Linda & Art Mont
Forty-six years ago, Linda and Art, along with their daughter Beth-Ellyn, visited several synagogues in the area.  They were looking to find a temple where they could feel comfortable.  They found Temple Beth El. The warmth and friendliness of the congregation was exactly what they were looking for. 
The inclusiveness of the members of the congregation was the reason that Linda joined the temple board, and eventually became a vice president of the congregation.  She was also vice president of the Sisterhood and vice president of the Chai Club. Linda also taught fourth grade in the Religious School, and was a special education teacher there.
Several years ago, Linda made the beautiful golden curtains for the ark in the sanctuary.
Arthur has served as president of the Men’s Club/Brotherhood. A long-time active member, he has also helped to build the Sukkah, and take it down, for many years. 
Linda and Art participated in remarriage ceremonies in the sanctuary, twice.  At 18 years and at 36 years. Their son, Jonathan, was the president of the youth group.  He met his future wife, Robin Izen, at the temple when they were just teenagers.
Linda and Art still feel that Temple Beth El is a warm and inviting place, and enjoy being part of the congregation.  They have been members of the temple for over 45 years, during which time both of their children were Bar Mitzvahed, confirmed, and married.
And they just returned from a trip to Israel with a group from the temple.  It was made all the better because of the camaraderie amongst all who were there. 
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