~ Special Recognition ~
Naomi Shakhman, Preschool Director 
We are thrilled to recognize the tremendous leadership and dedication of Naomi Shakhman. For two years, as the pandemic raged, Naomi navigated the unchartered waters of COVID protocols, child care licensing, and San Diego County regulations, and successfully kept the Hebrew Day Preschool open for students.
A Hebrew Day Alum, Naomi fondly remembers the warmth, connection and positivity she experienced as a student and knew she wanted her children to have a similar Hebrew Day experience. Naomi’s love of Judaism and Israel was fostered while a student, and carries over to her work as Director of the Preschool.
Naomi serves on the Hebrew Day COVID Task Force, led by Dr. Abraham Broudy, and is a member of the San Diego Jewish Preschool Directors Group. 
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