Rabbi Jeffrey Clopper
Rabbi Jeffrey Clopper has served as the spiritual leader and visionary for Temple Beth El of Huntington, a vibrant Reform synagogue, since 2003. He brings wisdom, passion, and innovative thinking to all aspects of Temple Beth El, while honoring and preserving sacred Jewish traditions and rituals.
Rabbi Jeff’s influence can be found in all facets of life at Temple Beth El.  Whether it’s leading Shabbat services, conducting Torah study, facilitating educational programs, consoling the bereaved, visiting the sick, assisting in Hebrew school and youth group activities, participating in Board and committee meetings, playing guitar and leading songs, and sharing his insight and talents at Temple activities, Rabbi Jeff is beloved by congregants and well-respected by the greater Huntington community.
As a faculty member at Crane Lake Camp in West Stockbridge, MA, part of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) system of camps, Rabbi Jeff always looks forward to summers where he can spend time engaging with young people in the beautiful Berkshire mountains.  He currently serves on the Camp Board for URJ’s Crane Lake and Eisner camps. 
Closer to home, Rabbi Jeff enjoys being part of community endeavors, including the Huntington Interfaith Faith Leaders group, the Town of Huntington Anti-Bias Task Force and a regular contributor to Abraham’s Table, a multi-faith organization dedicated to promoting dialogue and understanding.  He has managed to forge strong connections with the local mosque and many of the nearby churches, and has relationships with leaders in adjoining school districts as well.  
Rabbi Clopper received his B.S. from Tufts University and was ordained in 1995 at HUC-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati.  He and his wife Carol have three children and make their home in the Huntington community.
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