Event Details
Sunday, June 21st, 2020
29 Sivan 5780
8:30pm – Virtual Dinner
Rabbi Menachem and Sarah Genack - Grandparents of the Year
Dr. Jonathan and Dr. Aliza Frohilich - Parents of the Year
Rozehzadeh Bais Medrash Dedication in Memory of Dovid Rozehzadeh, a"h
Binyamin Senter - Alumnus of the Year
Honoring the Efforts of All of Our Rebbeim and Faculty During Covid-19
Master of Ceremonies:
Nachum Segal, world renowned Jewish radio personality
Featured speakers to include:
Heichal Grandparent HaRav Mordechai Willig, Rosh Yeshiva, YU and NJ Governor, the honorable Phil Murphy
Featured Musicians to include:
Yoni Z and Baruch Levine
A link to the virtual dinner will be provided shortly before the event. All local donors who contribute $1000 or more, will receive a package delivered to their home before the dinner.
E-Journal deadline – June 15, 2020  
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