Rabbi Daniel Liben Endowment Fund
Connecting Us through Learning, Celebration, and Community
For thirty years, Rabbi Daniel Liben has led us with his commitment and vision, shaping our community into what it is today. Rabbi Liben has expanded our Jewish knowledge, enriched our worship, and assured that our community is welcoming, strong and supportive, and meets the needs of each of us—and all of us—in our day to day Jewish journeys and in times of our deepest sadness and greatest joys.
In appreciation of Rabbi Liben’s legacy and in recognition of his retirement, Temple Israel has established the Rabbi Daniel Liben Endowment Fund. This endowment will create a permanent source of funding for rich and engaging programming for our community. It will support annual scholar- and artist-in-residence weekends, will facilitate programming aimed at multi-generational community engagement, and will assure that we have unique opportunities to come together and be inspired by our Jewish heritage and by each other.
Your contribution to the Rabbi Daniel Liben Endowment Fund will honor Rabbi Liben and his remarkable service on the occasion of his retirement. At the same time, it will assure the continued vibrancy of Temple Israel of Natick, a congregation committed to Jewish Learning, Celebration, and Community.
$25,000 and up
Up to $999
We encourage and need congregation- and community-wide participation and support. Every gift at every level has an  impact and makes a real difference. We are a community, and as with everything we do, we accomplish the most when we all participate.
  1. Gift commitments of $1,000 and above may be contributed over multiple years. Of course, we are eager to build and invest the Rabbi Daniel Liben Endowment Fund as soon as possible so that we can begin to enjoy the programming the Fund will support. At the same time, we hope the flexibility of multi-year pledge payment will encourage and facilitate congregation-wide participation and “stretch” giving. 
  2. Community recognition of gifts: All contributions to the Rabbi Daniel Liben Endowment Fund will be recognized publicly in both print and digital publications. A plaque or other tangible form of recognition at Temple Israel will include names of those who contribute $1,000 or more.
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