Saluting Ohel’s Team of Direct Support Professionals
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Hinde Wein
Laurie and Harry Szenicer Szenicer
Debbie and Avi Fox
Rikki and Dov Eisner
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Dreifus
Yisroel Ruck
Rachel Sacknovitz
Naomi and Steven Levinson
Andrew and Tamar Sicklick
Phil and Valerie Philip Harris
Ben and Devora Litwin
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to the honorees on their well-deserved honors.
Tziri Lamm and Family
Yitzie and Bryndie Fogel
Yosef and Rivka Gesser Yosef Gesser
Avi & Breindy Siegel
Leora and Marshall Blank
In honor of all the hard working staff at Ohel. Special shoutout to the Geriatrics Department and Preventative Care Unit!
Marla Turk
Miriam Simon
Esta and Mordechai Adelman
Miri and Pinky Friedman
In Honor of Shani and Dov ,

You are true role models for our community. Keep up the great work!

In honor of Toby and Yoily,

No better people to represent this special honor. Your daily acts of chessed are tremendous in our community are truly inspiring. Thank you for all you do!

In Honor of Brother Jeff and Sister Tomi!

You guys are awesome!
Keep up the great work!!

In honor of David Mandel,

Cousin David. Your work is incredible. Thanks for all you do!

Miri and Pinky Friedman
Yael and Ben Englander
Mazel Tov Libby and Shloime on this well-deserved honor. It has been a pleasure working alongside you for all these years on behalf of the children and families of Ohel. May you go
מחיל אל חיל
Yael and Ben Englander
Rodney Javidnia
Goldy and Moshe Kahn
In honor of Dr. David Mandel
A true leader.
Heshy and Miriam Schwartz
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to the honorees on their well-deserved honors.
Adam Lancer Ohel Children's Home and Family Services, Inc.
Congratulations to all of the honorees and thank you for your support of the Agency's important work.

A particular thank you to all of the Direct Support Professionals for your dedication, sacrifice and tireless efforts on behalf of the thousands of clients that are served. It is an honor to work with you.

Adam and Dina Lancer
Reva Singer
Tzivy Reiter
Frances Radin
Rivka & Shlomo Wilamowsky
Hillel, Ellen, Aliza, Naomi, Shoshana Hillel & Ellen Sternstein Family of Ohel and Great Neck Synagogue
Rabbi Richard and Lois Bieler
In Honor of

Libby and Shloime Dachs
Adina Lewis and Lawrence Garbuz
Mel Zachter, Jay Kestenbaum, Moishe Hellman,
Lawrence Gabe, David Mandel
and the Professional Staff of
OHEL, Bais Ezra and the Lifetime Care Foundation

You Turn
Despair into Hope
Sadness into Happiness
and Help The Children and Adults of OHEL
Discover the Beauty and Warmth of a Loving Family
רפואה שלימה
מרים בת שרה רחל בתוך שאר חולי ישראל

Rabbi Richard and Lois Bieler
Chaim & Penny (thanks To Robert & Hindi Mizrahi Who Introduced Us To Such A Wonderful Organization) Waldman
Norman Blumenthal
In honor of our super talented daughter Shana Blisko for all your hard tireless work during a very challenging year. We are proud of you!
MAZEL TOV to the Honorees as well
Matis and Ronit Blisko
Moshe & Michal Horowitz
With admiration for, and in honor and recognition of, Harriet Blank LCSW, Director of OHEL Geriatric Services, for her tireless, dedicated and consistent efforts on behalf of the seniors in our community. It is an honor and privilege to know Harriet and to work with her in her endeavors.
Michal Horowitz
Ahuva Katz
Samuel & Sarah Bergman
Heshy & Ruchie Langner
In recognition of the wonderful work
Tzipora Langner does at Ohel
Your very proud parents
Heshy & Ruchie Langner
Wallace and Ronni Greene
Donny & Tamar Miller Miller Realty, Inc.
In dedication to Marc Katz, A'H, COO of Ohel who was niftar 1 year ago. He will never be forgotten by the Ohel Family, his friends and family. Yehi Zichro Baruch!
Mindy Weinblatt
Alvin and Barbara Greengart and Family
In honor of our dear friends Phyllis and Mel Zachter for all their efforts on behalf of klal Yisrael.
Barbara and Alvin Greengart and family
Harry Pfeffer
Schohl, Howard
Mindy and Alan Peyser
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to the honorees on their well-deserved honors.
Congratulations to all the honorees. May you continue to be an inspiration to all.
Yehuda and Mindy Zachter
Henry and Golda Reena Rothman
In Honor of Tonight's Dinner Honorees and the magnificent,significant work of Mel Zachter and Ohel

Henry and Golda Reena Rothman
Leyna and Steven Mann
Charlotte and Benjamin Veit
In honor of our friends Rivka and Avrohom Krull
Hefter Dermatology
In Honor of
Tobi & Yoeli Steinberg
And the Gourmet Glatt Family
for all their dedication, chessed and charitable support

and in honor of
Libby & Shloime Dachs
(Shloime – Thank you for Musically enhancing Simchas and being a great guy)

And to all the Worthy Honorees
& to all who help and support OHEL. an Amazing organization.

Eva and Harold Hefter
Medical, Cosmetic & Surgical Dermatology
Lawrence, NY

Shalom Feinberg
Mazel tov to all the Honorees

And Yasher Koach, as well to all the other caring and dedicated members of Ohel

Maier Feinberg,
Shalom and Karyn Feinberg,
Avi and Leah Feinberg
Ephraim Jacobson
Saul & Marlene Landa
Thank you for the remarkable things you do for our children and your ultimate devotion to their care.
David Rosenbaum
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to the honorees on their well-deserved honors.
David & Esther Shurin
In honor of our good friends Dave & Susan Mandel and David Jacobson
Susan Hollander - Englard
Mr Joel Levin & Mrs Noelle Albanese-Levin
Brian and Ilana Lipman
With much gratitude to Hashem and to all those who work tirelessly with our loved ones .You are true angels .
Mazeltov to the honorees .

Brian and Ilana Lipman
Moti & Halina Schwartz
Congratulations to all the honorees. May you continue to be an inspiration to all.
Susan & Izzy Kaufman
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to the honorees on their well-deserved honors.
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