Hadar High School is privileged to recognize distinguished honorees as this year's Gala Dinner honorees, Mrs. Ilana Bendel and Dr. Larry & Debra Halperin.  Each honoree exemplifies enthusiastic dedication and resolute commitment to Hadar High School, and to the greater South Florida Jewish community.
(click on photos below to read more about honorees)
Oz V’Hadar Society
Lauren and Daniel Feinberg
Basheva and Murray Goldberg
Hod V’Hadar Society
Daniel and Shoshana Robbin and Family
Sharvit HaZahav
Ari & Rochel Leah Stern
Ateres Zahav
Freyda & Donny Cohen
Shlomo and Chaya Cohen
Rabbi Efrem and Yocheved Goldberg
Carla and Jim Levine
Arthur Solomon
T’cheles V’Chur
Avraham and Chaya Jeremias
Yaakov Kronfeld
Lori and David Moore
Dani and Miriam Oppenheimer
Yechiel and Margo Rosman
Daniel and Ellen Averbook
Liat & Dan Bensimon
Gita and David Galbut , Shari and Ricky Schechter, Robin and Baruch Jacobs and Helene Berkowitz
Boca Jewish Center
Young Israel of Boca Raton
Boca Raton Synagogue
Douglas & Chavi Halperin, Jeremy & Katie Zisholtz, Scott & Ilana Halperin
Toby and Michael Eleff
Weberman Families
Tomer and Shari Haik
Friends of Ilana
Katz Hillel Day School of Boca Raton
Katz Yeshiva High School
Sruly and Penina Landa
Yakov and Rachel Lowinger
Leah and Uri Mond
Lisa Moore
Hadar Class of 2020
Avi and Ahava Oppenheimer
Dale & David Pratt
Jill & Michael Rose
Torah Academy of Boca Raton
Gracy Weberman
Yeshiva Tiferes Torah of Boca Raton
Bier, Greenspoon, Heiman, Rahn, Schlesinger Families
Suri and Meir Blonder
Jill and Ted Deutch
Beth and Jonathan Frieder
Alli and Mordy Goldenberg
Yoni and Sarah Greenwald
Dahlia and Steven Oppenheimer , Ilana and Evan Landau
Marcy Roberts
Benjamin and Donna Tripp
Rejuvinate Counseling /Winograd
Ranan and Rebecca Amster
Yudewitz Family
Leora and Yoel Grunhut
Chaskel & Judy Lipschitz
Jenna and Justin Maio
Dr. Eli and Jamie Oppenheimer
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