George & Lisa Lintz
We have been blessed to be a part of the Shaarey Zedek community for over 32 years. Having wonderful memories of spending many Shabbosos in North Hollywood in our younger years, we knew that this was the place for us to raise our family. Over the years, we continue to be amazed by the growth of the community with Shaarey Zedek at the core. We now have a Shul to be so proud of for offering multiple minyanim, inspiring shiurim and scholars-in-residence, amazing children’s groups, as well as fun social functions under the leadership of our Marah D’Asrah, Rabbi Rosenberg and his Rebbetzin, Aviva.
We were privileged to have both been raised by parents who valued Jewish education and community life. At Shaarey Zedek we found wonderful friendships and opportunities to serve in various capacities within the Shul. We are so impressed by the amazing warmth of our community and the constant outpouring of giving and chesed, celebrating joyous events as well as sad ones. The Shaarey Zedek community was an ideal environment in which to raise our children, surrounded by warmth and Jewish values.
We are proud to be part of a community dedicated to the growth of Torah ideals. We thank all the many members of our Shul who work so hard to make it all happen. We are humbled and honored to be part of this Banquet. As you know, we will be moving to Boca Raton this summer to live closer to our children. We and our children will treasure our memories of our many years in this community. We thank you all for everything you have given us. We are so blessed to be members of this wonderful Shul.
We have much gratitude to Hashem for blessing us with these years in the community. May Hashem continue to bless Shaarey Zedek with Hatzlacha and Bracha for years to come.
George & Lisa Lintz
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