Mazal Tov!

Sandy and Avi
Your leadership of the Shul and School
brings our community great stature and pride!

Rachel and Josh
Your efforts and dedication are a model
for the next generation of our leaders!

With much appreciation and admiration,
Robin and Brad
In honor of our dear cousins
Sandy and Avi Steiner
For all the tireless leadership and dedication you give to our community on a daily basis May you have continued nachas from your beautiful family.
We also honor
Rachel and Josh Joffe 
For all you do for our community.
And thank you
Rabbi and Sarah Proops
For your guidance, leadership, kindness
and being the best role models for our family.

Marci and Jeff Lefkovits and Family 
Sandy and Avi
Congratulations on this well deserved honor.
You have raised the bar in your dedication and leadership
by making our shul a better place.
Rachel and Josh
Mazel Tov to a couple who has a very special place in our hearts.
You continue to elevate and inspire us
with your incredible efforts to improve our community.
May Hashem grant all the honorees good health and success.
Cheryl and Mark Friedman
Mazal Tov to all the
Sandy and Avi
Mazal Tov on this incredible honor. Your leadership and support of Suburban Torah and our community organizations in general, is incredible. We feel so blessed to have you as friends, and are in awe of your leadership and devotion.
Abbi and Jeremy Halpern
כל העוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה - הקדוש ברוך הוא ישלם שכרם
Mazal Tov to our spectacular Honorees
Sandy, Avi, Rachel and Josh
Our community, synagogue and yeshiva day school are
beneficiaries of your selfless dedication, endless hard work and
inspiring leadership. We are proud to salute you!
Am Israel Chai
Alice and Jacob Klein
Mazel Tov to our special
Your dedication to our community and shul does not go unnoticed and is well appreciated
by all who benefit from your tireless efforts.

Marisa and Richard Stadtmauer
Despite the obvious language and accent differences, this amazing Suburban Torah community welcomed in a couple of Canadians 15 years ago,
and embraced us in such a warm way that we never looked back.
We have been blessed to raise our family here, and are grateful for the
incredible friendships that we have built here in Livingston.
SSTC is very lucky to have an incredible team of professionals, lay leaders,
and community volunteers that we have had the great pleasure of
partnering with over the years. Everything that happens here
is a result of your tireless efforts, and for that we thank you all.
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Proops
Thank you for your leadership, guidance, warm friendship, 
and all that you both do for our Synagogue and our community. 
May our friendship, and this amazing community,
grow together for many more years to come.
Sandy, Avi, Lilly, Sam, and Sophia
Sandy and Avi
Mazel Tov
We are so very proud of you both; the way you always open your hearts to your family, friends and the community!
We know you will always continue your good work and we wish you future success in all your endeavors. We love you very much.
We wish also, to thank Rabbi Proops and the whole congregation, for always welcoming us so warmly, every time we visit.
Mom and Dad
Mazal Tov to our Honorees
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
On this wonderful and well deserved award. Thank you for your dedication, hard work and unwavering commitment to our Shul.
May you continue to inspire and serve as pillars in our community for many years to come.
Seryl and Charles Kushner
Mazel Tov to
Sandy and Avi Steiner
We are blessed to count you amongst our very dear, close friends, and the Shul is lucky to have a couple such as yourselves who stop at nothing to better the entire community in any way possible. Avi, your 3-year Presidency (with your first lady doing so much as well by your side) was legendary, and your stewardship was greatly appreciated! 
Mazel Tov to
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to our Shul and community. We are lucky to have close friends like you, and the Shul is lucky to have a couple such as yourselves, who jump right in to help whenever possible. May you be blessed to see the fruits of your labors for many years to come.
With our warmest and heartfelt wishes,
Dara and David Orbach
Nathan, Benjamin, Max, James, and Annie
Mazal Tov to tonight's outstanding Honorees
Sandy and Avi
Guests of Honor
Thank you for all that you do for our community each and every day. Your unwavering dedication, tireless efforts, and exceptional leadership has made our SSTC synagogue community a better place. Your commitment to serving others, fostering unity, and uplifting those around you is an inspiration.
Rachel and Josh
Young Leadership
Thank you for your outstanding leadership and dedication to our SSTC community, embodying the spirit of service and innovation.
Your passion for fostering connections and empowering
the next generation serves as an example to all of us.
Melissa Feldman and Ariel Nelson
Sandy and Avi
Your dedication and commitment to the Jewish community and to our Shul is an inspiration. We are so grateful for your tireless efforts, leadership, and warm hearts. You are incredible role models for the next generation and exemplify the ideals of selfless community service. Livingston is incredibly fortunate to have you as extraordinary leaders and we are so blessed to have you as our dearest friends. Wishing you and your special family
happiness, health and strength always.
Rachel and Josh
Thank you for all you do and have done to lead and take care of our community. We wish you the strength to continue on this incredible journey for many years to come. Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor!
Yael and Ephi Eisenberg and Family
Mazal Tov
Sandy and Avi 
Your selfless dedication to our community knows no bounds, you both give graciously and effortlessly. You lead with a quiet and gentle voice, and get the job done each time. Thank you for your stewardship through rough waters and for ensuring we emerge a stronger and more vibrant community. Now that you have more free time, what's our next concert? 
Rachel and Josh
Mazal Tov!! Your energy is contagious and your work
on behalf of the community is an example to us all.
May you all go from strength to strength!
Rachel and Cheskie Ginsberg
Rachel and Josh
Your kindness, commitment and devotion to your community and to Klal Yisrael are an inspiration to all -  especially to your proud parents. Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor!
All our love,
Mom and Dad
Mazel Tov to the Honorees
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Sandy and Avi Steiner
For leadership exemplified by graciousness and kindness.
Sarah and Ilya Bliner, EJ Bliner
Yonna, Eric, Misha, Isaac and Mae Rosenberg
Caleb and Livia Joffe
Josh and Rachel
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor! Your dedication to your shul and community as well as to the Jewish community at large is admirable. May you go from strength to strength and continue to be a source of inspiration and pride for your family, friends and community. Tizku L'mitzvot!
All our love,
Lisa, Jon, Sarah, Ally and Jackson
A round of applause for tonight's remarkable Honorees
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Your dedication to the community makes SSTC such a special place.

Thank you to Rabbi and Sarah Proops for your inspiring leadership,
to Sammy and Yael Beckerman for bringing the fun, and to 
Jeremy Rosenfeld, Karen Baskinger, the officers and all the volunteers who put in so much time to help our community thrive.

May we see lasting Peace in Eretz Yisrael.

Ruth and Alan Bash
Sandy and Avi

We've come a long way since UWS play dates at the Bromley - the sleepless nights, endless park outings, brises, coffees with strollers, birthday parties, and the Steiner Cup gave way to suburban barbecues and Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, and now onto Doodles and kids leaving our nests.
Through it all, we are grateful for our enduring friendship,
and we are so proud of your leadership at your "new" shul.
Looking forward to many more milestones and celebrations together.

With love and admiration,
Your City Crew
(The Baums, Hiltziks, Rosens, Wolfs, Septimus/Greenfields)

Sandy and Avi
Mazel Tov on receiving an Honor, well deserved! Your leadership and
commitment to our community is an inspiration to all. Thank you for your
dedication, constant smiles, and service. You are role models for us all! 
תודה רבה !
Rachel and Josh
Mazel Tov on your Young Leadership award. Your commitment
to SSTC, keeps the community enriched and growing.
Thank you for all you continue to do.
Robin and David Bellicha and Family
Mazel Tov 
Sandy and Avi
Rachel and Josh
Sands, your deep commitment to your community is unbelievably inspiring. Uncle Turtle, we admire your passion and dedication to the clever shul announcements.
We love you,
Jackie and Kenny
Keira, Gavin and Brando
Mazal Tov to all the
Cheryl and Fred Halpern
Mazal Tov
Sandy and Avi
Two of the most community oriented and involved "anshei chayil" we have ever known.
This is an honor well deserved!
From the Entire Horn Family
Mazel Tov to all the
B'H Mazal Tov to
Sandy and Avi
We are so proud of everything you have done
for the Livingston community and beyond.
We admire you always from a far and are shepping nachas!
Lots of love,
Chaya and Lorne Lieberman
Mazal Tov to the Honorees
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Thank you for teaching us the meaning of community through your inspiring example; for all your seen and behind the scenes leadership and dedication to Jewish life throughout all of Livingston. May you go from strength to strength!
With much love and admiration,
Michelle and Shmuly Lieberman
(still here, still here)
In honor of
Sandy and Avi Steiner
You continue to give selflessly, always with dignity and positivity. We appreciate all that you both do for our beloved Shul and community. You inspire us with your visible examples of dedication, devotion and selflessness. Thank you!! May Hashem grant you both the strength to continue elevating and inspiring others. You are both so incredibly deserving
of the honor that has been bestowed upon you.
In honor of
Rachel and Josh Joffe
The very deserving recipients of the Young Leadership Award. Your presence in Livingston has been very uplifting, and your unique energy, and willingness to give of yourselves has a great impact on us all. You help our community flourish, always with enthusiasm. We look forward to sharing many more s'machot together with ALL of you,
in good health, for a long time to come!
Jennifer and Keith Mendelson
Mazel Tov to
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Your leadership in our shul and yeshiva has taken those institutions to the next level. Your commitment and dedication is exemplified by your ability to understand the needs of our community and then put those thoughts into action.
We at SSTC and all the students at JKHA/RKYHS are the beneficiaries
of your tireless work and your embrace of the three pillars
which guide your lives - Torah, Avodah and Gemilut Chasadim.
Mazel Tov to
Rachel and Josh Joffe
The future of our shul is so bright with young leaders like you both, who give of their time and energies to make SSTC the warm,vibrant and inviting place that it is.

Malkie and Paul Ratzker
Mazel Tov 
Sandra and Avraham Steiner
We value your friendship, Sukkah building, Basketball bench skill, Tailgating acumen, Credit analysis and years of service to our Livingston community. Thank you for all the sleepy car rides.
Mazel Tov 
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Thank you for all your involvement in our SSTC family. We are big fans of your Shavout cheesecake and the ride home from the WO mall.
With gratitude,
Abigail, Simon, Evie, Danny and Ari Rosenfeld
Mazal Tov to the
on this well deserved honor.
Michelle and Jake Ansel
Mazal Tov
Sandy and Avi
on tonight's well deserved honor! Your leadership and dedication to our shul and community is both inspiring and much appreciated! 
You demonstrate a commitment to selflessly prioritizing
the needs of others as a core value. Thank you for your leadership.
Rachel and Josh
Mazal Tov on your award! It is so fitting for a couple
who always volunteers and leads by example.
Continue to be wonderful role models in our community!
With much respect and admiration,
Sandra and Howard Blank
Mazal Tov to all the

Lauren and Yami Doberman
Mazel Tov
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
on your well deserved honor.
Dr. Caryn and Marc Dunec
Mazal Tov to this year's Honorees
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Thank you for your outstanding work
and selfless devotion to our beloved SSTC community.
Brenda and Alan Freeman
Keep up the good work
you're doing for the company!!
Mazal Tov!
Aline and Jonny Friedman
Mazel Tov to
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
on this well deserved honor. Thank you
for all that you do for our community.
Nora and Irwin Friedman
Mazel Tov to our outstanding Honorees
Sandy and Avi
Your tireless service and commitment to our Shul's spirit of
warmth and friendship across the generations have continued
making SSTC a wonderful community for all.
May you go from strength to strength!
Rachel and Josh
It is delightful to see returnee children of our
Shul community taking active roles in the growth of SSTC.
The Sharret / Flippo Family
Gloria and Igal, Dani and Eric,
Yvette and David, Beth and Gavriel
Mazel Tov to our wonderful neighbors
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Thank You!
Ilona and Bob Gray
Mazal Tov to
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
People like you make our Shul so special. Yai'asher Kochichem.
Chedva and Merritt Hubsher
Mazal Tov
Sandy and Avi Steiner
We are so grateful to share this special evening with you. Thank you for welcoming us to N. Hillside with open arms. Your extraordinary commitment and dedication to the Shul is an inspiration to us all. We consider ourselves fortunate to count you as close friends and neighbors, as well, and look forward to sharing in many more simchas together.
Rachel, Josh, Caleb, and Livi Joffe
Mazel Tov to
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Yasher Koach!
Jean and Marc Lehmann
Mazal Tov to
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
SSTC and our community have benefited tremendously from your leadership. You are leaders amongst your peers as well and we are blessed to have you as close friends.
Barbara and Alan Listhaus and Family
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Mazel Tov to the indefatigable, hardworking, and inspiring Honorees. We are indebted to you for all of amazing things you do and have done for our shul, as well as our community.
Howard Longman, Esq.
Mazel Tov to all the Honorees
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Your dedication to our Shul is a true inspiration to all of us.
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Both of you have contributed so much to our
Shul family through your commitment and hard work.
Sarah and Ilya Bliner
You should have continued Nachas from your amazing children.
Drs. Karen and Neil Lyman
Dina and Rabbi Scott Friedman 
Amanda and Evan Lyman
Mazel Tov to
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Our community is fortunate to have such a dedicated couple who make hard work seem effortless. We are lucky to call you our friends, as we truly admire and respect your generosity and leadership to ensure the success and Achdut of our shul through the hardest of times. Yasher Koach and may you continue to be an inspiration for all to follow. We wish you and your family continued Bracha and Hatzlacha!
Mazel Tov to 
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Thank you for all your efforts and your commitment to our community and shul. Wishing you Hatzlacha and may you continue to go from strength to strength!!! Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor!
Liat and Jay Matthew and Family
Mazal Tov to all the
And a sincere, well deserved thank you to
for his tireless dedication to our shared home.
Lauren and Michael Mayer
Mazel Tov to
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
On your well deserved honor. Thank you for all
that you do for our shul and our community.
Paulette and Gary Mendelsohn
Sandy and Avi 
Mazel Tov! We are so happy to celebrate this honor with you tonight and are fortunate to have you as our dear friends and leaders of our community. You both lead by example with your kindness, dedication and commitment to our shul. You are an inspiration to all who know you. May you be blessed with good health and happiness for you and your entire family.

Rachel and Josh 
Our very best wishes to our dear friends on this most deserving honor. You are excellent role models for the next generation leadership of our Shul. We are thrilled to be able to share this special night with you. We wish you continued success in all your endeavors. Mazal Tov!

Yasher Koach to the SSTC Members and Children who have served or are currently serving in the IDF or National Service. May Hashem bless you and protect you.
Thank you to Rabbi James and Rebbetzin Sarah Proops 
for your leadership and inspiration.

With love,
Jodi, Jack, Ella, Julia and Max Mordekai
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Guests of Honor
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Young Leadership Award Recipients
Rachel and Josh Joffe
on this well deserved honor.
Lisa and Dr. Ted Niebloom
Mazal Tov to the extremely deserving Honorees of our
incredibly special SSTC community. Thank you both
for welcoming our family so warmly to Livingston.
Rachel and Josh
You are such celebrated members of SSTC! Thank you so much
for showing up and stepping up in so many ways
both publicly and privately for our community.
Sandy and Avi
We are all the beneficiaries of your unwavering dedication
and commitment to our SSTC community. The combination
of your humility and efficiency make magic happen.
We cannot wait to celebrate the Honorees as well as our beloved Suburban Torah community that we feel so blessed and humbled to be a part of!
Sarah and Rabbi James Proops
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Avi, during one of the most stressful times in history, under pressure, you handled Covid and kept our Shul running efficiently. You graciously, welcomed our New Rabbi and family, with a smooth transition. You spearheaded the capital improvement project, along with all the other duties and shul issues thrown your way. All while staying sober (or maybe not). Your time and determination to set our shul on the right path is truly inspiring. Sandy, we all know that there is no Avi, without Sandy. Whether it is the Shul, the School, you are always ready to take on a challenge.
SSTC is truly a better place, due to all your hard work.
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Congratulations on receiving the Young Leadership Award.
This is a well deserved honor for both of you. Your efforts 
to make SSTC a great place is evident in all that you guys do.
Darbie and Robert Rabinowitz
Danielle, Jacob, Remi, Alec, Jessie, Drew and Zeke
Mazal Tov to all the
Revolve Wealth Partners
Sandy and Avi
You both give tirelessly of yourselves to the community, always looking to do what is best for the greater good, never looking for any recognition. We are thrilled to have the (rare!) opportunity to honor and recognize you for all that you do.
We thank you for your boundless can-do attitudes, sage wisdom,
insightful counsel, endless support, and true friendship.
Rachel and Josh
You both have exemplified the true spirit of giving back to one's community, and we are excited to celebrate your remarkable contributions. You set the bar high with your unwavering commitment to the health, safety, and happiness of our community - from our youngest members to our oldest one. 
May you all continue to go from strength to strength in all that you do!
With love and admiration,
Jeremy and Erica Rosenfeld and Family
Rachel and Josh
Mazel Tov on receiving this amazing
and most well deserved honor.
Andrea and Rob Schechter
Mazel Tov to our Honorees

Sandy and Avi
Your unwavering commitment and dedication to our Shul and entire Jewish community is extraordinary. Thank you for your constant leadership, generosity and warmth always. You have gone above and beyond
and we are so lucky to have you. Mazel Tov!

Rachel and Josh
Thank you for your tireless dedication and commitment to our
SSTC community. Your enthusiasm and willingness to lead
is an inspiration to all of us. Mazel Tov!

Lisa and Dan Serviss
Mazal Tov to
Sandy and Avi
With gratitude for your extraordinary leadership and unprecedented longevity as the First Couple of SSTC!
Mazal Tov to
Rachel and Josh
Thank you for always answering the bell when called
upon to help. You walk the walk of service to others!
Ilene and Steven Sheris
To the
Steiner and Joffe Families
Mazal Tov on this very well deserved honor. Thank you very
much for all that you do for the Shul and our community!
Mazal Tov!
Isaac and Talia Shmulewitz
Mazel Tov to all the Honorees!
Avi and Sandy
Thank you for all that you do for our Shul.
Avi, you led us through Covid and a rabbinic search along with all the other
responsibilities of being Shul president during your FDR tenure,
and we are grateful for your leadership. It's always nice to be greeted
by you Shabbos morning, in the dead of winter on your security shift,
wearing a winter coat and no socks.
Sandy, you are always working behind the scenes at SSTC, even though you have very large responsibilities for the leadership roles you have had with KPAC,
and now co-chairing the school board at JKHA/RKYHS.
Josh and Rachel
You hit the ground running and are true examples for all of the younger families who have moved into the community since you got here. Moving back to the community where you grew up is a tribute in itself to the community, you, and your parents.
Continue being involved, and inspiring other young couples to do so as well.

Dina and Ilan Simon
Mazal Tov to all our most deserving Honorees!
Thank you
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
for all your dedication and hard work
for our shul and our community.
Beth and Marty Statfeld and Family
Mazel Tov to
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Our fellow honorees, amazing neighbors, and good friends on your well deserved Young Leadership Award.
May you continue to impact our community
for the good and go from strength to strength.
Sandy, Avi, Lilly, Sam, and Sophia
P.S. - Ozzie wishes Cooper a Mazal Tov
Sandy and Avi
Mazal Tov! Of all the honors you have received over the years, this one takes the chulent!
(Rabbi, if you are reading this,Avi skips out for kiddish club).
Rachel and Josh
Congrats to you as well. We have never met you,
but I am sure you are both well deserving.
Sarah, Jonathan,
Marcus and Maddie Wainberg
ב״ה מזל טוב - יישר כוח
Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach to all the
Your dedication to the synagogue
and your hard work is greatly appreciated.
Joyce and Dr. George Weinberger
Mazal Tov
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
On this well deserved honor.
You are shining examples of what it means to give back
to one's community. Thank you for all that you do
for our synagogue and our community!
Helene and Michael Wengrofsky
We salute our Guests of Honor, Sandy and Avi Steiner,
Highly respected and well-liked by all, no choice could be any finer.
Avi served as Shul VP, then President for 3 great years,
You oversaw the search for our new Rabbi and guided us through our COVID fears.
Sandy works hard for our shul and serves as Co-President JKHA,
Quiet and thoughtful leadership, people listen and follow what you say.
Together you make an awesome pair, we're all blessed to have you here,
Always quick to lend a helping hand and offer an attentive ear.
And we honor Josh and Rachel Joffe, Young Leadership Honorees,
We danced with you at your wedding, so for your award we're greatly pleased.
Rachel co-chaired the IBECC Board, worked tirelessly for the kids,
Josh is a trained Hatzalah EMT, giving medical aid to all the Yids.
Together you both epitomize just what young leadership means,
No matter the task or challenge, for you it's easy (or so it seems).
So we raise a glass and make a toast to you four who make us proud,
With you we'll celebrate and dance and sing and shout your praises clear and loud.
Mazel Tov with love,
Lori and Douglas Zucker
Congratulations to
Rachel and Josh
for their amazing demonstration of leadership in the community! Very appreciative to have them
as a business partner and friend!
Phil Hemery
Josh and Rachel
Kevin and Howie Bitwise Asset Management, Inc.
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees!
Bochner PLLC
Mazel Tov
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
This is a well deserved honor. The Shul is extremely fortunate to have dedicated, loving couples who get things done without fanfare.
Avi - I have mentioned that you do have a special presence on the bimah (especially during your extended presidency)
combining wit and wisdom. Congratulations!!
Betsy and Phil Crystal
Mazal Tov to
Sandy and Avi Steiner
May Hashem bless you and your entire family with good health always and the strength to continue
in the path of Chesed and Tzdakah.
Ron and Sue Domb
Hannah, Rebecca, Nathan and Liora
To our dear friends
Sandy and Avi
Mazel Tov on this incredible and well deserved honor!
It is about time someone decided to honor you...
Shari and Phil Friedman
Mazal Tov to all the
Yonina and Eric Gomberg
Mazel tov to
Sandy and Avi Steiner
It is so nice to see your
selflessness and giving recognized.
Yael and Jason Horowitz
Mazal Tov
Mom and Dad
We're so excited to be here celebrating with you tonight!
Thank You
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Proops
For your warmth, inspiration and tireless devotion to the entire SSTC community.
We're lucky to grow up in a Shul with such incredible leaders and friends!
Shul Leadership and Dinner Committee
For giving us an excuse to stay up past our bedtime! We are grateful for all
your hard work to make not only tonight but every Shul experience so memorable!
The Entire SSTC Community
For teaching us what it means to be members of Am Yisrael and Klal Yisrael
and providing us with the foundation to be a source of strength and pride for our people.
Caleb and Livi Joffe
p.s. we're not tired
p.p.s. Cooper wishes he were here!
Mazal Tov    
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe  
Your effective leadership has greatly enriched our shul and community. May you go from strength to strength and continue to be a source of inspiration.  
Howard Kaplowitz
In honor of
Rabbi Proops and Rebbitzen Proops
whose energy and creativity have breathed new life into The Synagogue of the Suburban Torah Center.
Shulamit Leiter Lewinsohn
and Gerald Lewinsohn
Mazal Tov to all the
A hearty Yasher Koach to the Guests of Honor
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Two people who may be "under the radar"
but exemplify leadership and chesed.
Sherry and Henry Stein
You both deeply care about the about the betterment
of our community and we are very appreciative of your efforts.
Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor.
Chany and Michael Chapman

Sandy and Avi The time and energy you have devoted to the shul knows no bounds. We are so grateful for your guidance and wisdom, even when the job at hand was difficult.
SSTC is a better place for all that you have given of yourselves. 
Rachel and Josh Thank you for all that you have done for SSTC, and all that we are confident you will continue to do in the years ahead. It is a privilege to honor two very worthy couples tonight. Mazal Tov!
Jeffrey and Debbie Fine
Mazal Tov to all the
Susie and Kal Fishbein

Mazel Tov to the
Steiners and Joffes
Your contribution to the community is amazing. 
Jamie and Sammy Hyman
Mazel Tov
Sandy and Avi
Rachel and Josh
We are lucky to call you our neighbors and proud to call you our friends.
Thank you for all that you do for our community.
Rachel and Jeff Jager and Family

Mazal Tov to all the
Julie-Ann and Mark Miller
Mazal Tov!
Rachel and Josh
You are steadfast, lifelong friends.
Sandy and Avi
You welcomed us with kindness. You are all inspiring.
Wishing abundant blessing,
Maeira and Michel Werthenschlag

Mazal Tov
Sandy and Avi Steiner
on this well deserved honor.
We are so proud of our amazing friends!
Karen, Mitchell, Ben, Bella and Sophie Cobrin

Mazal Tov to all the
Michael and Mila Edelman
YASHER KOACH! To our VERY well deserving
Chizku Ve'Imtzu!
Shlomit and Dror Frommer

Mazal Tov to all the
Gitty and Mendel Grossbaum
Hartmann Doherty Rosa Berman
& Bulbulia LLP
Congratulates all of this evening's

Congratulations and Best wishes to all the
Your tireless efforts on behalf of our community are an inspiration.
Mazal Tov on a well deserved honor!
Michele and GR Homa
A private training studio that utilizes attitude,
nutrition and movement to help clients
transform their body and live their best life.

Mazal Tov
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Thank you for your dedication and
hard work on behalf of our community!
Martha and Ailon Maik
Mazal Tov to all the honorees.
Main Ingredient/Fooderie West Orange

Mazel Tov and Kol Hakavod on this beautiful honor.
We are the luckiest to have you as our friends!
With Love,
Mara and Steven Simon
Mazal Tov my dearest
Sandy and Avi
I am so very proud of you.

Mazal Tov to
Sandy and Avi and the Kids
Uncle Aryeh
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Mazel Tov on being recognised for your leadership
and commitment to our community.
Your efforts are most appreciated and valued.
Gail and Jeff Toll

Mazal Tov to all the honorees.
We have relocated to 55 E Mount Pleasant Ave! 3 minute walk from our old location in the Livingston Town Center.
Mazal Tov to all the
Mazal Tov to the
Steiners and Joffes
Thank you for all you do for Klal Yisrael.
Erica and Eliot Bank

Mazal Tov and thank you to the incredibly deserving Honorees
Rachel and Josh and Sandy and Avi
Michal and Ben Coleman

Mazal Tov to the
Steiner and Joffe Families
on this well deserved honor.
Michal and Jon Einalhori
Mazel Tov to our well deserving Honorees
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Thank you for all you do!
Avital and David Engelhardt

Kol Hakavod
Rachel and Josh, Sandy and Avi!
Thank you for all that you do for our incredible community.
Yoni, Sheara, Kiki, Lia and Daniela Goldenthal

Mazal Tov to all the
Integrative Medicine of New Jersey
Mazel Tov to both couples, our deserving
We are so grateful for all you are doing for the SSTC community.
Barbara and George Kafka

Sandy and Avi
Rachel and Josh
Mazel Tov!!!
Thank you for all that you do and for being so welcoming to us!!
Eliana, Dan, Daphne, and Shalom Kohn

Mazel Tov to
Rachel and Josh Joffe
The Lebewohls
Mazal Tov to all the
Naomi and Josh Savitz

Mazal Tov to all the

Sammy and Julianna Schwartz

Mazal Tov to dear and long time friends
Sandy and Avi Steiner and Rachel and Josh Joffe
Thank you for all you do!
Top Shelf Mortgage
Congratulations to
Rachel and Josh Joffe
From your friends at

Mazal Tov to all the
Yael and Sean Wasserman

Mazal Tov
Sandy and Avi
on this well deserved honor!
Deena and Lawrence Witt - Montreal, Canada
Mazal Tov to the
Steiners and Joffes 
on this well deserved honor.
Thank you for all you do for the SSTC community.
Wendy and Stewart Ashenberg and Family

Auntie Sandy and Steiner
Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor!
With love,
Cara, Zev, Jake, Eliana and Julia

Mazel Tov to
Rachel and Josh Joffe
on this well deserved honor.
You are true role models to us all.
Dina and Scott Friedman
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees.Your efforts on behalf of
the community are commendable and much appreciated.
Fran and Mark Glajchen

Mazal Tov to all the Honorees. Thank you
for your hard work and dedication to our community.
Susan and Samuel Kahnowitz

Mazal Tov to all the
Paul Kraut
JCA Landscaping LLC Landscaping
Construction & Snow Ploughing Services 973-651-6350 [email protected]
JCA Landscaping

Mazal Tov to the
Steiners and Joffes
for all you do for SSTC and the community!!
Shira and Elliot Mathias

Mazel Tov to the
Steiner's and Joffe's
Positive Steps OT
Dana Blumberg-Green 
Mazal Tov to the
Dalia and Claude Rosenstrauch 

Congratulations to two couples who have dedicated to the
present and future of our Synagogue.
The Schulberg's

Mazel Tov
Josh and Rachel
I'm so thrilled to be celebrating with you tonight!
Love, Aunt Sandy
Congratulations to all the
Drs. Linda and Vanna Stone
Gentle Caring Dentistry Livingston, NJ 973-994-3112

Josh and Rachel 
Mazal Tov on your well deserved recognition!
Aaron Strauss

Mazal Tov to
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Yasher Koach for all you do for the shul and community.
The Yolin Family
Mazal Tov and many thanks to
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Josh and Rachel Joffe
James Turetsky

Mazal Tov to the
Steiners and Joffes
on this well-deserved honor. Thank you for your inspiring leadership!
Dina, Etan, Lily and Henry Wiesen

Paul and Hope Aronoff
Ali and Adam Henslovitz
Beth and Stan Kaplan
Stephanie and Oren Keiser
Maayan and Daniel Levinas
Shira and Ranan Tannenbaum
The Eastman Family
Peter and Dolores Berkowsky
The Khiroya Family
Adriana and Yehuda Fruchter
Robin Kaplan
Aliyah and Reuven Schulman
Cyrus and Sarra Schwartz
Shira and Joshua Stein
Vera and Martin Steinman
ACE TECH Appliance Repair (888)-626-8800
Jeff Wicklund - John Hancock Investment Management
Adam Kemp - Kemp Tax and Accounting
Jerusalem Restaurant