Mazal Tov to these recognized Women of Valor
Eileen (of the professional voice)
Over the years you have proven that one can be
You are so worthy of honor....
Kol HaKavod
With affection,
Erika and Ken Witover
*Sweet and Strong at the same time
The Parent Association
would like to congratulate
all the amazing honorees
this year, especially
Andrea Bitton!
Thank you for showing up for Schechter
time and time again!
Mazel Tov!
When we speak of a Woman of Valor
it is usually a family member.
How lucky it is for the Schechter School of Long Island to honor five women who exemplify through their
caring, understanding, and philanthropy
how a Jewish Day School education enhances the lives of
our children and will resonate for years to come.
Congratulations to Andrea, Charlotte, Estera, and Gloria. With a special thank you to Eileen Bohrer. Diane and Howard Wohl Oma, Thank You For All You Do For Us. You Are The Best! Love you, Nathanel, Noa, Paulina, Zoe, Isabella,
Joshua, Gabriel, Raphael
Estera - Thank you for always being there for us and
for making Schechter a priority
Andrea - Thank you for everything you do
to make Schehcter a home for our children
Charlotte - Your friendship and years of dedication to Schechter
and Jewish education are appreciated by all of us
Eileen - Thank you for all your tireless work
and always looking out for our children
Gloria - Thank you for your continued support to our school
Thank you to all the honorees for
always standing up for Schechter!
Dalia Lisker and Ari Jurmann
through your constant devotion to your
children and grand-children,
you truly exemplify these ancient words of King Solomon, you truly are an אשת חיל!
May you continue from strength to strength
Axel, Galia and Family
Mazal Tov to All My Fellow Honorees.
Thank You All For Your Commitment
to Jewish Education and Investing in the
Leaders of the Next Generation.
Estera Stawski and Abi Wrobel
Congratulations to
all the honorees
Eileen - thank you
for so many years of dedicated service to our beloved school With my very best wishes to all, Shoshanna Wingate
Mazal Tov to the 2022 Schechter Gala Honorees
Woman of Valor
Charlotte Balsam
Andrea Bitton Gloria Kaylie Estera Stawski Keter Shem Tov Award Eileen Bohrer
Thank you for everything you do
for our school and the Jewish community
Ellen and Jay Steinberg
Mazel Tov to my fellow Honorees "True Women of Valor"
Gloria Kaylie, my longtime friend, Andrea Bitton, Eileen Bohrer, and Estera Stawski. We should continue to schep nachas from our children and grandchildren. Thank you to the faculty, administration and staff of the Schechter School of Long Island for giving my grandchildren Ariel '15, Sara '17 and Noah '20 the best education in a loving, supportive and caring environment. My husband Philip z"l and I support the Jewish tradition of learning. We support Schechter because we have seen the superb education, friendships and overall community our children and grandchildren have been blessed with. I am so proud of all the contributions Ira and Sheri have given to Schechter; they too understand the importance of a Jewish education. Thank you to the Gala Committee for all your hard work to make this gala a huge success. Charlotte Balsam (a.k.a. Safta)
Mazel Tov to this Year's Honorees!
Mom - Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. We are so proud that you are being recognized for your years of devotion to Schechter. You are our אשת חיל and Safta Extraordinaire and we love you so much! Safta - You have always been a tremendous role model. We are so proud that you are being honored at Schechter. You've been to it all (multiple times); graduations, grandparents days, plays, ceremonies, sporting events, we can go on and on...
Thank you for always showing up for us and Schechter.
We love you! Ariel, Sara and Noah. Andrea Bitton - You are Schechter's most reliable and dedicated volunteer. Thank you for all you do for our school. Eileen Bohrer - Schechter has benefited from your years of hard work and dedication above and beyond the call of duty. It has always been a pleasure working with you. Gloria Kaylie - Your contribution to the Jewish community is unrivaled. We truly cherish the friendship our families have had for over 60 years. Thank you for supporting our Schechter. Estera "Oma" Stawski - Thank you for your support of Schechter. Spending time together over the holidays are memories we will always cherish. Sheri and Ira Balsam Ariel '15, Sara'17 and Noah '20
A small dedication for all of your
hard work and commitment to the
Schechter School of Long Island and the
Jewish Community of Long Island.
Thank you!
Lewis Broad & Family
Yasher Koach to all of tonight's Women of Valor
who have each served as leaders in our community
and made significant contributions to our school.
A special shout out to our
Eileen Bohrer
On receiving the Keter Shem Tov Award
Eileen, you make us all feel special and you remember everyone's story,
You work tirelessly to support Jewish causes and at times you make the
impossible possible. You are an Eshet Chayil
"a priceless find, A treasure more precious than pearls".
Optimistic and kind, wise yet playful
How lucky we have been to have you work so hard
on behalf of your community.
With much admiration and appreciation
Mazel Tov
Tina & Paul Rotstein
Mazal Tov to all of the amazing
Gala Honoree Women!
We are in awe of how selflessly you have given
of yourselves for your families,
for the Jewish community and for Schechter.
You are the very meaning of the phrase
"Eishet Chayel," Women of Valor.
You are wonderful role models and
we all strive to be like you!
Thank you!!
Janet, Albert, Julia & Ben Hakim
To all of the VERY deserving Women of Valor
Indeed what you each have brought
to Schechter Long Island
is immeasurable and very appreciated.
Judy & Rob Hirsch
Josh (2003), Jenny, Miles & Lyla Sigal (2007),
Sarah (2011) and Max (2015)
A very hearty Mazal Tov to all the Honorees.
Each and every one of you are deserving of this honor.
A special shout-out to Eileen Bohrer for all
of your compassion, hard work, and dedication to our children and the Schechter community.
Manda and Lenny Kristal Ariella (2009),
Danielle (2011) and Alex (2017)
To All The Wonderful Women of Valor: Mazel Tov!
We Wish You Good Health And Happiness Always
May Hashem Bless You and Guard You
May Hashem Shine His Countenance Upon You
And Be Gracious To You
May Hashem Bless You With A Lifetime Of Peace
Michele, Steven & Sarah Moscovitz Sylvie & Max Librach Michele, Steven and Sarah Moscovitz, and Sylvie and Max Librach
We wish a congratulations to all of the
amazing honorees.
We are proud and honored to have them as
members of our Schechter community.
Laleh and Anton Mourtil
Mazal tov to all the honorees!
Thank you for
all you are doing for
our school and community.
Julie and Jeff Shlefstein
Joshua (2019), Rachel (2021)
and Sarah (2026)
A special Mazel Tov to
Charlotte Balsam,
a truly remarkable woman
Paul and Reva Gajer
Mazal Tov to
all our 2022 Schechter Gala Honorees
Thank you for your dedication
to our school and to Jewish education
Vicki & Arthur Perler
Congratulations to this year's honorees, and
the entire Schechter Long Island "family"
including Dr. Sokol, the administrative team, our teachers, and our amazing students,
as well as our volunteer Board of Trustees and
other supporters for another
remarkable year in very challenging times.
SSLI is so important to all of us,
and the effort of everyone is so crucial to our success.
That is exactly what makes SSLI great.
Beth and Jeff Steinberg
Mazel Tov to the Honorees
and the
Graduating Class of 2022!
The Bidners
Thank You to All
The Staff, Faculty and Administration
at Schechter School of Long Island,
You Are Very Much Appreciated!
Tyson, Allison
Shoshana ('21), Talia ('23),
Micah ('26) and Ava ('37) Bidner
To Eileen
You're an amazing woman that can juggle a million
things at once and still, somehow, make it all come together.
You have an uncanny ability to get things done.
Your commitment to your family, your job and to being a good
person inspires us all to be better.
You may be a decisive hard working executive, but your loving
heart is always right there.
An Aishes Chayil for the new era - not just the amazing homemaker
that makes her husband feel like a king, but the hard-working executive serving Jewish causes and loving her husband, children, and grandchildren deeply.
Love and Mazel Tov
Bodhi, Juliette Josh, Noah, Lindsay & Stuart
Mazal Tov to all of the
honorees for your
dedication and commitment
to the education of our children!
Rochelle & Jeff
Marc, Lianne and Jay Canarick
In honor of our remarkable dear friend,
and her wonderful family,
The Liskers,
our very best wishes to
The Schechter School of Long Island.
Linda & Dennis Herman
Mazel Tov to all the honorees.
A special yasher koach to the outgoing
Board President,
Bram Weber
Thank you for your service and on-going
commitment to the success of our students.
Leila & Kamron Monasebian
Congratulations on
your Eighth grade siyum.
Onward and upward!
Love, Bubbe
Jill Shack
We wish to thank the
Schechter community
for the outstanding education and tender loving care
you have given our grandson,
Elias Simonson.
Yasher Koach to the Honorees.
Robin and Barry Simonson
Mazel Tov to Eileen Bohrer on this much
deserved honor!!!
Thank you for your commitment
to the Jewish community.
Rebecca and Michael Altman
Felice and Len Bergman
Debbie and Jay Dubowsky
Carrie and Harold Gordon
Louis Naviasky
I have an embarrassment of riches...
The honor to be acknowledged with four extraordinary women, each of whom have shown their commitment to making available the finest Jewish education to children now and for generations to come.
Charlotte, Estera & Gloria -thank you for providing an example for others to emulate.
Andrea - thank you for your boundless enthusiasm and for the endless hours you work for the benefit of all SSLI families. Besides the space you occupy in my heart,
it is a comfort to know that you lead the charge for the next generation of leadership. To those who supported Schechter and said yes to my calls, emails, invitations to breakfasts, lunches and coffees-thank you for sharing your stories, your concerns and your friendship. To my team over the 14 years - nothing could have been accomplished without you. I am so grateful for the collaboration and respect of colleagues, the challenges and joy of meaningful work, the trust and delight of friendships, and the warmth and love of the dearest family. Mazel Tov to the graduating class of 2022 and to the SSLI faculty and administration who have nourished their intellect, curiosity and spirit. With love to Janet Hakim and Peter Tannenbaum for making me laugh and cry and for their ongoing support. Special thanks to the professionals and volunteers who have dedicated themselves to the creation of this beautiful evening. With gratitude always, Eileen
In Honor of
Estera Stawski
Devoted Mother and Grandmother, Supporter of wonderful causes, organizations and extraordinary cousin
Bella, Aviva and Charlie CB Developers LLC
In honor of Mrs.
Charlotte Balsam
Judith and Elliot Horowitz
(your favorite student!)
Judi Jurmann
Mazel Tov
Andrea &
It is an honor to know you.
Elizabeth & Jeremy Kahn
Mazal tov to our very own Eishet Chayil,
Andrea Bitton!!!
We are so grateful for and appreciate all that
you do to make our school the best place for our kids to learn and grow.
Congratulations on this
well-earned and deserved honor.
With love,
Your fellow Schechter families in
8th grade '21/22 & 5th grade '21/22
Mazel Tov Andrea!
"The world stands on three things: Torah, Avodah, G'milut
Chasadim" - Pirke Avot 1:2 Andrea, you live your life this way.
You teach your children by doing and giving selflessly,
generously, and tirelessly.
L'dor v'dor.
Your passion and devotion extend beyond your own family to your
larger Schechter family, which gives your children a phenomenal education and a Jewish way of life.
When you were little, we always said you were the topping on the
cake - you go way beyond the topping!
We are so proud of the mensch you are - our Eishet Chayil.
Love and hugs, Mom and Dad
"Dream dreams; understand and articulate
the dreams of others; and find ways of
turning a dream into a reality -
these three gifts are leadership, the Joseph way."
-Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, z''l
Mazal Tov to our amazing sister ANDREA
Making dreams reality for your children, your family, and the Schechter Long Island community.
We are so proud of you and love you very much!
Karen and Adam with Avi and Jonah,
and Dana and Ian
Congratulations to Eileen Bohrer!!!
Thank you for your tireless
dedication and commitment
to the Jewish Community!
Temple Beth Sholom
Mazel tov to Aunt Charlotte!
The matriarch of our family.
We are blessed to have you.
The Balsam, Martz, Meyeroff and Ratner families
In honor of our good friend,
Gloria Kaylie
whose love of Israel, love of education and commitment to Jewish values makes her
a true Woman of Valor.
Mazel Tov, Gloria,
on this well-deserved honor.
Brad & Aliza Cohn
Yasher Koach and Mazel Tov to our dear friends:
Charlotte Balsam and Estera Stawski.
You each embody the true meaning of
Women of Valor and we are so appreciative of
your support and friendship to our Shul, Solomon
Schechter and the greater Jewish community.
May you go from strength to strength!
Congregation Ohav Sholom
Mazel Tov to
Eileen Bohrer
on the Keter Shem Tov Award!!
Thank you for all that you do
for our community!
Temple Beth Sholom Executive Board and Board of Trustees
"Many women have displayed valor, but you rise above them all!"
Wishing a Heartfelt Mazel Tov to our Nashot Chayil
Charlotte Balsam
Andrea Bitton
Gloria Kaylie
Estera Stawski
Eileen Bohrer
Thank you for all that you are and all that you do.
Mazel Tov to the Class of 2022!
Fay and Kenny
Gabriel, Meira and Ariel Duftler
Congratulations to this year's honorees
on a job well done,
and wishing you all the best.
May you continue to be a source of Pride for
your loved ones and the Community Mina, Keyvan and Danielle Frouzan
To Andrea,
you are a role model to us all.
We appreciate your dedication and
hard work towards everything Schechter.
Mazal Tov to
all the special women being honored tonight.
Asael and Michelle Meir
To Our Amazing Aunt Eileen,
So your fan club is even larger than the 9 of us?
It may be larger but we are the captains!
You are so adored and loved.
Mazel tov on this honor.
Enjoy the night!
Lots of Love,
Avi, Maya, Jacob, Jesse, Alex,
Layla, Emily and Simone
Mazel tov to Eileen Bohrer on this well deserved honor.
Beyond your commitment, hard work and support for Schecter,
you have been a stalwart member of your community at large - performing tikkun olam in all aspects of your life and spreading love to all who know you.
We feel blessed to have you as an aunt and are so appreciative
that Schecter acknowledged the wonderful person that you are.
We know our dad would be so proud of you, today and always.
With love and admiration,
Erica, Tootsie and Rob
To My Wonderful Sister-In-Law Eileen Bohrer,
We are so proud of you and all that you do for our family
and this community.
You lead with grace and share and show you love generously.
You are a role model for all those who know you.
Mazel tov to you - my sister and cherished friend.
מזל טוב
To all the honorees
Charlotte Balsam
Andrea Bitton Gloria Kaylie Estera Stawski and Eileen Bohrer
Thank you for your unwavering commitment to
help strengthen Jewish education on Long Island!
כל הכבוד
Rena & Andrew Goodman
& Gang
Mazel Tov to all the honorees!
Still Schechter fans
after all these years!!!
Barbara and Jonathan Samuels
Mazel Tov to our most deserving
Women of Valor
Thank you for all that you do on
behalf of our wonderful school.
Amy, Peter, Rachel (2012) &
Maxine (2015) Tannenbaum
To all the spectacular women- Gala 2022
Mazel tov on your well-deserved honors.
Charlotte, Eileen, Andrea, Gloria, Estera,
may you always shine your light and
make this world a holier, enlightened place.
It takes a 'Woman of Valor'
to make a positive difference.
Thank you!
With gratitude and love,
Stewart & Genia Taub
To celebrate our dear friend
Andrea Bitton
& the other women of valor -
we honor all your contributions
to our school and community!
Our deepest appreciation for the
wonderful and dedicated Schechter faculty -
we thank you all for all you do!
With love and gratitude,
Daniel, Anya,
Shayna & Selah Barak
Mazal Tov to all of
this year's honorees!
With much appreciation,
The Mitzner Family
Mazal Tov to all of the
2022 Schechter Gala Honorees!
Thank you for your dedication to our school
and to our children's Jewish education.
The Robertson & Moallem Family
Dear Estera,
Congratulations on a
well-deserved recognition!
We are so proud of your lifetime dedication to
Jewish education and to the Jewish people.
your WIZO Family
In honor of a dear friend, Gloria Kaylie.
Your dedication to Jewish values and education
is a credit to your good name.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Barbara T. R. Zimet
Mazel Tov To Our Honorees-
Amazing, Talented, Caring, Generous
Women Who Are The Best Role Models
Our School Could Have.
Thank You For Sharing Your Lives
With Schechter.
Ronnie & Elliot Zolin
Mazal to the honorees and the
amazing SSLI community!
With gratitude,
Tina and Ariel Abraham
Dearest Charlotte,
I am so proud of you for all
you do to help others.
Eneas Arkawy
To Eileen Bohrer
on a job well done!
With love and devotion,
Congratulations to all of this years honorees
with a special mazal tov to
Charlotte Balsam and Estera Stawski.
Two amazing grandmother friends whose kindness
and warmth have touched our family personally.
Thank you, Eileen Bohrer and Andrea Bitton,
for your dedication to Schechter
and for your friendship.
The Kantorowitz Family
Lori, Steve, Ari and Jessica
If you lead, I will follow...
Just walk beside me and be my friend...
A true friend is someone who thinks you are a good egg,
even though she also knows you are slightly cracked!!
I could go on with ways to say that you are truly an Eishet
Chayil of dear, dear friendship.
No one way to express how honored, lucky and grateful I am
to call you my friend.
With so much love, gratitude, inspiration and appreciation for
who you are and all that you work so hard to do, Mazal Tov on this (so) hard earned and WELL DESERVED honor.
Mazal Tov to this
year's honorees.
Thank you to all the teachers,
administrators, and volunteers for a wonderful school year! Dorie & Mark Fridman
Mazal tov Andrea!
The honor is well deserved!!
Love, the Fruithandler Family
Thank you to
Eileen Bohrer
for your dedication to our community.
Yasher Koach to you
and the other honorees.
Pearl and Nathan Halegua
The BOT of the Huntington Jewish Center
wishes Mazal To all of our 2022 Schecter Honorees.
May you all go from strength to strength.
Thank you, dear Estera, for your continued
dedication to the Jewish communities.
May Hashem Bless you and your family always!
Your friend
Beatrix Jessner
Congratulations to
Schechter's Women of Valor Amy & Dan Kamensky
Mazal tov Charlotte Balsam
on your well-deserved honor!
From your friends at
the Lake Success Jewish Center
Mazel Tov to all the Honorees! Eileen - Thank You for 30+ years of friendship and support. You're a special woman. Bobby Leshansky of Majestic Catering
Midway Jewish Center wishes
Mazal Tov and Best wishes to all of the
Schechter School of Long Island's
Eishet Chayil Honorees Yasher Koach
to our own
Andrea Bitton
May you continue to be an inspiration to
our entire community.
Rabbi Rafi Rank
Rabbi Joel Levenson
Mazal tov to all
the honorees! Millman Diamond Group LTD
Mazal Tov to All
'22 Honorees.
Kol Hakavod!
Ari & Johanna Perler
Mazel Tov to the
Schechter School of LI and
to this year's Women of Valor.
Special congratulations to our
spectacular granddaughter
Ari Schor
and the entire Senior class!
Lea & Mel Ruskin
To Charlotte
Mazal Tov on
your special honor.
May you go from
strength to strength.
Marsha Shlefstein
Mazel Tov!
May Hashem give you the strength and
opportunity to continue your good work!
With love and best wishes
Eileen Stieglitz
Stieglitz Family North
Stieglitz Family South
Schmidt Family NJ
Mazal tov to all of the Schechter School of
Long Island's 2022 GALA Honorees!!
Our deepest gratitude to Keter Shem Tov Awardee
Eileen Bohrer
for her tireless efforts to support and advocate for SSLI.
We thank you for being so thoughtful,
working with great integrity and sharing your true love of Yiddishkeit with our family and the SSLI community!!
Leora, Joel, Shir, Sam & Gideon
For all of the Honorees,
in recognition of their good work
on behalf of our kids!
Rabbi Rafi Rank
& the Midway Jewish Center
on this well
deserved recognition!
The Third Grade Families are so grateful for
your dedication to Schechter. Third Grade Families