on them and thank their family and friends who join them in supporting Emunah of America.

Elaine Jacobs
Sori and Binyamin Laufer
Aidel and Ephraim Buchwald
Sarah and Menachem Genack
Roni and Yehuda Blinder
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Debby and Bruce Prince
Millie and Larry Magid
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Kozak Family Foundation
Helaine and Jake Harman
Laurie and Harry Szenicer
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Jill and Aaron Katz
Mazal Tov to Anne and Jerry and all of the honorees on this well deserved honor.
In Honor of Anne & Jerry and Careena Parker and Esther Lerer For Their Commitment and Dedication-Sharon Goldwyn
Sandy & Bruce Lilker Sandy & Bruce Lilker
Fraydie and Malcolm Hoenlein
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Arielle & Adam Brenner
Mazel tov to Anne & Jerry on this well-deserved honor!
Sarrah and Yaakov Ottensoser
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Brenda & Darren Blackstein
Bonnie and Brian Gilman
Lily and Peretz Feder
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Chaya and Mark Goldsmith
Chantal and David Ulmer
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Ruthie and Michael Schleider
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Razy and Howie Baruch
Sandra & David Lerer
Please add:
Thank you careena for all hard work!!
Yvonne and Ruben Kuzniecky
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Helen Zelig
In honor of Anne and Jerry Gontownik on the Emunah Founders Award
Sharon and Michael Freudenstein
In honor of Anne and Jerry Gontownik
Gontownik Jordana and Ranan
Miriam & Jamie Skydell
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Bonnie and Michael Orbach
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Elaine and Bob Z"l Jacobs
As the proud parents of Anne and her special husband Jerry Gontownik we are proud that Emunah is honoring them during this trying time in the history of Eretz Yisrael. We take pride in their accomplishments especially how they taught their children to love Israel and The Jewish People.
Fran and Ken Segal
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Phyllis and Walter Berkowitz
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Shari & Maurice Gluckstadt
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Emunah is admirable.
Rose Gerszberg
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Elizabeth and Ronald Krinick Krinick
Mazel Tov to Anne and Jerry on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Emunah and the children in Israel is admirable. May you go from strength to strength.
Liz and Ron Krinick
Jolene and Jack Sutton
Congratulations on receiving the "Founders Award" for your exceptional communirt service. Your tireless commitment and endless dedication has made a profound and positive impact on children and families in need. Thank you teaching the way to emulate "chessed'. We are proud to call you family! with much love, Jolene and Jack Sutton
Carol and Seymour Pinewski
In honor Anne and Jerry Gontownik on this well deserved honor
and Lizzy and Michael Pinewski for all their efforts on behalf on Emunah.
Family Mermelstein
To Ann & Jerry:
A huge mazal tov on this well deserved honor. We salute you on your passion and commitment to Emunah as well as your devotion to the land and the people of Israel. Fran and Bernie Mermelstein
Alise and Robert Boiarsky
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Bruce & Jeanette Peckerman
Vickie & Elliot Shulman
Dear Anne & Jerry,
You two are our role models for community leadership. Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor!
Joyce and Jonny Bendavid
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Emunah is admirable.
Lisa and David Zaslowsky
Mazel Tov to all the honorees. Kol Hacavod to Anne & Jerry for all your work on behalf of Emunah
Ann and Alex Lebowitz
In honor of Anne and Jerry Gontownik
And Estellea’h &Leonard Glass

Pillars of every community they are a part of! We are blessed to have them in our community of Bal Harbour!
Emunah and all of Klal Yisroel benefit from their overwhelming generosity of heart and spirit !
Ann and Alex Lebowitz
Jacqueline and Steven Herman
Adrianna and David Foni
Kimmy and A.j. Warner
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Naomi Klinger
Helena & Marvin Goldstein
Mazal Tov to Anne &Jerry Gontownik for all of their hard work on behalf of Emunah and Klal Yisrael.

In Honor of Leonard Glass & in Memory of Estelle Glass a"h.

Helena & Marvin Goldstein
Ronnie and Albie Faber
Deena and Gilad Ottensoser
Congratulations to all the honorees on this well deserved honor
Hillel Gontownik
Shaindy and Daniel Brothman
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Emunah is admirable.
Roberta and George Klafter
Beth and Ronnie Stern
Evelyn and Shmuel Katz
In honor of Anne and Jerry Gontownik
Valerie and Etan Mirwis
Mazal Tov to Anne and Jerry and Estelle a"h and Lenny Glass on this well deserved honor.
Aimee & Daniel Ciment
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Terri and Andrew Herenstein
In honor of Anne and Jerry Gontownik
Eve and Heshy Feldman
Mazal Tov to our dear friends Anne and Jerry Gontownik. Special hugs to Careena Parker for a wonderful job tonight !
Malky and Jay Spector
In honor of Anne and Gerry Gontownik, for their dedication to Israel, the Jewish people and Emunah.
Adele and Lawrence Diener
In honor of Anne and Jerry Gontownik on this well deserved honor
Tutu Packer
Yaron and Lisa Reich
Sharon and Sol Merkin
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Mindy and Henry Orlinsky
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Reva and Aaron Tokayer
In honor of Anne and Jerry Gontownik
Shani & Aaron Malitzky
Mazel Tov to all the honorees on this wonderful honor! Yasher Koach to the team of professionals and lay leaders at Emunah for your commitment to this important, transformative organization. May you all continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Sharon and Avram Blumenthal
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Rebecca and Jeffrey Singer
Congratulations to the honorees Anne and Jerry for all the wonderful Mitzvot you do!
Judith and Alan Eisenman
Shari and Nathan Lindenbaum
In honor of Anne and Jerry Gontownick
In memory of Florence and Joseph Appleman z'l
Donna and Michael Lazarus
Frieda and Michael Harris

Freida & Michael Harris
In honor of
Anne and Jerry Gontownik 
Recipients of Emunah Founders Award 
and their ceaseless work on behalf of Emunah & Israel. They are so deserving of this recognition.

Mazel Tov Estelle a”h and Leonard Glass
Emunah Legacy Award
& a special warm shout out to the two Nagel sisters
Careena Parker -National President  of Emunah
Esther Lerer - Co-Chair of Emunah Benefit Dinner
And the drive they have for chesed, tzedkah, and good deeds. 
Rachel Wolf and Andrew Borodach Rachel Wolf and Andrew Borodach
Mazal tov to Anne and Jerry Gontownik for this incredibly well-deserved honor. You are true menches!
Thank you to Careena and Drew Parker, Esther and Paul Lerer and Fran and Alan Hirmes for your inspired leadership. We are so grateful to have your amazing friendship in our lives.
Rachel Wolf and Andrew Borodach
Diane and Ron Strobel
Mazal Tov Anne and Jerry on this well deserved honor!
Arlene Silverstein
In honor of Estelle a”h Glass and Congratulations to Anne and Jerry Gontownik
Susan and Mark Wiesen
In honor of our dear friends Estelle a”h and Lenny Glass and Anne and Jerry Gontownik
Abby and Scott Herschmann
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Chani and Seth Chesner
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to all the honorees on this well deserved honor.
Ellen and Morris Bienenfeld
In honor of Estelle a”h and Lenny Glass and Anne and Jerry Gontownik
Betty and Arthur Kay
In honor of Estelle a”h and Lenny Glass and Anne and Jerry Gontownik
Kol HaKavod. May you go from strength to strength
Joyce and Daniel Straus
Our warmest congratulations to our dear friends Anne and Jerry Gontownik on this well deserved.
Arlene and Frederick Horowitz
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Shaynee and Martin Kessler
A hearty Mazal Tov to Estelle a"h and Leonard Glass on receiving the Emunah Legacy award for their unwavering support and commitment to Emunah.
Congratulations to our dear friends Anne and Jerry Gonotownik on receiving the Emunah Founders Award. Your tireless dedication and loyalty to Emunah ensures a "path" determined to succeed in its effort. May you be given the strength to continue in your acts of chesed as you provide a role model and inspiration for future generations. Kol Hakavod!
Shaynee and Marty Kessler
Aaron & Francine Stein
Mazel Tov Anne and Jerry ,Emunah "Founders." We fondly remember when you FOUND our house address to talk about moving to Englewood. We watched our children and now grandchildren grow up here. What a Brocha.
You are such role models for how to work and love for Klal Yisroel.
Meryl and Joey Mark
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Emunah is admirable.
Susan & Kenny Greif
Mazel Tov to our good friends,
Anne & Jerry Gontownik
on this very well deserved honor.
May HaShem bless you and give you strength so you can continue to do all the amazing things you do for Emunah, for Israel and for the Jewish communities at large.
With love,
Susan & Kenny
Rachel Bayme and Daniel Groisser
Mazal Tov to Anne and Jerry
Deborah and Michael Blumenthal
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Rivki & Lindsay Rosenwald
David & Susan Rosenbaum
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Cheryl and Lee Lasher
Amy and Michael Wildes
Sherry & Kenny Friedman

Thalia and Danny Federbush
Rifki Helft Helft
Matilda and Marvin Anhalt
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to all the honorees on this well deserved honor.
Naomi and Howie Berg
With much admiration, we recognize Anne and Jerry Gontownik, for their tireless charitable efforts and steadfast commitment to Israel and the Jewish Community. Their generosity and devotion inspires our family. May they be blessed with continued success in all their endeavors. With much love, your proud friends
Fran and Alan Hirmes
Mazal tov to our dear friends Anne and Jerry on your well-deserved Award! Your commitment to Emunah and strong leadership in Emunah has been an inspiration to all of us. In addition, we owe you a tremendous hakarat hatov for initiating and being the force behing our "On the Path" kidushes and get togethers. These have brought together the entire Bal Harbour community, and we are forever grateful.

To Estelle a"h and Lenny, we wish you a yashar koach for your generosity and support of the children of Emunah. You both have dedicated your lives our children and families, and we are forever grateful.

May Hashem continue to bless all of you and your growing family, and may you continue to have much nachat and joy from your beautiful family!
Barbara and Gilon Irwin
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to all the honorees on this well deserved honor.
Frimmit and Murray Forman
Congratulations Anne and Jerry on a well deserved honor.
We are inspired by all you do on behalf of Klal Yisroel.
Jacalyn and Sidney Adler
Gabriella and Yaron Bareket
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Betty Keller
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Naava and Jeffrey Parker
In honor of our dear friends Anne and Jerry who do so much for Emunah and Klal Yisroel!
In honor of our sister in-law Careena and all those individuals who work so tirelessly on behalf of the children of Emunah.
May you all go from strength to strength.
With Love,
Rama and Reuben Seltzer
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Elana and Rony Oved
Mazal Tov Anne and Jerry
May you continue to go from strength to strength in all you do for Emunah and Klal Yisroel
You are an inspiration to us all.
Deborah and Ezra Feuer Feuer
Mazal Tov to Anne and Jerry on this well deserved honor. You set the bar high with your friendship, acts of chesed and commitment to Eretz Yisrael for all of us to emulate.
Denise and Marc Setton
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Kolatch Family Foundation Kolatch Family Foundation
Mazel Tov to Anne and Jerry Gontownik
May you continue your dedication and commitment to Emunah and the children of Israel.
Amy and Bill Spivak
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to all the honorees on this well deserved honor.
Chani and Shimie Klein Klein
In honor of our friends Ann and Jerry Gontovnik who work tirelessly on behalf of the Jewish people. Kol Hakavod
Shelli & Harvey Dachs
Emunah Brooklyn Region
In Honor of
All Our Most Deserving Honorees.
Harriet Saperstein
Susan Weinstock
Brooklyn Region Vice Presidents
Susan & Bob Kohlhagen
Susan and Steve Goldstein
Toby Parker
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Sue and Steve Basloe
Mazel Tov to Anne and Jerry on this well deserved honor.
Sue and Steve Basloe
Michelle and Joel Orgel
Janet and Sholom Spitz
In honor of our dear friends Anne and Jerry for all of their tireless work on behalf of Am Yisroel and the Jewish community
Janet and Sholom Spitz
Nicole and Jeff Spivak
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Emunah is admirable.
Lisa and Jonathan Schechter
Linda and Mark Gruenbaum
Lenny, You Together with Estelle Z"L, are and will always be, pillars of our community.
May you continue to be an inspiration with your Torah Values and Chesed to all.
Mazal Tov to Anne and Jerry who work tirelessly for Emunah.
Murray and Linda Laulicht
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Cheryl and Eddie Dauber
Fern and Michael Malka
Mazal Tov to Anne and Jerry upon this well deserved honor. Your dedication and continued hard work for Israel sets examples for us all. May you and your family be blessed with the will and strength to continue for many years to come. Fern and Michael Malka
Harriet & Heshe Seif
Mazal Tov to Anne & Jerry on this well deserved honor
Your commitment & dedication to Emunah & to all Jewish causes has been an inspiration to us all
Yasher Koach to Careena Parker & Esther Lerer on your hard work & dedication to Emunah
May you go from strength to strengh
Harriet & Heshe Seif
Linda and Harolf Hoffman
Mazel tov to our dear friends, Anne and Jerry, on this well-deserved honor. Kol ha’kavode
Adrienne and David Greenblatt On the Path
Judy and Michael Levine
Cynthia and Abe Steinberger
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to all the honorees on this well deserved honor.
Lisa & Ari Sugarman
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Charlie and Rachie Moche
Bob & Debbie Hartman
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Hannah-Jean and Bruce Brafman
All the Best to Anne and Jerry! HJ and Bruce
Debbie & Sam Moed
With admiration and love for Anne and Jerry for all they do for Emunah and the Jewish people
Helen and Emmanuel Adler
Fran and Kenny Altman
In honor of all the honorees. And to our dear friends Esther Lerer and Careena Parker. Thanks for your tireless work for this organization.
Naomi and Daniel Feuer
Anne and Jerry Mazal Tov on being honored today.
Your hard work and dedication truly shine. We’re so proud of you. Enjoy this well deserved honor.
Cathy and Allan Weiss
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Emunah is admirable.
Shelley & Ruvan Cohen
Mazal Tov to Anne & Jerry on this recognition

Your example of communal leadership inspires all of us
Your dedication to friendship warms our hearts every day
Your sincere neshamot sustain us and help us and all of Klal Yisroel reach new heights

Shelley & DD
Chani and Jay Kestenbaum and Family
Congratulations to Ann & Jerry
For all the Great Work you do for so many Wonderful Organizations.
And Best Wishes to Debbie Bienenfeld for helping lead Emunah in such Wonderful Work.
Ashley and Judah Charnoff
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Linda & Steven Rothschild
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to all the honorees on this well deserved honor.
Betty Ehrenberg
Mazel tov to Anne and Jerry Gontownik on this well-deserved honor. May you continue to serve the State of Israel and Emunah for many years to come!
Sharon & Gary Hoffman
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Rhonda & Jeff Avner
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Chani and Simon Lichtiger
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Perla and Gerardo Yablonovich
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Roslyn Feder Lipsky and Marvin Lipsky

Mazel Tov to Anne and Jerry Gontownik, deserved recipients of the Emunah Founders Award.

You are wonderful close and treasured friends. You motivate us by example, with your tireless dedication and devotion to Emunah and the Jewish Community at large. You have provided and continue to provide unending service through your participation on endless committees, leadership roles and proactive involvement in activities too lengthy to list.

We are inspired by your strategic vision. You are truly role models for us all.

May you be zoche to go mechayil el chayil ,

Roz Feder Lipsky and Marvin Lipsky

Eda & David Greenbaum
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Emunah is admirable.
Sora & Eli Grunstein
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Lynn and Joel Mael
Faith and Harry Feder Feder, Faith and Harry
Cheryl and Fred Halpern
Evan and Cheryl Borenstein
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Susan and Howard Freundlich
Mazal Tov to Annę and Jerry Gontownik upon receiving this great honor. May Hashem grant you good health and the strength to continue doing your vital and great work.
Hilda & Jeremy Cohen Cohen
Toby and Larry Feder
In Honor of Estelle a”h and Lenny Glass on receiving the Emunah Legacy Award
Toby and Larry Feder
Debra & Scott Korman
Esther and Paul Lerer
Mazel tov
To our dearest friends.
And well deserving Founders Award honorees

Your decades of dedication and leadership to EMUNAH and strong support of advocacy,
Torah values and chesed particularly in Israel have allowed so many worthy institutions to benefit from your good hearts and generosity.

Paul and I admire your dedication and are continuously inspired by your commitment to take action.
We cherish our warm friendship now in its fourth generation between our families.
Each of your kids and spouses have continued this legacy in their own right and we wish you true happiness and nachas from all of them.

We also salute and congratulate
upon receiving the Emunah legacy award.
Your lifelong dedication to the children of EMUNAH speaks volumes of your
beloved Estelle A”H and your combined generous heart for so many Jewish causes.
Best wishes to our wonderful sister CAREENA PARKER , Emunahs fabulous National President for extraodinary success in all she does.

TOGETHER , may we all continue to strengthen Am Yisrael
With great respect and love ,
Bernice Hornblass
Esther and Ben Chouake
Congratulations to our good friends and worthy honorees
Anne & Jersey Gontownik
May Emunah go from strength to strength.
Zahava and Moshael Straus
Mazel Tov to our dear friends, Anne and Jerry on this very well deserved honor.
Mark & Joy Berman
Debra and Martin Hirsch
Mazal Tov on a well-deserved honor! It has been our pleasure to see all the good that you do for our communities in the US and Israel for so many years.
Caron and Michael Strulowitz
In honor Anne Gontownik, Esther Lerer and Careena Parker, three women who work tirelessly for Emunah and for Israel. We are so grateful for everything you do for the Jewish people. May you all go from strength to strength.
Lillian and Moris Tabacinic
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Larry Shemen
In honor of Anne and Gontownik
Shira Jacobs
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Eileen and Steven David
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Susan and Mike Edwards
In honor of Jerry and Anne Gontownik
Nina and John Nanasi
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to all the honorees on this well deserved honor.
Lori and Harry Reidler
Marcelle and Saul Agus
Ilana and Stuart Goldberg
In honor of Anne and Jerry Gontownik
Aviva & Avi Vogel
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor!
It's been about 35 years since we put up your sukkah!
Thanks for being an original client:)
Marion and William Weiss
In honor of Anne and Jerry Gontownik
Mazal Tov and Kol HaKavod for all you do for Emunah and so many other Jewish organizations. You both are such an inspiration to all of us who are privileged to know you.
Amanda and Scott Stiefel
We would like to wish a big Mazel tov to all the honorees on this well deserved honor. We also thank Emunah's amazing staff and generous volunteers (especially President Careena Parker) for the countless effort and time dedicated to Emunah and Israel during these unprecedented times.
Gayle and David Goldman Physical Therapy
Mazel tov to our neighbors Jerry and Anne on this well deserved honor! We are so fortunate to have you in our own Englewood community. May you continue to have the strengh to serve Englewood and the larger Jewish community for many more years to come!
Debbie and Saul Bienenfeld
Trudy and Stanley Stern
Mazel Tov to Jerry and Anne Gontownik on this most deserved honor. Your efforts on behalf of Israel, and Klal Yisroel knows no bounds. Your dedication to family and Community is unmatched. We are so lucky to call you our friends. May you continue your great work ad meah v'esrim in the best of health, always surrounded by your wonderful family. With love and admiration, Trudy and Stanley Stern
Gontownik Family
Gila Alpert
Mazal Tov and best wishes to two deserving couples for their dedication and devotion to Emunah and Am Yisrael.
Avi Posnick Standwithus
Mazal Tov to Anne and Jerry Gontownik on this well deserved honor. You are both true leaders for the Jewish people.
Irene and Robert Gottesman
Evie & Alden Leifer
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Emunah is admirable.
Daniel and Caroline Katz
Anne and Jerry; you are always at the forefront of doing good things for the Jewish community, Israel and so many in need. You are role models for us all. Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.
Caroline and Daniel
Judy & Martin Braun

Rachel and Jacob Best
Mazal Tov to Anne and Jerry Gontownik on this well deserved honor. We are inspired by your dedication to the Jewish community. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

A special thank you to Sophia, Hila, Careena, and all the dedicated members of Emunah. You make it all possible and we are grateful!

With love and admiration,
Rachel and Jacob Best
Nicky Katz
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Iris and Shalom Maidenbaum
Best wishes to our good friends,
Anne and Jerry Gontownik on this well-deserved honor…May you continue all of your good work on behalf of Emunah, Israel and Jewish people everywhere and have continued nachat, I”Y”H from your beautiful family.
In recognition of the Glass Family as well.
Finally, in memory of our dear friend, Pnina Arbesfeld z”l for her generous support and lifelong devotion to the children of Emunah.
Iris and Shalom Maidenbaum and family
Bellene and Yonatan Gontownik
Adrienne and David Greenblatt
A hearty Mazel Tov to Anne and Jerry on this well deserved honor! You are always in the forefront of helping our people.
To our dear friends Careena Parker, Fran Hirmes, Karen Spitalnick and Esther Lerer ...thank you for your tremendous work for Emunah.
Shari & David Shapiro
Mazel Tov to all the inspiring honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and to all our children, brothers and sisters in Israel. ‎יחד ננצח !‎!עם ישראל חי
Sara and Richie Schlussel
Lindsay and Daniel Setton
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Emunah is admirable.
Debra & Jonathan Joels
Mazel tov to Anne & Jerry on this well deserved honor and thank you for all of your continued good work to support the children of Emunah.
Debra & Jonathan Joels
Careena and Drew Parker
With great pleasure and respect, we honor our cherished friends, Anne & Jerry Gontownik, whose exceptional leadership and unwavering support of Emunah continuously inspires our community to be dedicated to its success. Your passion for helping others exemplifies the spirit of your ongoing generosity and kindness.

We salute Estelle a"h & Lenny Glass for your continued generosity and thougthful gifts to help the children of Emunah. This tribute honors Estelle's memory and the lifetime of giving that has been the crown achievement of your lives. May Hashem continue to bless you and your growing family with a lifetime of nachas and celebration.

Because of these families and all of our supporters, countless lives have been touched and changed for the better.
Thank you for your extraordinary contributions and for being a beacon of hope and compassion. We are honored to celebrate you today.

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