To our dear lifelong friends
Beth and Marty Ours is a friendship borne out of shared love of
choral singing and Zamir.
Your support of the ZCF over these
past decades is immeasurable.
Mazal Tov on an honor so well-deserved. Love and appreciation to Vivian and Matthew May your leadership keep Jewish voices ringing strong! Sherry Epstein Stein and Henry Stein Emerald
A huge Mazal Tov to our friends,
fellow board members and fellow singers,
Marty and Beth,
who bring their professionalism, devotion, creativity and artistry to all we do together for Zamir.
Thank you for everything you do for this noble endeavor and may we always make harmony together.
With great fondness,
Elena and Jay
Mazal Tov to the HaZamir Singers & Conductors who bring their energy and talent to the Carnegie Hall stage!
Congratulations to the Zamir Choral Foundation leadership for creating this musical youth movement and growing the next generation of leaders through connection to Israel, Jewish text and music. Thank you to our dear friends and Concert Chairs,
Sherry & Henry Stein, for their commitment to this mission.
Our deep appreciation to all of the sponsors, donors, concert attendees, and all the parents and local chapter leaders, without whom this wonderful event would not be possible. Yachad Na'amod Beth & Marty Aron Sapphire
Mazal Tov to
Beth and Marty Aron for
decades of devotion to Israel, and
the Zamir Choral Foundation and its
mission of excellence!
Carol Weinflash Kopelman and
Michael Kopelman
Mazal Tov to
Beth and Marty Aron
for decades of devotion to Israel, and
the Zamir Choral Foundation
and its mission of excellence!
Elliot and Rena Steigman
Mazal Tov to the honorees.
May you go from strength
to strength. Cheryl and Dan Troy
Mazal Tov to all of HaZamir on another
wonderful concert.
A shout out to the entire Manhattan Chapter
and to Shachar for all your hard work.
Thank you to Vivian and Mati for all your dedication.
We are so proud of you Emma.
We love you so much!
Mommy, Daddy, Haddie, Zaydie, Bubbie,
Aunt Bibi and Uncle Lenny
Kol hakavod to Beth & Marty Aron for their exceptional leadership of the Zamir Choral Foundation for so many years and their extraordinary musical talents as leaders of the
Zamir Chorale for so many years.
As always, we are in awe of HaZamir which has flourished under Vivian Lazar's visionary leadership.
We continue to be blessed with the presence of the
one and only Maestro Mati Lazar
at the helm of our spectacular Zamir community.
Dr. Hugh & Martha Pollack
We enthusiastically join the Zamir Choral Foundation in
celebrating our dear, multifaceted, dedicated, talented, and radiant friends, Beth and Marty Aron.
Thank you for tirelessly championing intergenerational Jewish
musical excellence and for warmly welcoming
so many into the ZCF family.
May you continue to find joy in the community that you have built
together with Mati, Vivian, and all those who devotedly sing for the future of the Jewish people,
in Israel and throughout the diaspora.
Roytberg Traum Law and Mediation, P.C.
Kol HaKavod to
Beth and Marty
for your extraordinary contributions to the
Zamir Choral Foundation
and your devotion to Israel.
Your passion and vision for HaZamir are
an inspiration to us all!
With deep gratitude, respect and admiration,
Erika and Lew Schon
Yascher Koach to
Mati & Vivian
for Creating and Nuturing the HaZamir
Mark & Minna Seitelman
Mazal Tov to Beth and Marty Aron for receiving the well-deserved Kinor David award And to this year's HaZamir Concert Chairs - If not for Zamir, we wouldn't be here! Love, Barry and Michelle Stein & family Alyssa and Marc Dannenberg & family Silver
Mazal Tov to my dear friends
Beth and Marty Aron -
this year's Kinor David award could not
be more well-deserved!
I am ever grateful to Zamir for being the
enabler for our 40+ year friendship!
Thank you Vivian and the national office staff for
your tireless efforts and unflagging commitment to HaZamir.
And of course thank you Mati, for your vision,
passion and unsurpassed musicianship, and for all you provide to the Jewish choral world. Freddie Brooks
Mazal tov to Beth and Marty!
This honor is so well-deserved!
Thank you for all that you do and have done for the
Zamir Choral Foundation for so many years!
Thank you to Sherry and Henry for
chairing this Gala Concert!
Mazal tov to Vivian and Mati for
another spectacular year for HaZamir!
Bobbie Sue Daitch and David Landau
Mazal Tov to Beth and Marty Aron and our dear friends Sherry and Henry Stein for decades of devotion to Israel, the Zamir Choral Foundation and its mission of excellence! Robin and Brad Klatt
We are proud to support HaZamir!
In honor of our dear friends
Sherry and Henry Stein and
Beth and Marty Aron!
May you continue to go
from strength to strength promoting
Jewish continuity via beautiful Jewish music!
Alice and Jacob Klein
A huge Mazel Tov to all of the HaZa teens,
especially the graduating seniors!
It's been a wonderful 4 years and
we wish you all lots of success in your future!
Thanks to Vivian, Mati and the entire HaZamir team
for all that you do!
Accolades to Marsha, for leading the BESTchester chapter
and inspiring our kids - we will miss you next year!
Special congrats to Ava and the teen leaders
and Gabi and the chamber choir!
Lisa & Mark Schneider
Mazal Tov to
Beth and Marty
Abby and Denny Waldman
Mazal Tov
to all the
HaZamir conductors
for your dedication!
RabbiCantor Dr. Vicki L. Axe
Mazal Tov to
Beth and Marty Aron
for decades of devotion to Israel, and
the Zamir Choral Foundation and
its mission of excellence!
Cheryl and Eddie Dauber
Mazal Tov
to all the
HaZamir conductors
for your dedication!
Erica Goldman and Jeff Druckman
Thank you HaZamir,
for giving my child a
strong Jewish, musical and
Israel education. Avery Grauer
Mazal Tov to
Beth and Marty Aron
for decades of devotion to Israel, and the
Zamir Choral Foundation
and its mission of excellence!
Bat Sheva and Murray Halpern
Thank you to the honorees,
to Mati and Vivian, and
all the conductors for perpetuating
Jewish values through Music.
Inge and Phillip Horowitz Philanthropic Fund
Beth & Marty,
טוב זמרה אלקינו
(Ps. 147:1)
What a blessing you have brought
to many by making this central
to your life together!
Love, Dad
Mazal Tov
Beth and Marty!
James Johnson
Mazal Tov to
Beth and Marty,
two wonderful friends and invaluable members of the
Zamir Choral Foundation community,
thank you,
Henry and Sherry,
for your stalwart support of the Foundation-
and our long and precious friendship!
Robin and Gerry Skolnik
Marty & Beth:
In gratitude for your friendship and contributions to the performing arts, we share this poem by Siegfried Sassoon written at a time of world upheaval. Take heart in knowing 'your singing will never be done'.
"Everyone Sang"
By Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967)
Everyone suddenly burst out singing; And I was filled with such delight
As prisoned birds must find in freedom, Winging wildly across the white
Orchards and dark-green fields; on - on - and out of sight.
Everyone's voice was suddenly lifted; And beauty came like the setting sun:
My heart was shaken with tears; and horror Drifted away ...
O, but Everyone Was a bird; and the song was wordless;
the singing will never be done.
Mark Troen & Charles Surber
We're excited to support HaZamir
שלום והצלחה רבה
Freda Rosenfeld and Hillel Wallick
Mazel tov to Lev on your
last year of HaZamir, and
thank you to Erika Schon for
11 years of
conducting our children!
May the music continue.
Debbie Steinig and Jason Eisner
Mazal Tov
on being this year's
Kinor David Award recipients
from the
Zamir Choral Foundation!
May you go from strength to strength.
Much Love,
Jonathan Funk & John Arnold
Mazal Tov to our friends
Beth & Marty Aron!!
You are more than deserving of this
wonderful honor!!
We feel honored to have sung with you in
Zamir all these years!!
HaZak HaZak v'nit Hazek!!!
Cheryl and Bill Gross
Mazel Tov
Stacie, Jessica and all
HaZamir alumni.
Thank you HaZamir for
keeping the music alive!
Brett & Margie Kerbel
Mazel Tov to our daughter,
Dani Glachman,
and all of the HaZamir staff on another
successful Festival & Gala Concert!
Ellen & Scott Paticoff
Mazal Tov to
Beth and Marty Aron
for decades of devotion to Israel, and
the Zamir Choral Foundation and
its mission of excellence!
Susan Sangillo Bellifemine and
Dominic Bellifemine
Susan Sangillo Bellifemine, LLC
Mazel Tov to our sister alto,
Beth Aron,
on being honored along with Marty as this year's
Kinor David Award recipients!
Thank you for your lifelong commitment to
Israel, to the Zamir Choral Foundation, the Zamir Chorale, and HaZamir.
It's always a joy to sing with you, and we
look forward to making music together for many years to come!
Altos of the Zamir Chorale
Half Page
Mazal tov to Beth & Marty, Henry & Sherry, Mati, Vivian and everyone involved with HaZamir! Cantor Nancy Abramson & Mitch Glenn
Thank you HaZamir, for giving my child a strong Jewish, musical and Israel education. Judith and Rabbi Seth Adelson
Half Page
Mazal tov, Beth and Marty, on this well-deserved honor And Yasher Koach to Vivian and Mati Lazar for your inspirational leadership Marsha Bryan Edelman
- Dianne and Marty Newman Judy and Sam Greenblatt Half Page
Mazal Tov to Beth and Marty Aron for decades of devotion to Israel, and the Zamir Choral Foundation and its mission of excellence! Alan Septimus
Half Page
Tribute Listing
Congrats to Julian Chin, Dina Garfinkel, Lila Garfinkel and to all of HaZamir Brooklyn - you ROCK! - Freddie Brooks Thank you, Beth & Marty, Sherry & Henry for all you've done for Israel and ZCF! Sasha Spielvogel and David Burger Congratulations to Vivian & Mati for HaZamir's continued success. Shira and Danny Chamovitz
For the music and the connection, thank you HaZamir and congratulations, Jacob! Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, Natanel Tribute Listing
Congratulations to our wonderful grandchildren, Lily and Aaron LeSchack! Arlyne and Peter LeSchack Mazal Tov to Beth and Marty for lending their beautiful voices and support to the Zamir Choral Foundation! The Novack Family! Congratulations to all of the conductors and singers! Marion and Josh Panas
Thank you to HaZamir for keeping the music flowing - L'dor V'dor - from generation to generation. The Brodsky and Kimmel Families Name Listing
Dr. Olga and Andrew Kagan
Alisa and Jeffrey Kigner
Carol Kozak and Seth Ward