Jacob Gillet
What inspires me at the Temple is helping others while doing something I enjoy.
What motivates me to be part of the Tech Team is because it’s fun.
In 2018 when I had my Bar Mitzvah I donated money for the streaming equipment to the temple. I never imagined it would grow this large.
Jason Gillet
What inspires me at the Temple is the amount of support and drive this community has for itself. Time and time again I am amazed at the creativity and closeness our community has to keep us going especially during these trying times.
My motivation to be a part of the team is that I am fortunate to have the skills to improve the overall experience for the community. I do not have very much time for other committee meetings etc.. so it’s my way of lending a hand. As a bonus I get to spend time with my son with something he enjoys.
Back when we all discovered that the High Holiday services couldn’t happen the way they traditional would, I had reached out and offered a helping hand to try and make something special for the community. We all had some great ideas, I never imagined that it would turn out the way it did. I was so proud to be a part of such a unique and amazing adventure.
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