MAY 13, 2024 / 5 IYAR 5784
Dinner Reception at 6:30 PM - Program at 8:00 PM - Desert Reception to Follow
Westmount Country Club, 728 Rifle Camp Road, Woodland Park, NJ
Dinner Reception at 6:30 PM - Program at 8:00 PM - Desert Reception to Follow
Westmount Country Club, 728 Rifle Camp Road, Woodland Park, NJ

Jewish Educational Center Board of Trustees
Jewish Educational Center Board of Trustees
Jewish Educational Center Board of Trustees
Arie and Eva Halpern Family Foundation
Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest
Schwarz Foundation
Zuckerman, Feldman and Pantirer Families
Adele and Larry Diener
Claire and Danny Kahane
Claire and Danny Kahane
Claire and Danny Kahane
Marilyn Smilowitz and Family
Leonard and Beth Wilf
Andrea and Bryan Bier
Marjorie Blenden
Gladys Halpern and Family
Claire and Danny Kahane
Claire and Danny Kahane
Lee and Murray Kushner
Vivi and Dr. Steven Singfer
Henry and Sherry Stein
Terry Walzman and family
Effie and Talya Gluck
Arielle and Brian Ness
Aura & Pinchas Shapiro
Shari and Herb Faleck
Gladys Halpern and Family
Irwin family
Irwin Grandchildren
Miriam & Tzvi Juskowicz
Benjy & Malkie Singfer
The Weinraub Family
Zygi and Mark and children Wilf
Elizabeth Wilf and family
Elizabeth Wilf and Family
Wilf, Elizabeth, Zygi and Mark
Adath Israel
Marjorie Blenden
Elizabeth Wilf and Erwin Fisch
JEC Elmora Avenue Shul
David and Sharon Halpern
Gladys Halpern and Family
Jane Taubenfeld and David Cohen
Sue and Richard Kelin
Nistar Risk Management NJ LLC
Marvin and Lynn Rosenzweig
Mimi & Harry Stadler
Full Page
Ilana and Ammiel Bachrach
Rochel & Eliezer Bushman
Jennifer and Shmuel Cahn
Yosef & Dahlia Citron
Joyce and Steven Davis
Jeremy & Elana Erez
ETB Psychological Services
Fair Lawn Kosher Express
Elana & Nachi Feit
Sarah Feit
Faith and Josh Fisch
Avremy and Esther Fischweicher
Jolie, Dale and Dani Fromm
Lori and Daniel Gordon
Marninah & Joshua Hersh
Miriam and Mitchell Hill
Ahuva & Shlomo Himmel
Moshe and Alexandra Illish
Ellie and Shuie Karp
Seth & Sarah Kaye
Moshe & Lea Koplowitz
Goldie & Hershey Korik
Randi and Eli Kramer
Sara and Sam Landa
Roz Feder Lipsky and Marvin Lipsky
Elly and Ezra Markovic
Moshe and Chana Mayefsky
Rocky and Meir Milgraum
Rachie and Lee Niren
Michele and Randy Pearlman
Becky and Ari Romanoff
Joe and Lori Rozehzadeh
Miriam & Nadav Sapeika
Bracha and Yisroel Schechter
Odelia & Yossi Schvarcz
Moshe Schwartz
Ora and Baruch Sheinson
Dassie and Jeff Smulevitz
Yitzie and Debbie Stern
The Bruriah Administrative Team
The Goldman Family
Motty and Chaya Vilenkin
Jonathan and Yaffa Walzman and Family
Weinraub children and grandchildren
Naftoli and Zavi Yoffe
Your Bruriah Family
Shani and Zvi Zinstein
Half Page
Jay and Brenda Buchsbaum
Richard & Helen Stareshefsky
Quarter Page
Ora and Ira Bloom
Gene Brotsky
Marcia Buch
Svetlana and Jay Cohen
Deborah and Howard Druce
Tova Koenigsberg
RoAnna and Moshe Pascher
Professional Abstract & Title
Erika Sauerhoff
Eighth Page
Rachel and Donny Besser
Ronit and Yitzy Haber
Alan & Francine Hirschman
Chaim Jacobson
Susie and Yossi Meyersdorf
Molly and Joe Rothstein
Ari and Shira Somerstein
Name Listing
Dee Cohen
Dovi Fruchter
Thomas and Edna Krausz
Nachama Loeshelle
Ilene and Akiva Miller
Paula Kaplan
Ariella Ruderman
Zahava and Dave Stadler
Mordechai, Susie, Dvora, Shayndi and Shlomo Weinraubs of Far Rockaway
Sue and Art Weinstein