Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on your well-deserved awards.
Ira and Mj Sherman
Mazal Tov to our 2024 Gala Honorees
Jackie Blanken, Stewart and Shelley Remer and Toby Holtzman
You have made meaningful contributions to our community for many years. It is because of you that Har Shalom is a wonderful place to be Jewish! 
Our Gala is a culmination of hard work and dedication by our Gala Host Committee members, subcommittee co-chairs and volunteers. Our lay leaders, clergy and professional staff have curated the vision to celebrate our well-deserved honorees and our Har Shalom community. 
A special thank you to my co-chair Ryan Munitz. I am so thankful for the opportunity to work alongside you. Ryan's inspiring leadership, dedication, and collaboration have been invaluable to the Gala's success. I look forward to years of friendship and watching her become part of Har Shalom's future.
Mikki and Jeffery Ashin
Mazel Tov to our darling daughter, JACKIE
We are so very proud of you!
Congratulations Toby, Stewart, and Shelley
on your well-deserved honors
Thank you for your significant involvement in HAR SHALOM
and your contributions to such an extraordinary and meaningful place in our lives!
Bob and Wendy Rosenblatt
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on your well-deserved awards.
Jackie and Len Haynes
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on your well-deserved awards.
Susan and Robert Bodansky
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on your well-deserved awards.
Phyllis and David Coburn
Mazel tov to all well deserved honorees:
Toby Holtzman, The Remers and Jackie Blanken
Thank you to both Mikki Ashin and Ryan Munitz as
co-chairs for your dedication and many hours
of hard work towards making this Gala
so spectacular!
Leslie and John Friedson and Family
Richard and Linda Isen
congratulate this year's
honorees for their dedication
to Har Shalom.
Richard and Linda Isen
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on your well-deserved awards.
Joan Levenson
Mazel tov to the honorees on your well-deserved awards!
Your leadership and dedication to Har Shalom is so admirable and
inspiring to us all!
Thank you to everyone, our Gala and Host committees and our
staff, clergy, and lay leaders, who have so generously dedicated
their time and energy to making this such a special evening for
the Har Shalom community. And the most heartfelt thank you to Mikki Ashin: the success of this evening is a true testament to your creativity, generosity, and love for Har Shalom. You are, simply put, a fabulous person, and I am so thankful that this event has brought us together.
Adam and Ryan Munitz
Our heartfelt Mazel Tov to Toby, Stewart and
Shelley, and Jackie.
The commitment, passion and boundless energy
you give is an inspiration to us all.
A well-deserved thank you to Mikki and Ryan
for their time and dedication leading this
wonderful event, and bringing the Har Shalom
community together for a memorable evening.
Sandie and Lowell Satler
Mazel Tov to Congregation
Har Shalom.
Rose and Dan Shames
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on your well-deserved awards.
Kim & Rob Stien
Andrea Boyarsky-Maisel and Harvey Maisel
Rachel & Joe Katz
Laurie & Randy May
Jeffrey & Patricia Rubin
Shelah and Sheldon Landsman
The Rigamonti - Saguato Family
The Steinborns
Rita & Barry Wertlieb
Mazel Tov to the distinguished honorees!
I am so grateful for all that you do for
Har Shalom.
Judy Abrams
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Jeffery Ashin*
Christian, Ashin & Brown, PC
Congratulates Toby Holtzman, Stewart and Shelley Remer, and Jackie Blanken as the 2024 Har Shalom Gala Honorees.
Thank you for all you do for our community.
Your examples are inspiring!
Christian, Ashin & Brown, PC: Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Auto, and Work-related Injuries
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*recognized by: National Trial Lawyers Top 100, American Institute of Personal Injury Attorneys Ten Best of Maryland, Martindale Hubbell - Very High Rating in both Legal Ability and Ethical Standards
Christian, Ashin & Brown, PC
Stewart and Shelley:
Karen and I are very sorry we can't be here for this wonderful event.
Your dedication to Judaism, Har Shalom, Charity, and
Humanitarianism is a paradigm for all of us.
Stewart, our 60-year friendship has always meant a lot to me, but
never so rewarding as the last 18 years we have spent together as
co-producers for the Har Shalom Players.
Our guests tonight should know that the Har Shalom Players could
not have existed without you. Another lasting legacy.
Stewart and Shelley-enjoy your well-deserved recognition for so
many jobs so well done.
Ken and Karen Lechter
Mazel tov to our stellar leaders:
Toby, Shelley and Stewart, and Jackie
We appreciate all you have done to keep the
Har Shalom community vibrant!
May you all be blessed with good health
and happiness.
Joy and Ron Paul
Mazel Tov to Mom and Dad (Bubby and Poppy)!
We are proud and delighted to celebrate in
your many wonderful accomplishments!
Wishing Toby Holtzman and Jackie Blanken a
hearty Mazel Tov!
Thank you to both Mikki Ashin and Ryan Munitz
as co-chairs for their dedication and hard
work in leading this fabulous event!
Marci, Eric, Jack, Paige, Ari, Noah and Blake, Jodi, Brady and Jackson Skigen and Remer Families
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on your well-deserved awards.
Jennifer, David, Sidney, Sabrina and Sylvia Stier
They say it takes a village-and what a village we have.
We are so grateful to the members of the Gala and Host Committees
who have spent countless hours planning, brainstorming,
decorating, menu planning, fundraising, publicizing...the list
goes on!
Above all else, we thank you for your dedication to making the
Gala such a wonderful and memorable evening for our community.
A special thank you to our subcommittee co-chairs: Alycia Bar-Av,
Jeff Ashin, Ellen Balfour, Alex Band, Mara and Larry Bier, Eileen
Feldman, Melanie Olds, and Wendy Rosenblatt.
We couldn't have done it without your leadership and
incredible contributions.
Mikki Ashin and Ryan Munitz
This evening would not have been possible without the hard work of the Har Shalom clergy, staff, and lay leaders. From our initial concept meetings to helping to execute all of the fine details, this incomparable team did it all, and we could not have had the privilege of working with a better group of people.
A special thank you to:
Rabbi Raskin and Rabbi Simmons, you are the foundation of our spiritual home, and we thank you for everything you give, each and every day, to our community.
Aimee, your insights and ideas were invaluable, and we are so grateful for your contributions to the success of the Gala.
Carly and Dena, the amount of work that you both handled behind the scenes to make this event so successful is absolutely incredible. We will certainly miss our meetings in the Hospitality Suite: in addition to being so productive, they were, most of all, filled with lots of laughs and fun.
Last but certainly not least, each and every member of the Har Shalom staff helped to make the Gala the beautiful event that it is.
Mikki Ashin and Ryan Munitz
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on your well-deserved awards.
Jillian, Brad, Farryn & Seth Bernstein

Anne Weiss and Joseph Schwartz
Shelley and Stew Remer
as Pillars of the Community
Mazel Tov!
Devoted to our community;
proud to call you friends.
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
on your well-deserved awards.
Jack & Jill Dembowitz

Congratulations Gaga/Mom - we are so proud of you!
Love, Rebecca, Kerynn, Charley, Oliver, Jax, Irene & Edwin
Family of Toby Holtzman

B"H Great honor for terrific long
time friends. To more nachus together.
Hannah & Alan Fisher; also Musetta Katz-Fisher
Mazel tov to the honorees and
to Har Shalom!
From proud members
Paul and Andrea Lewis

Mazel Tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved awards.
Men's Club at Har Shalom

Mazel Tov to the honorees and the Gala organizers!
We are all blessed to be part of the Har Shalom community.
Margaret & Ron Myers
Mazel Tov to the Honorees and to our wonderful shul.
May we continue to go from strength to strength!
Rabbi Adam & Sari Raskin

Kol Hakavod to our Honorees! Mickey & Robin
Law Office of Maurice I. Burstein, your personal injury lawyer. We care!

Jackie: Congratulations on your well deserved recognition and honor of the service you have provided to the synagogue and the Jewish community. Mazel Tov.
With Love from your family: Lauren, Hazel, Ari, Suzanna, David, Gavin, Jacob, Kelley, Josh, Aunt Meri and Uncle Steve
Mazel Tov to Toby, Stew, Shelley and Jackie on each of
your special honors from Congregation Har Shalom.
Sorell Schwartz

THE HAR SHALOM SISTERHOOD salutes the honorees for all of their contributions to our community. TOBY B. HOLTZMAN, a Sisterhood Past President and a WLCJ's International Vice President, who embodies the spirit of our Sisterhood with ruach and meaningful insights; STEWART AND SHELLEY REMER for their numerous contributions to our Synagogue over the years and Shelley's involvement with Sisterhood; and JACKIE BLANKEN for her involvement and leadership in so many Har Shalom programs.

Mazal tov to our wonderful honorees.
Thank you for all you do for Har Shalom.
Bob and Laurie Sunshine
Barbara and David Cypes
Rick and Julie Elion
Garden of Remembrance (Gan Zikaron) Memorial Park
Daniel & Cathy Hodin
Dennis and Ilene Kiefer
Sheila & Don Moldover
Sue & Jim Rosenstock Midanek
Judy and Joel Rubinstein
Jodi & Peter Susser
Kevin and Marsha Teichman