Thank you for your donations
to the Virtual Tribute Journal!
All ads received after the deadline of July 9th
will appear on the Women's League website
for the next three years.
To my precious daughter-in-law, Debbi,
On your installation
as International President:
I am so proud of you for all of your
accomplishments, and love you dearly
for always being so helpful and thoughtful.
I know you will be a great President
for Women's League just as you have been
a great family leader.
All my love,
Mom Dolores D. Goldich
Installation Concert Joyfully Funded
in Part with a Gift from a Dedicated WLCJ
Member & Music Lover
Bernice Tobin z"l, orchestra cellist and synagogue organist and Murray Schwartz z"l, violinist with the Los Angeles Philharmonic
Deborah Alexander, former percussionist
in the Israel Philharmonic
and Reuben Burrows, public school music teacher, choral director and composer Anonymous Donor
![]() 1918 Society Donors
Gloria Schraibman Adelson
Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove
Judi Dickstein Kenter
Rabbi Harold Kravitz
Blanche Meisel
Margie Miller
Lynn and Eric Sambol
The Sambol Family Foundation
1918 Society Donors
Mary Hagan Sanders
Evelyn Seelig
Carol Shayman Simon
Rita L. Wertlieb
Lauren Wishnew
Carol S. Wolintz
Mazel Tov Debbi, I'm thrilled and honored
to be by your side as you become
International President of Women's League.
You have made a difference
in everything you have done in life,
and I am confident that you will work incredibly hard
and enjoy great success in your new role.
I love you,
Mazel Tov Mom/Savta!
Your family knows how hard you have worked,
and we are all very proud of you.
We know how much meaning the WLCJ
and your commitment to Jewish values
has brought to your life and your family,
and we can't wait to see how you will continue
to bring that meaning and those values
to others in your new role.
Matt, Robyn, Graham, Sylvie, Russ, Mitch & Sam Goldich Family
on being installed as the
International President of Women's League.
Your hard work and love of Judaism
and Women's League has led you
to this well-deserved honor.
Lynne, Bill and Mitch Landsburg
Mid-Atlantic Region Takes Pride In Its Leadership
Executive Committee: Debbi Kaner Goldich,
Sandy Blumenthal, Donna Finkelstein. Rochelle Hirt,
Janet Kirschner and Illene Rubin. Committee/Council Chairs: Terri Hartman, Faye Laveson,
Sandy Berenbaum, Karen Cuker, Diane Mashiof,
Ellie Kremer and Lynne Landsburg.
Mazel Tov To All! Elef/Journey
In honor of WLCJ 2020 Convention and our Sisterhood being awarded
the Jewels in the Crown. Mazel Tov to all the Jewels in the Crown Award
honorees, and to the newly elected officers of Women's League!
Olam Tikvah Sisterhood, Fairfax, Virginia Elef/Journey
We wish a hearty Mazal Tov to our NAR sisters:
• Debbie Bettan, incoming VP.
• Karen Block, outgoing recording secretary. • Debi Bruce, outgoing VP and incoming recording secretary.
Kol HaKavod to Margie Miller for a job well done
and to Debbi Kaner Goldich as she begins her journey
as WLCJ president.
Sisterhood of Beth Sholom B’nai Israel, Manchester, CT
Women of Aliyah, an honored recipient of the
Jewels in the Crown Award, wishes a hearty Mazal Tov
to our amazing and very deserving Marilyn Berkowitz
or her appointment as incoming Parliamentarian for the Women's League International Executive Committee. Kol Hakavod for your leadership and devotion to Women's League.
With much love,
We extend our appreciation to the officers and board
for their dedication and leadership to Women's League.
Best wishes to the incoming officers and board. Women’s League of B’nai Torah Congregation, Boca Raton, Florida
"Dare to Dream... and when you dream, dream big!" - Henrietta Szold.
Congratulations and blessings to Debbi Kaner Goldich
for a successful term and Mazel Tov to Beth El Women's League
for earning a Jewels in the Crown Award!
Dear Ellen,
I could not be more proud
watching you as an educator and leader
among the women of WLCJ.
Mazal tov on your reappointment to
the Executive Committee as
International Education Co-chair.
I know you will continue to do great things.
All my love,
Bill Taryag/Patron
For Our Sister, Debbi Kaner Goldich-- Mazal tov!
We are so excited for you and for WLCJ.
You have the intelligence, determination, compassion, work ethic,
and sheer grit needed for this job!
And as Mom would have said,
"Wash your face, put on your lipstick and get going!
They are waiting for you!"
Love, your very proud sister and " brother"... Ellen Kaner Bresnick and William Bresnick
In honor of the winners of
the Jewels in the Crown Award. Congregation B'nai Amoona Sisterhood
Mazal Tov to Barbara Ezring
for your ongoing leadership in WLCJ!
Torah Fund, the philanthropic effort of WLCJ
to help future rabbis, cantors and teachers, is embedded within your heart!
May you be as successful growing Torah Fund
as you have been growing your family.
We love you!
Murray, Aviva, Tami, Ron, Gil, Addison and Coby Ezring
Thank you to Margie Miller
and the Executive Committee and Board for outstanding and inspiring leadership.
Congratulations to Debbi Kaner Goldich
and the incoming Executive Committee and Board.
Looking forward to an exciting and dynamic future.
Mid-Atlantic Region
Mazal tov to Marsha Strongin
and the other newly elected officers of Woman's League. Geoffrey Strongin
Thank you to all who served and will serve.
And Mazal Tov to the amazing women of
our congregation and all they do!
Your family and fans,
Adat Ari El
Kol HaKavod to
Women's League for Conservative Judaism!
Mazal Tov to the recipients of
the Jewels in the Crown Award.
Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood,
Cherry Hill, NJ
Kol Hakavod to outgoing President,
Margie Miller and her Board.
Mazal Tov to incoming President,
Debbi Kaner Goldich and her Board.
Mazal Tov to all of our sister Sisterhoods
who are recipients of the Jewels in the Crown Award.
Congregation Anshai Torah Sisterhood, Plano, Texas-
-A proud recipient of the Jewels in the Crown Award.
Congregation Anshai Torah Sisterhood
A woman of valor, who can find?
Her price is far above rubies. We honor our Woman of Valor, Barbara Ezring For all she has done in the past, For all she will do in the future. With admiration and love, Congregation Beth El and Beth El Sisterhood and Men's Club Zoog/Partner
In honor of Women's League's 2020 Convention.
In honor of the winners of the
Jewels in the Crown Award.
Mazal Tov to Debra Green
for her position as
Consulting Services Personnel.
Congregation Beth Judea Sisterhood
Congratulations to the
Jacksonville Jewish Center Sisterhood
on winning another Jewels in the Crown Award!
And congratulations to our Jacksonville members
who are continuing as members of the
International Board of Women's League. Jacksonville Jewish Center Sisterhood
Thank you to my Convention Team!
Illene Rubin, Renee Ravich, Marilyn Berkowitz, Vice Chairs
Ellen, Rachel, Barbara, Dana, Carol,
Toby, Vivian, Lois, Program Team Agnes, Edna, Marjorie, Ardis, Social Action Team Faye and Judi, Installation Team Debbie and Toby, Tefillot Team Madeleine and Meryl, JIC Chairs
a great success!
Debbi Kaner Goldich, Convention Chair
To Honor Margie Miller,
for all that you've accomplished: 2017-20.
To Welcome Debbi Goldich,
WLCJ Int'l President 2020-23.
Vivian Leber
Thank you to the officers and board
for their dedication and leadership
to Women's League.
Blanche Meisel
Temple Aliyah is proud of
our own Marilyn Berkowitz
for her appointment as Parliamentarian
and of our Women of Aliyah, recipients of the Jewels in the Crown award. Rabbi Stewart Vogel, Temple Aliyah, Woodland Hills
Dear Meryl,
Thank you for setting an example for our family
and continuing your dedication and commitment to
Women's League for Conservative Judaism.
May you always go with strength.
Michael, Daniel, Beth, Ben, Morgan, Lauren, Adam & Berkeley Balaban
Mazal tov for being awarded
the Jewels in the Crown, Beth El Sisterhood.
We are thrilled to see you honored
in this meaningful and well-deserved way.
Beth El Congregation of the South Hills, Pittsburgh, PA
In honor of our sisterhood women, our member
Judi Kenter
and her honor
In memory of our treasured members who we lost this year-- Blanche Fried, Carol Friedman and Susan Morris.
May we all go from strength to strength!
Beth El New Rochelle Sisterhood
Beth Israel Sisterhood
in Owings Mills, MD (Seaboard Region)
wishes to say Todah Rabbah to
Margie Miller,
and Vice Presidents, Sue Taffet and Myra Promisel
for their service to Women's League.
Mazel Tov to Debbi Kaner Goldich
and Vice President Julia Loeb
as they begin their leadership roles.
Beth Tikvah Women, Toronto Ontario
are thankful and honoured for receiving a Jewels in the Crown award
and are so proud of our President, Adele Weinstein,
on her appointment as Canadian Liason to the WL International Board.
Todah rabah to Margie Miller for her leadership, vision
and friendship during her tenure as WL President.
Kol Hakavod and hatzlacha to Debbi Goldich
as she begins her journey as the new incoming WL President.
May we all go from Strength to Strength !!
Kol Hakavod to our mom,
Ellen Kaner Bresnick,
and our aunt, Debbi Kaner Goldich,
for your achievements on behalf of
Women's League for Conservative Judaism.
You exemplify what it means to be a woman of valor.
We know Nana and Papa would be beaming with pride.
We love you both!
Bethany and Sara (plus Jay, Adam,
Jordyn, Rylie, Micah, Blake and Liam) Bonah/Boneh/Builder
To Rita Wertlieb, Carol Simon,
Margie Miller, and Debbi Goldich--
With thanks to three "Sisters" and one Sister
for allowing me to be part of their journeys....
I loved working with you three, Rita, Carol and Margie,
as part of your Board and Executive Committees,
and I feel as if I have gained three additional sisters along the way-,
and I know that I will love working with you Debbi -
my Sister that I have known the longest -
on the next Executive Committee as the journey continues.
Mazal tov to all of you for the incredible work
that you have done, continue to do, and will do.
What a lucky organization Women's League is
for having such strong, extraordinary women at the top!
Ellen Kaner Bresnick
Congregation Beth El, La Jolla
honors: Renee Ravich
for being appointed Chair of Consulting
Services and our Women's Connection
for their "Jewels in the Crown" award
for diverse programming and service.
We are proud of all of you!
Yey Asher Kohekh and Todah Rabah to the
Outgoing Officers and Board of Women's League.
May you continue to go Mechayil el Chayil.
Mazal Tov to the Incoming Officers
and Board of Women's League.
Chazak, Chazak, Venitchazek.
Agnes Emert
"For Jews, education is not just what we know, it is who we are."--Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Thank you to all the women who imagined, brainstormed, created, designed, wrote, prepared
and shared the wonderful Education/Program materials and Zoom Learning that made us
who we are. תודה רבה 2017-2020 Education/Program Team Ellen Bresnick, Rhonda Cohn, Renee Glazier, Jessica Gribetz, Rochelle Hirt, Judi Kenter, Faye Laveson, Vivian Leber, Barb Levin, Margie Miller, Illene Rubin, Edna Schrank, Karen Seltzer, Diana Sirkin, Marsha Strongin; Region Education/Program VP's/Chairs: Barbara Bass-Pashak, Judy Berger, Karin Cohen, Cindy Feldman, Robin Lash, Rhoda Lipsig, Joyce Malech z"l, Meryl Nason, Esther Racoosin, Janice Safirstein, Lynnette Seader, Barbara Shepard; Region Presidents: Cindy Ginsburg, Wendy Glasser, Fran Hildebrandt, Linda Klempner, Esta Lichtenstein, Cathy Litofsky, Joan Lowenstein, Anise Parnes, Jina Rezvanpour, Teresa Samtur, Lori Snow, Cathy Swerdlow, Jennifer Wood, Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Fields and Sarah Stern.
With much admiration and love for you and all you accomplished
and with confidence that we will continue to learn together.
Education/Programming Team Coordinator
Barbara Ezring
Thank You to Margie and your outgoing Board
for all the hard work and dedication
you've put in these past few years!
Mazal Tov to Debbi and your incoming Board!
I can't wait to see all the wonderful new ideas
and programming that are yet to come!
Corinne Gelfand Lipnick
Kol Hakavod to Margie Miller and her Outgoing Board
for outstanding, inspiring leadership 2017-2020
Mazel Tov to Debbi Kaner Goldich and her Incoming Board.
May this challenging, exciting, new journey
be blessed with good health,
and the fulfillment of your visions for Women's League.
With love,
Lela Jacoby
In Honor of the
Yorktown Jewish Center Sisterhood's
Jewels in the Crown Award
Yorktown Jewish Center Sisterhood
Mazel Tov to the outgoing and incoming officers
of Women's League!
Paul & Debbie Bettan Joy of Food
With great appreciation and love
Rabbi Cheryl Peretz
Hazzan Alisa Pomerantz-Boro
Debbi Kaner Goldich
Debbi Kaner Goldich
In honor of
Illene Rubin,
sister extraordinaire,
who has devoted her heart and soul
to help to make this virtual convention
a model of what the best of virtual can be!
Temma Kingsley
Thank you to all my Women's League
teachers, mentors, and friends.
May you go from strength to strength
in good health.
Lois T. Silverman
Thank you to Margie Miller and the outgoing officers
and Board for their dedication and leadership.
From MetroNorth Region: Lucy Becker and Judi Kenter
Congratulations to Debbi Kaner Goldich
and the incoming officers and Board.
From MetroNorth Region: Mindy Steinholtz Bonah/Boneh/Builder
Thank you Margie Miller
and the 2017-2020 Board
for a job well done.
Mazel Tov to Debbi Goldich.
Looking forward to three more wonderful years
under your guidance.
Kol ha Kavod to
Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood, Atlanta,
on earning another Jewels in the Crown award.
Illene Rubin
Thank you to the officers and board
for their dedication and leadership
to Women's League. Mary Sanders
Thank you!
To Margie Miller, WLCJ International President 2017 - 2020, for her counsel,
friendship, and being a great traveling partner.
To Randy Schwartz, WLCJ International Torah Fund Chair 2017 - 2020,
for her counsel, mentorship, friendship, and being a great traveling partner.
To Cory Schneider, WLCJ Past International President, for being a wonderful mentor,
friend, and the best partner in our Torah Fund Legacy Society journey.
To Debbi Kaner Goldich, WLCJ International President 2020 - 2023
for her continued friendship and leadership.
Looking forward to sharing in your vision.
To Fran Hildebrandt, CGLR President, my immediate successor, for your leadership
and most of all your loving friendship. Oh, the places we have gone and will go!!!
To Robyn Rosengard, CBS Sisterhood President, for your leadership and friendship!
To my community of CGLR, CBS Sisterhood and CBS for always being there for me.
Edna Schrank
Mazal tov to our Mom (Edna Schrank)
on her installation
as a Women's League Vice President. Seth Schrank & Francie Dundore
Mazal tov, Grace Schessler!
In honor of your installation as Vice President
of Women's League for Conservative Judaism.
Through your efforts you continue to engage,
enrich, and empower women.
Thank you for being my role model for almost 40 years
and the most perfect example
of what it means to be a Jewish woman.
The Sisterhood of Har Zion Temple is proud
to once again receive the Jewel in the Crown award.
Mazel Tov to our Sisterhood President, Lynne Landsburg,
on being installed as a member of the
International Women's League Board of Directors
as the Regions Budget Chairperson
and to Debbi Goldich and the incoming officers
and board members of Women's League.
Yasher Koach to Margie Miller and the outgoing officers
and board members for your hard work and dedication
on behalf of Women's League.
Sisterhood of Har Zion Temple, Penn Valley, PA
Thank you, Margie Miller
for your leadership, dedication, and friendship.
It has been my honor to work with you.
Yashar Kochech to Debbi Goldich
and all the incoming Executive Committee
and Board Members.
I look forward to working with you for the next 3 years.
Kol ha Kavod to Sisterhood Agudas Achim
for earning the Jewels in the Crown Award!
Marsha Strongin
Mazel Tov, Agnes! May you go from strength to strength.
Your sisters at Temple Beth Am.
Temple Beth Am of Los Angeles Sisterhood
In honor of the winners of
the Jewels in the Crown Award. Temple Beth Shalom Sisterhood Livingston, NJ
Kol Hak'vod to
Women's League for Conservative Judaism.
Temple Gates of Prayer Sisterhood, BQLI
In honor of Women's League's 2020 Convention:
Sisters Journeying Together
Kol HaKavod to outgoing President Margie Miller
and her Board.
Mazal Tov to incoming President Debbi Kaner Goldich
and her Board.
Yasher Koach to Congregation Har Shalom
(Potomac, MD) Sisterhood for earning the Jewels in the Crown award. Toby B. Holtzman
Kol hakvod to the outgoing Board
for their hard work and commitment to
Women's League and Judaism.
Mazel tov to the incoming elected officers
who now take the torch to lead
Women's League in the coming years.
Eishet Hayil...Women of Valour...
May you be blessed with
good health of mind, body and soul.
Valley Beth Shalom Sisterhood, Encino, CA
Thank you to the officers and Board
of Margie Miller's term in office.
Mazel Tov to my "sisters"
from The Mid-Atlantic Region
who will be our leaders
for the next three years. Marc, Marsha and Laura Wasserman
Thank you to
Margie and her Board
for their leadership;
wishing them well in their next venture.
Mazel Tov, Debbi and her board;
wishing you fulfillment of your vision!
Lauren Wishnew
We celebrate Margie's stellar administration
and look forward to Debbi's with much anticipation.
Congratulations to Sisterhoods who earned
the coveted Jewels in the Crown in Women's League,
a vibrant, learned, compassionate community
we have found.
Mazal Tov and hugs, Sandy Berenbaum,
Sandy Blumenthal, Faye Laveson,
Mimi Pollack & Shelley Szwalbenest.
WLCJ Sisterhoods
Myra Promisel,
The members of Adas Israel Sisterhood congratulate you
on being appointed to the International Women's League
Executive Committee for another consecutive term.
Previous WLCJ posts: Executive Committee's
Financial Secretary and Seaboard Region President.
Myra also served on the Adas Israel
Sisterhood Board of Directors.
Myra, thank you for your invaluable contributions.
Kol hakavod to the
Sisterhood of Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, DC
for being recognized with the Jewels in the Crown Award.
Thank you for your commitment, creativity,
and community. Chaverah/Chaver/Supporter
The Adat Chaim Sisterhood wishes to send a
big TODAH RABBAH to Cathy Litofsky,
President of WLCJ Seaboard Region
and Adat Chaim Sisterhood member.
Her dedication and support to us all
is much appreciated.
We wish to also recognize the Seaboard Region
Executive Board and Committee members
who give their time and talents
to engage, enrich and educate us.
Adat Chaim Sisterhood
Todah Rabah to
the outgoing officers and Board.
It was a pleasure working with you
and being a part of Women's League.
Thank you for the wonderful experience
and spiritual growth.
Gloria Adelson
Thank you to the officers and Board of WLCJ
for their support and leadership throughout
Ahavath Achim Sisterhood's 100 years.
Thank you to the outgoing officers
and Board for their dedication
and leadership.
Mazel Tov to the incoming officers
and Board.
Gaye Altman
Margie Miller,
Debbi Kaner Goldich
and their Officers and Board Members. American Friends of Neve Hanna Janet and Irwin Tobin, Co-Presidents Marilyn Noble, Administrator Lisa Pollack, Development & Marketing Chaverah/Chaver/Supporter
Mazel tov
Debbi Kaner Goldich,
Incoming president!
With love,
Ellen and Brad Ashinoff
Yasher Koach West Orange Sisters!
B'nai Shalom is a real dream team.
Today we take home the Jewels in the Crown.
So sit back and watch us beam!
Mazal Tov to the newly elected officers
of Women's League!
B’nai Shalom Sisterhood, West Orange, NJ
Mazal Tov Margie Miller. Mazal Tov Debbi Goldich.
"Each person grows not only by her own talents
or development of her inner beliefs,
but also by what she receives
from the persons around her." ( Iris Haberli)
Wishing you much success as your journeys continue.
Thank you for being a mentor and friend.
Phyllis Haas, Dolores Magen and Evelyn Seelig
May their memories forever be a blessing,
Sandy Berenbaum
The best part of life's journey is who you get to share it with!
I'm so happy for you, my friend! Love you!
Marilyn Berkowitz
In Honor of Gaye Altman
With Love, Bet Torah Sisterhood, Mt Kisco, NY
Mazel Tov to Beth David Women
on receiving WLCJ's
Jewels in the Crown Award
in recognition
of your years of loving contributions
to the life of our community.
Beth David, Toronto, ON
Kol Hakavod to Beth Tikvah Women
for achieving a "Jewels In The Crown" award
for diverse and creative programming and service.
We are proud of all of you!
Beth Tikvah Synagogue, Toronto, ON
A hearty Mazal Tov to Adele Weinstein
on being appointed 'Canadian Liaison'
to the International Board
of Women's League for Conservative Judaism.
Kol Hakavod for your leadership and devotion
as President of Beth Tikvah Women, Toronto, Canada.
Todah Rabah from your dedicated
and loving Executive.
Beth Tikvah Women Executive
Celebrating the outstanding leadership of
Margie Miller
Always an honor working with you.
Mazal Tov to
Debbi Goldich,
incoming WLCJ President.
I look forward
to the next part of the journey.
Sandy Blumenthal
Kol HaKavod to our ladies of
Women's Network of Temple Beth Tzedek, Buffalo, New York,
upon receiving the Jewels in the Crown Award
and to Iris (Rusty) Zackheim Outgoing Executive Board
Vice-President and incoming National Board members.
We wish the incoming Board and officers much success
in the future! We are proud of all of you!
To WLCJ Search Committee-
Dear Friends, When you have the best Search Committee to work with,
you know that you can really make a difference in an organization's future.
I was the lucky one who got to Chair this committee of the best!
Thank you to Margie Miller, Debbi Kaner Goldich, Illene Rubin,
Janet Kirschner, Barbara Ezring, Judi Kenter, Carol Simon, Rita Wertlieb, and Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Fields who always remembered to get on our zoom calls twenty minutes early because being on time
meant you were late in this group of high achievers!
With much appreciation and gratitude for numerous searches
well-done even as we all tried to talk at the same time... Ellen Kaner Bresnick, Chair 2017--2020 Search Committee Chaverah/Chaver/Supporter
Todah Rabah to our amazing and dedicated staff!
Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
Razel Kessler
Sarah Stern
Gary Baurer
Karen Tenasaca
Max Kislak
We are so fortunate to have you with us!
Carol Simon and Cory Schneider
It is not what one says, but rather what one does,
that makes all the difference in the world. (Pirke Avot 1:17)
Kol HaKavod to Margie Miller, outgoing WLCJ President 2017-2020.
We thank you for your leadership, guidance, and support.
Mazel Tov to Debbi Kaner Goldich, incoming WLCJ President
2020-2023. We look forward to working with you
and know you will be successful in your endeavors.
Central Great Lakes Region
Deep appreciation for the work and dedication
of WLCJ leadership and staff and the group
who has worked tirelessly
on planning this convention.
Mazal tov to the newly elected officers!
Susan Farber, Cincinnati, Ohio, CGLR Books Chair, Incoming co-chair of WLReads
Mazal tov to
the newly elected officers
of Women's League.
Cindy Marder, Past Central Branch President, Class of 2000-2002
In Loving Memory of Our Sister
and Classmate Sue Press
CLASS OF 2000-2002
Past Metropolitan Branch President
Your Sisters and Classmates:
Gaye Altman, Rivy Blass, Marsha Cohen, Mona Gross, Carol Maller, Cindy Marder,
Harriet Merkowitz, Idette Pfeffer, Maxine Pomerantz,
Doris Wegman and Lynne Weiss Marshall Class of Branch Presidents 2000-2002
Thank you to the officers
and Board for their dedication
and leadership to Women's League.
Congregation Agudas Achim, Austin, TX
Mazal Tov to our own
Marion Mohl
for her appointment as a
Garden State Region representative
to the WLCJ Board of Directors.
Thank you for your inspirational leadership.
Congregation B'nai Israel Sisterhood, Millburn
In honor of Congregation Beth Judea Sisterhood
member Debra Green's valued service
as Vice President and appointee as Chair of Consulting Services Personnel
in honor of Congregation Beth Judea Sisterhood
receiving the Jewels in the Crown Award.
Congregation Beth Judea Board of Directors
Mazel Tov to the outgoing Board
and the newly elected officers of Women's League 2020.
Congregation Beth Shalom of Atlanta Sisterhood
Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood
congratulates WLCJ
New President Debbi Kaner Goldich
and her incoming Executive Committee.
Mazel Tov to CBS Sisterhood Board member
Sue Bengele as WLCJ Financial Secretary.
CBS Sisterhood is proud to be
a Florida Region Winner of Jewels in the Crown.
Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood, Clearwater, FL
In Honor of the
Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Shalom
for earning the Jewels in the Crown Award.
Your contributions to our Kehillah
are immeasurable.
Rabbi Mark Zimmerman, Board and Staff Congregation Beth Shalom, Atlanta, GA
The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Tikvah, Marlton, NJ
is very happy to wish a Yasher Koach to the incoming WL President,
Debbi Kaner Goldich.
We are also proud to wish a Yasher Koach to our very own Sisterhood members,
Donna Finkelstein, new VP and Rochelle Hirt, new Treasurer onto the incoming
Women's League Board, and to all new Board members.
We would also like to thank Margie Miller, the outgoing President,
for her amazing leadership and her smile, joy and support. Margie, you are one in a million.
We are honored to again accept the Jewels in the Crown award for excellence.
And we congratulate all recipients for their achievement.
Congregation L'Dor V'Dor of Oakland
Little Neck J.C.
wishes Mazel Tov to
Margie Miller and Debbi Kaner Goldich
their officers and Board.
Janet Tobin, President
Lois Wirtheim, VP Finance
Carrie Yaffe, VP Torah Fund
Joan Kase-Riger, VP Education
Lois Pollack, VP Administration
We are so proud of our congregant
Dana Sirkin
for being elected Vice President for Women's League.
Mazel Tov to Dana
and all the leaders of our Sisterhood
for receiving the Jewels in the Crown Award.
Congregation Neveh Shalom
"Volunteers don't get paid, not because they're worthless,
but because they're priceless."
Congregation Tifereth Israel of Lower Bucks County
proudly salutes
~Sandy Berenbaum for her valued service to Sisterhood and TI.
~Shelley Szwalbenest for all her work as the Parliamentarian. ~Our amazing Sisterhood as a Jewels in the Crown of Women's League.
MAZEL TOV to all who continue to value Judaism
and Women's League
In honor of
Edna Schrank and Marjorie Maxwell
We express pride and gratitude
for all your accomplishments.
Mazel Tov on your newest WLCJ endeavors.
Diana & Maury Lewis
and Darlene & Norman Padnos
Honoring Torah Fund Legacy Society
"Those who persuade others to perform a good deed,
it as if they themselves have performed it." Talmud
You have made this Society so successful.
We are honored to have led this effort with you...
The Amazing TFLS team:
Rabbi Lilly Kaufman, Executive Director, Torah Fund; Randy Schwartz, Torah Fund Chair; Carol Simon, Special Gifts Chair.
Solicitors and Core Committee:
Heddy Belman, Marilyn Cohen, Agnes Emert, Rachel Ferber, Judi Kenter, Janet Kirschner, Estrid Mandel, Cheryl Patt, Tobie Rosenberg, Marcia Toppall, Lauren Wishnew.
Our Incredible and Generous Donors:
The inaugural members of the Torah Fund Legacy Society
With our love and gratitude,
Edna Schrank and Cory Schneider
Ezra-Habonim, the Niles Township
Jewish Congregation Sisterhood,
is proud to once again
be a recipient of the
Jewels in the Crown Award. Chaverah/Chaver/Supporter
In honor of the winners of
the Jewels in the Crown Award. Sandra Eliaser
Kol Hak'vod to
Women's League for Conservative Judaism.
Beth Sholom Sisterhood,
Elkins Park, PA
Emanuel Sisterhood West Hartford, Ct
is proud to be a recipient of the
Jewels in the Crown Award.
We congratulate all of the winners:
Fern, Beth, Audrey, Debbie, Sue, Bonnie, Arlan, Faith, Sandra, Madalyn, Lisa, Carolyn, Sharon,
Rachel, Jenn, Debbie B. and Reesa
Mazel Tov to Debbie Bettan
on being installed as an
International VP of WLCJ
From your Sisters at Emanuel, West Hartford, Ct
Debbie Emanuel, Synagogue Sisterhood
I am so proud of my PSW Sisters
on the
Women's League Incoming Executive Committee
Debbi Kaner Goldich, Brenda Katz,
Marilyn Berkowitz, Ellen Kaner Bresnick
and Renee Ravich. PSW women ROCK!
Thank you Margie for your guidance;
your fortitude; your persistent
and consistent positive attitude;
and your strength of character.
Agnes Emert
Todah Rabah Margie Miller.
It has been my honor to work with you
and every member of your team 2017-2020.
Yasher Koach Debbi Goldich, Illene Rubin,
Marilyn Berkowitz, Renee Ravich
and the Convention 2020 Committee.
You created a fabulous 3-day Convention.
And overnight, you re-created
a fabulous Virtual Convention.
Mazal Tov Debbi Kaner Goldich.
I look forward to being part of
your team 2020-2023.
Barbara Ezring
Yasher koach to Margie Miller
& her entire Board
for three very successful years.
Mazel tov to Debbi Goldich
& the entire incoming Board.
Chazak ve'ematz!
Rachel Ferber
In honor of
Illene Rubin, Barbara Ezring,
Dana Sirkin, Toby Maser,
Carol Simon & Ellen Bresnick--
the FABULOUS Convention 2020
Program Team.
Thank you for showing me the ropes.
It was fun.
Rachel Ferber
Kol HaKavod to our Fabulous
Jewels in the Crown Winners:
Women's League of B'nai Torah Congregation, Boca Raton
Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood, Clearwater
Jacksonville Jewish Center Sisterhood, Jacksonville
Beth Torah Sisterhood, North Miami Beach
Women's League of Temple Emanu-El, Palm Beach
Kol Ami Sisterhood, Tampa
Thank you Margie Miller and her leadership team
for a job well done! Best Wishes to Debbi Goldich
and her team for the start of a wonderful new administration!
The Fabulous Florida Region
Mazal tov to the newly elected officers
of Women's League.
Naomi Friedman
Yasher Kochaich to
Margie Miller 2017-2020
Mazel Tov to
Debbi Goldich 2020-2023
Lila Frost
In honor of Debbi Goldich
and her dedication and commitment
to Women's League
for Conservative Judaism!
Judith Sternstein Galler
Todah Rabah, Margie Miller, for your inspiring leadership.
Mazal tov to our newly elected President Debbi Goldich.
May you lead Women's League into the future with strength and vision.
Mazel tov to the GSR women appointed to the Women's League Board:
Ilene Rothman, Vice President
Board of Directors:
Meryl Balaban, Heddy Belman, Susan Hammer, Fran Katz, Sheila Kaufman,
Marion Mohl, Marlene Oslick, Lynette Seader, Susan Winter
Best Wishes from the
Garden State Region Board 2018-2021
Teresa Samtur, President
Yasher Koach to the GSR 2020 Jewels in the Crown Award Recipients:
Temple Beth El-Mekor Chayim, Cranford, NJ
Highland Park Conservative Temple-Cong. Anshe Emeth, Highland Park, NJ
Temple Beth Shalom, Livingston, NJ
Morristown Jewish Center-Beit Yisrael, Morristown, NJ
Miriam Sisterhood, Oheb Shalom Cong., South Orange, NJ
B'nai Shalom, West Orange, NJ
To all the women of the Garden State Region-
We will always be sisters journeying together!
Garden State Region Board 2018-2021
Teresa Samtur, President
A Dream Come True!
Mazal Tov!
Int'l President of WLCJ Madeleine E. Gimbel
Mazel Tov to
Debbi Kaner Goldich
and her incoming Board.
Wishing you a wonderful three years
full of new friendships, learning and success.
Wendy J. Glasser
Thank you to Margie Miller
and her outgoing board
for all the hard work you have all done
for the past three years.
May you go from Strength to Strength.
Wendy J Glasser
Congratulations to
President Debbi Kaner Goldich Bruce Goldberg
Mazal Tov to Margie Miller,
who as International President,
has led with warmth, humor and dedication
to the continued success of Women's League.
Mazal Tov to Debbi Goldich,
who as incoming International President,
brings her abilities and enthusiasm
ensuring a bright future for Women's League.
I enjoyed working and learning with you both,
traveling with you (Buenos Aires and Cuba),
and being your friend. Phyllis Goldberg
Todah Rabah to the
incoming and outgoing WLCJ leadership
for your effort, commitment,
and friendship.
Kol Hakavod to the
Jacksonville Jewish Center Sisterhood,
recipient of the Jewels in the Crown Award.
Phyllis Goldberg
With gratitude to Margie and her Board,
With best wishes to Debbi and her Board,
With appreciation to the Region Presidents
and the Convention Committee,
With pride for Congregation Beth Judea Sisterhood -
Jewels in the Crown awardee!
Debra Green
Women's League is our Tree of Life.
Sue Gurland
Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach to
Rochelle Hirt
On being installed as the new
Women's League Treasurer.
Your Loving Husband,
Paul Hirt
Todah Rabbah to Margie Miller
for your wonderful leadership
and guidance these past three years!
Mazel Tov to Debbi Kaner Goldich
on your installation as our next President...
a well deserved honor!
With Much Love,
Rochelle Hirt
The Sisterhood of East Meadow Jewish Center
is honored to receive our third
Jewels of the Crown Award.
Mazal Tov to the other winners
of the Jewels in the Crown.
The Sisterhood of East Meadow Jewish Center
is proud to be a member of
Women's League for Conservative Judaism
East Meadow Jewish Center
Thank you to Margie
and the officers and Board
for their dedication and leadership!
Mazal tov to Debbi
and the incoming officers and Board.
Looking forward to working with you!
Kol HaKavod!
Tobie Rosenberg and Jo-Anne Novik
Thank you to Margie Miller, Marsha Strongin,
Phyllis Goldberg and Ariana Burrows
for the amazing success of this Tribute Ad Journal!
You have outdone yourselves!
Debbi Kaner Goldich
Todah rabah to BQLI Region Members of the
Outgoing Executive Committee 2017-2020:
Margie Miller and Vivian Leber
Mazal tov to BQLI Region Member
of the Incoming Executive Committee 2020-2023:
Grace Schessler, Barbara Kaplan, Torah Fund VP,
BQLI Region
Barbara Kaplan
I have been truly blessed.
One of my many blessings has been to serve
Women's League for Conservative Judaism.
This blessing has also given me the blessing
of working with amazing women.
Thank you to all of the fabulous women
who I have worked with and learned from
(many too many to mention).
As our leader, who set the tone and standard -
I mention only Margie Sivan Miller - thank you.
I can't leave without wishing blessings to Debbi Goldich
and the new administration.
Judi Dickstein Kenter
Dear Janet/Mom:
We are so proud of your years
of service as Treasurer
and wish you the best of luck
in your new role as Torah Fund Vice-Chair!
You continue to be a role model
and inspiration.
Phil, Jen, & Jon
To a fanstastic WLCJ President
Margie Miller
It was wonderful working with you.
Best wishes to Incoming WLCJ President
Debbi Goldich
I look forward to working with you. Janet Kirschner
In Memory of
Evelyn Seelig, Phyllis Haas, and Sue Press
Sisters I was privileged to journey with
along the WLCJ highway.
Faye Laveson
In honor of
Women's League's 2020 Convention.
Debbie Lempert
In memory of of my mother, Toby Litin,
Torah Fund President, Ner Tamid Ezra Habonim Egalitarian Minyan Congregation
and Administrator of Camp Ramah in Wisconsin.
And in Honor of my Uncle, Rabbi Burton Cohen,
The Jewish Theological Seminary and Camp Ramah. Laeh Litin
One "who strives to do good and kind deeds
attains life, success, and honor."
Thank you to Margie Miller
For your years of friendship, inspiration
and guidance and especially for
your leadership during this past term
as Women's League International President.
Julia Loeb
"Life was meant for good friends
and great adventures."
Mazal Tov to Debbi Kaner Goldich!
I feel honored to be starting
this journey with you
as you lead Women's League
from Strength to Strength.
Julia Loeb
Mazel Tov to Donna Finkelstein, incoming VP,
Rochelle Hirt, incoming Treasurer,
and Executive Appointees Janet Kirschner
and Illene Rubin on your appointments to WLCJ.
We are all extremely proud of you
and are sure you will do a wonderful job.
Love from the FTDC
Yasher Kochech to Margie Miller and her outgoing Board, for your inspiring leadership
and friendship, and to Debbi Green, for your support and guidance.
Mazel Tov to Debbi Kaner Goldich and her incoming Board,
as you embark on this exciting journey!
To the Women of the International Northeast Region who have been appointed to
positions on the International Board, Mazel Tov! Iris (Rusty) Zackheim
and Doreen Bornfreund - Kol Isha Co-Chairs, Adele Weinstein -
Canadian Affairs Chair, Lois Silverman - Communications Co-Chair
& Toby Maser - Sisterhood PrezNet Chair.
Kol Hakavod to the International Northeast Region's Jewels in the Crown Award Recipients:
Beth David Women, Toronto, Ontario; Beth Tikvah Women, Toronto, Ontario;
Shaare Zedek Sisterhood, Montreal, Quebec; Temple Beth El Sisterhood, Rochester, New York
and Women's Network of Temple Beth Tzedek, Buffalo, New York.
To all the Women of the International Northeast Region:
may you go from strength to strength. It is an honor and a pleasure to know you all!
Joan Lowenstein International Northeast President 2018-2021
Todah Rabah to Margie Miller, who has always had
such a positive attitude and the outgoing Board for a job well done.
Mazel Tov to Debbi Kaner Goldich and the Incoming Board.
Wishing you great success in the next three years.
Mazel Tov to all of our Jewels in the Crown Recipients.
I am so proud to call Shomrei Torah my Sisterhood.
Yasher Koach to President Sue Moss and her wonderful Board
and for being WLCJ Jewels in the Crown Award Recipient.
Carol Madvig, Pacific Southwest Region
Mazel tov to my friend Grace Schessler
who I love and admire as a woman, a leader and
especially as a friend, and for becoming a Vice President of BQLI.
Keep climbing!
xo, Jani
Jani Majewski
Todah Rabah
Margie Miller,
as our outgoing WLCJ Int'l President,
for your Extraordinary Dedication,
Leadership and Friendship!
Mazel Tov
Debbi Kaner Goldich, Incoming WLCJ Int'l President. Marsha Cohen and Cindy Marder
Thank you to Margie Miller and the outgoing officers and board
members for their dedication and leadership to Women's League.
Mazel tov to Debbi Kaner Goldich and the incoming officers
and board members.
Mazel tov to my fellow CBS Sisterhood member, Edna Schrank,
on her installation as a Women's League Vice-President.
Mazel tov to Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood
in Northbrook, IL for the Jewels in the Crown Award.
Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new friends
at our Virtual Convention.
Marjorie Maxwell
In honor of the winners of the Jewels in the Crown Award:
Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale
First Hebrew Congregation
Yorktown Jewish Center
Kol hak'vod to Women's League of Conservative Judaism.
Kol Ha Kavod to Margie Miller
and the outgoing Board of Women's League.
May they continue to be an inspiration to the entire community.
Mazel Tov to our very own past president, Debbi Kaner Goldich
on her installation as Women's League International President
and her entire Board.
May they go from strength to strength.
Mid-Atlantic Region Past Presidents Council
With Love, Sandy Berenbaum, Thelma Fox, Rochelle Hirt,
Janet Kirscher, Sandy Blumenthal, Lois Goldberg,
Barbara Braunstein, Donna Finkelstein,
Nona Abrams, Faye Laveson, Susan Lodish, Elaine Emmer,
Ilene Cetlin Lipow, Idelle Wood, Cecelia Cable
To Evelyn A., Janet,
Evelyn S. z"l, Gloria,
Cory, Rita and Carol-- My mentors, my role models and my friends.
It is my honor to join your ranks.
Love you all,
Margie Miller
To our Loyal & Dedicated Staff:
Gary, Lorraine, Eiron, Trish, Razel, Max, Sarah, Karen and "My partner" Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields Margie Miller
Thank you to my Executive Committee
· For the beautiful handwoven Tallit
· For the generous donation to the Masorti Days of Study
· For your three years of service, dedication and passion
· And above all, your friendship
Margie Miller
Mazel Tov
Debbi Kaner Goldich.
Enjoy the Journey.
May your paths be filled with
adventures and accomplishments!
Margie Miller
![]() Chaverah/Chaver/Supporter
Todah Rabah to President Margie Miller
and the outgoing Board for their outstanding work.
Mazal Tov to Debbi Kaner Goldich
on becoming the International Women's League President
and congratulations to members of the incoming Board.
Music City Sisterhood
of West End Synagogue, Nashville
Mazel Tov, Mom, on your new position as a VP of WLCJ.
You are an inspiration to your children and grandchildren!
We are proud of you and love you!
Phil, Jodi, Joci Newman Kids
North By NorthWest Region congratulates
Dana Sirkin
on becoming an International Vice President.
Mazel Tov Dana.
We are so very proud of you and we love you.
North by NorthWest Region Board
Ya'asher Koach to
Margie Miller, BQLI's own,
and the outgoing Board,
and Mazel Tov to the incoming Board
from your Sisters at
North Shore Jewish Center Sisterhood, Port Jefferson Station, NY
The Sisterhood of North Suburban Synagogue Beth El
in Highland Park, Illinois,
wishes a huge Mazal Tov to
Margie Miller, outgoing WLCJ President,
and to Debbi Kaner Goldich, Convention Chair
and incoming WLCJ President.
We are also incredibly proud to claim these women
as "our very own" - Rachel Ferber, CGLR Torah Fund VP
and incoming WLCJ Vice Chair of Convention Program Pam Schlosberg,
2020 Convention Co-Madricha, continuing WLCJ board representative
for CGLR and CGLR Membership Support Rachel Kamin,
2020 Convention Librarian
NorthXNorthWest Region offers Heartfelt Thanks to Margie Miller
and her outgoing board for all of their Support and Hard work
for the 2017-2020 term. You have been amazing role models and mentors
and handled the current upheaval with Grace and courage.
May you all go from Strength to Strength.
And We Congratulates Debbi Kaner Goldich and the incoming board
and wish them a wonderful, meaningful and successful term 2020-2023.
May you all have an incredible three years.
Mazel Tov!
Kol HaKavod, Margie,
for your leadership the last three years.
Mazal Tov, Debbi,
on becoming Women's League's next President.
Mazal Tov, Grace,
on becoming a Women's League Vice President.
Mazal Tov, Vivian,
on becoming Personal Conversations Chair.
Todah Rabah, all,
for your dedication to Women's League.
Anise Parnes
With gratitude to the women of Women's League
who have worked tirelessly and selflessly,
serving as role models to so many.
And with excited anticipation
for Women's League's new leadership.
Mazel tov to ALL!
Mitchell & Cheryl Patt, Patt Capital Management
Congratulations to
Mindy Steinholz
for her installation as a Vice President of Women's League
Thank you to
Margie Miller
for her wonderful service as President
of Women's League Sisterhood First Hebrew Congregation.
Sisterhood First Hebrew Congregation, Peekskill, New York
We are so proud of our MIMI
for her dedication to
Women's League for Conservative Judaism.
Chazak, chazak v'nitchazek
We love you for all you do!
The Pollack Family
Bernie, Elisa and Craig, Erica and Ross,
Ally and Adam, and all our grands!
Thank you MARGIE
for selecting me to work
with you on Leadership Institute.
Your humor and gentle guidance
has shaped so many of our leaders.
It has been my honor to be part of your team.
Best of luck DEBBI
as you embark on your new adventure. I look forward to being part of your team.
Mazal Tov
Debbi Kaner Goldich
on your election as President
and for all you do for WLCJ!
Kol hak'vod to the
Sisterhoods of the Forest Hills Jewish Center
and the East Meadow Jewish Center.
Gail Port
Myra Promisel -- our wife, mother, grandmother -- has for years
been devoting significant amounts of her time, energy,
and skill to Women's League and the purposes it serves.
Helping to sustain Conservative sisterhoods, enabling them
to provide valuable services to members of Conservative synagogues
throughout the world, is a worthy cause.
We are proud that Myra is continuing to play
a meaningful part in it.
Larry Promisel
Aimee, Brett, Lila & Reed Promisel Amy, Seth, Nathan & Benjamin Promisel Chaverah/Chaver/Supporter
Merci Margie Miller
Thank you
Welcome Debbi Kaner Goldich
Shaare Zedek Sisterhood Montreal, Quebec, Canada
To our Dedicated and Devoted Convention Team
and Convention Committee, Women Plan and God Laughs,
but no matter what, we are Sisters Who Journey Together,
and WLCJ Convention 2020 in Zoomburg is Monumental!
May this be the first of many journeys we all embark on together!
May we live the words of Debbie Friedman's song,
"Tefillat HaDerech (Traveler's Prayer)"
May we be blessed as we go on our way. May we be guided in peace.
May we be blessed with health and joy. May this be our blessing. Amen.
May we be sheltered by the wings of peace. May we be kept in safety
and in love. May grace and compassion find their way to every soul.
May this be our blessing, Amen.
With great respect and admiration,
Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
Thank you Margie!
From serving as our Consultant in Nashville,
to our private tour of the 9/11 Memorial,
to Leadership Institute 2019,
you've been a great friend and resource to me
and West End Synagogue's Sisterhood.
Thank you to all the officers
and Board for their service.
Mazel Tov to Debbi and the incoming Board!
Marsha Raimi
Thank you to our Region Torah Fund Vice Presidents
for your devotion, dedication, and leadership.
It has been a pleasure working with you.
Jeanette Brownstein (Florida), Donna Burkat (Garden State),
Marilyn Cohen (INR), Rachel Ferber (CGL), Helen Crowley (Southern), Marjorie Fuhrmann (Seaboard), Barbara Kaplan (BQLI), Robin Metzger (North Atlantic), Denise Mosk (ICR),
Susan Silverstone (NxNW), Roberta Spaccia (PSW),
Mindy Steinholz (Metro North), Marsha Wasserman (Mid-Atlantic).
And to our Wonderful Torah Fund Staff Rabbi Lilly Kaufman,
Meg Morrison, Lisa Paule, Sherrill Moss-Solomon, and Karen Tenesaca.
Randy Schwartz
Todah Rabah!
Margie Miller, President
Agnes Emert, VP from Pacific Southwest Region
And the entire outgoing International Board
For three outstanding years of leadership,
support and dedication to WLCJ.
With appreciation,
Renee Ravich
Mazal Tov!
Debbi Goldich, President
Brenda Katz, VP from Pacific Southwest Region
And the entire incoming International Board of WLCJ.
Looking forward to the possibilities
on our journey for the next three years.
With a look to the future,
Renee Ravich
Todah Rabbah to the Jewels in the Crown recipients
from the following Sisterhoods in Seaboard Region:
Adas Israel (Washington, DC),
Adat Chaim (Owings Mills),
Beth Israel (Owings Mills),
B'nai Israel (Rockville),
Har Shalom (Potomac),
and Olam Tikvah (Fairfax).
Seaboard Region
Kol HaKavod to Margie Miller and the outgoing Board of Women's League. May they continue to be an inspiration to the entire community.
Mazel Tov to Debbi Kaner Goldich on her installation
as Women's League International President.
"She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25
With love,
Grace Schessler, Edna Schrank, Jill Tomar, Ilene Rothman, Eleanor Diamond, Ardis Wexler, Mindy Steinholz, Gaye Altman, Rochelle Hirt, Debbie Bettan, Dana Sirkin, Brenda Katz, Julia Loeb, Regina Newman
Region President Class of 2015-2018
In honor of
Women's League's 2020 Convention.
Robin Rosenberg
I am honored to be member of
Forest Hills Jewish Center Sisterhood,
a Jewels in the Crown honoree
Shirley Rossman-Zucker
Hazzan Alisa Pomerantz-Boro
Cantor Leon Sher
מודים אנחנו לך
Illene Rubin
Kol Hakavod to outgoing President Margie Miller
and her Board. It has been a pleasure working with you.
Mazal Tov to incoming President Debbi Kaner Goldich
and incoming Board for a successful term
as we journey together.
Sherry Lynn Rubin
In Honor of Margie Miller, Women's League President, 2017-2020.
You have trained, mentored and inspired
so many of our sisters during your WLCJ career.
Whenever Women's League called,
you have answered and delivered.
You have been a good friend since our branch president
class of 1994. Congratulations to you and your board
for your dedication and a job well done!
Barbara Safer, Proud Member of the
Jacksonville Jewish Center Sisterhood,
a Jewel in the Crown recipient.
In honor of Debbi Kaner Goldich
Women's League President 2020-2023.
When we first met at the inception of Z'havah,
your leadership potential was apparent.
I have kvelled in watching your continued commitment
as you assumed numerous positions in Women's League over the years
Mazel Tov to you and the entire incoming board.
We're excited for you and expect great things!
Barbara Safer, Proud Member of the
Jacksonville Jewish Center Sisterhood,
a Jewel in the Crown recipient.
Todah Rabah, Margie!
Thank you for your leadership and friendship.
You truly lead by example.
Todah Rabah, Vivian!
Thank you for your dedication and innovation.
Your vision is inspiring.
Grace Schessler
Mazal Tov, Debbi!
May your journey as WLCJ International President
bring you a sense of fulfillment
and be filled with meaningful work.
I look forward to helping you
accomplish your goals!
Grace Schessler
With Deep Appreciation to Margie Miller
for your inspired leadership and vision, unwavering caring and deep commitment to Women's League for Conservative Judaism
as WLCJ President 2017-2020.
May you always go forward in strength!
Mazel Tov and Hatzlacha to Debbi Kaner Goldich
on your Installation as WLCJ President 2020-2023.
May you be blessed on your new Journey
and go from Strength to Strength!
Pam Schlosberg
"Those who persuade others to perform a good deed,
it is as if they themselves have performed it." Talmud
Margie, You are both persuasive and an inspiration to us all.
Kol hakavod on a successful term. And...welcome to the PIPs!!
With love and gratitude for all you have done. __________________________________________________________________
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
Debbi, As chair you have conquered the obstacles of this challenging time
and presented a fabulous and innovative convention. As president,
I have no doubt you will change the world of Women's League
bringing it to new heights. I look forward to watching us rise
under your leadership.
Mazel tov!
Much love,
Cory Schneider
Todah Rabbah to Outgoing President Margie Miller
and Vice Presidents Sue Taffet and Myra Promisel
for their service to Women's League.
Mazal Tov to Incoming President, Debbi Kaner Goldich
and Vice President, Julia Loeb as they begin their leadership roles.
With love,
The Past Presidents of Seaboard Region:
Julia Loeb, Sue Taffet, Sandy Kirsh, Lynne Lichtig,
Gloria Canter, Ziza Pallia, Myra Promisel, Sandy Myers,
Gail Goldfarb, Rita Wertlieb,
Marcia Toppall, Ray Stone, Bernice Moses, Matlee Yadin and Estelle Jacobs Chaverah/Chaver/Supporter
The family of Evelyn Seelig Z'"L
would like to thank
the women of WLCJ
for all of their love and support.
Jill + Steve Seelig
Todah Rabah to outgoing President
Margie Miller and her board.
Mazel Tov to incoming President
Debbi Kaner Goldich and her board.
You all embody the theme of
Sisters Journeying Together,
and I am grateful to be part of this amazing group
of talented and compassionate women.
Martha Segal
Margie Miller, Outgoing WLCJ President.
We are proud of you and your accomplishments.
Good luck in your new adventures.
Debbi Kaner Goldich, Incoming WLJC President:
You are on your way to doing some great things.
Mazal Tov!
Vicki Granek & Karen Seltzer
Our best wishes to the outgoing and incoming
Boards of Women's League for Conservative Judaism
In honour of Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood
Jewels in the Crown award.
Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood, Shaarey Zedek Synagogue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Rabbi Kaufman, Todah Rabah
for your years of dedication to Torah Fund
and to WLCJ. I was fortunate to have had
the honor and privilege to working with you
for your first three years.
Wishing you much luck
on the next part of your journey.
With love,
Carol & Jeff Simon
Thank you Margie Miller
for your leadership these past three years!
To you and your administration
we wish you a hearty "Mazel Tov"!
To Debbi Goldich we wish you a wonderful journey
as you serve as the next WLCJ President.
May your wishes and the wishes of your Exec
and Board come true.
Carol & Jeff Simon
To the most awesome Nominating Committee!
Yasher Koach to your commitment and dedication to WLCJ.
We worked together with the goal of
presenting a slate of officers that will lead us
for the next three years. A job well done!
Thank you to Karen Block, Janet Kirschner,
Cheryl Patt, Renee Ravich, Meryl Balaban,
Rita Wertlieb, Toby Maser and Illene Rubin.
With love and admiration,
Carol Simon, Nominating Chair
Todah Rabah to outgoing
President Margie Miller
and her Board for a job well done.
Sinai Temple Sisterhood
Mazel Tov To
Debbi Kaner Goldich
And her incoming Board.
With best wishes
and much success,
Sinai Temple Sisterhood
Mazel Tov to the Midway Jewish Center Sisterhood
and all of the other winners for their Jewels in the Crown Award. With thanks to the BQLI Region for their support.
Mazel Tov to our own Grace Schessler on her new position
as one of the Executive Committee 2020-2023
Vice Presidents, BQLI Region. We are constantly in awe
of the great work you do, Grace.
Midway Jewish Center Sisterhood
Mazel Tov to
Sisterhood of Congregation Kol Ami, Tampa, FL,
honored recipient of the Jewels in the Crown Award.
We honor Susan Leibowitz, our Sisterhood Woman
of Achievement Honoree for the 2019/2020 Torah Fund.
Kol HaKavod to Margie Miller,
for her devotion to Women's League,
and to Debbi Kaner Goldich, as the incoming President.
Sisterhood of Congregation Shaarey Zedek,
Southfield Michigan, is proud to be a member of
the Central Great Lakes Region of the WLCJ.
We are grateful to be part of a select group of Sisterhoods
who have been honored with the Jewels in the Crown Award.
Mazel Tov to all incoming Presidents and Boards
and kol hak'vod to all outgoing officers and Board members.
The Sisterhood of Israel Center
of Conservative Judaism
commends Women's League
for its inspirational leadership
during these unprecedented times. Chaverah/Chaver/Supporter
Mazal tov to the Sisterhood of the
Conservative Synagogue of Riverdale
for, once again, being recognized for the
Jewels in the Crown Award.
With gratitude and thanks to Women's League
for Conservative Judaism--Kol Hakavode--
for your wonderful programming
in this difficult period and always.
Sisterhood of the Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale
Mazel tov to the
outgoing and incoming officers
and Boards.
Elly Sokol
South Baldwin
Jewish Center Sisterhood
sends love and best wishes to
Margie Miller.
You have been a shining light
in Women's League.
We know that you will continue to be
an inspiration to all of us.
Thank you to Margie Miller and your Board
for all you do! JOB WELL DONE!
Mazal tov to Debbi Goldich:
You're going to do GREAT!!
Congratulations to Southern Region's
Regina Newman and Barbara Ezring
on your new positions on the Women's League Executive Committee.
Southern Region
Thank you to the officers and
Board for their dedication and leadership to Women's League. STANLEY P. WIRTHEIM, CPA
In honor of and with much thanks to
WLCJ Margie Miller,
outgoing Executive Committee President, BQLI,
Vivian Leber,
outgoing Executive Vice President, BQLI,
Anise Parnes,
BQLI Region President,
and the entire outgoing and incoming Executive Committee. We are so fortunate to have such amazing leadership. Midway Jewish Center Sisterhood Syosset, New York
In honor of our own Agnes Gold Emert,
in recognition of your service as Vice President
of Women's League and with heartfelt appreciation
for your ongoing support of our TBA community.
With love from your Temple Beth Am Family
Mazel Tov to
Vivian Leber and Grace Schessler
of the BQLI Region
Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood of Roslyn Heights, NY
We are proud of our active WLCJ Members
Karen Block, Debi Bruce,
Esta Lichtenstein & Harriet Merkowitz
Jewel of the Crown Sisterhood,
Temple Israel of Natick
Yasher Kochech to
Karen Block and Debbie Bruce,
for your dedication to the
Women's League for Conservative Judaism,
and for helping to make the Sisterhood
of Temple Israel of Natick
a Jewel in the Crown!
Rabbi Daniel Liben,
Temple Israel of Natick, MA
In honor of our receiving the
Jewels in the Crown Award.
In honor of
outgoing and incoming Boards.
Temple Ramat Zion Sisterhood Northridge, CA
Thank you to the officers and board
for their dedication and leadership
to Women's League.
Rabbi Ahud Sela, Temple Ramat Zion, Northridge, California
A Jewels in the Crown Sisterhood Mazal Tov to Debbi Kaner Goldich Sisterhood President 1997-1999 Our second Sisterhood President to become a WLCJ President!! We are also proud that Faye Laveson and Beth Chernoff will be serving in positions at the International level. Rabbi Adam Wohlberg Rabbi Sam Hollander Lauren Gladstone, President Ben Wachstein, Executive Director Chaverah/Chaver/Supporter
Todah Rabah to Margie Miller for her dedication
and exemplary leadership during these past three years. We are ready to welcome you to the very exclusive club...P.I.P.'s!
We wish a hearty "Mazel Tov" to Debbi Goldich as you are
installed as president. We wish you great success
as you begin this exciting and most rewarding journey!
Ruth Perry Selma Weintraub Evelyn Auerbach
Audrey Citak Janet Tobin Gloria Cohen
Cory Schneider Rita Wertlieb Carol Simon
The P.I.P.'S
A special Mazal Tov to Grace Schessler
on becoming an International WLCJ Vice President
and Chair of Programming and Engagement.
We are so proud of all your accomplishments
for your Sisterhood and WLCJ BQLI region,
and we can't wait to see all that you achieve
on the international level!
The Schessler Family
Kol Hakavod - Way to Go! to outgoing President, Margie Miller for her guidance
and leadership these past three years, and to our own Rusty Zackheim,
outgoing Vice President for her dedication and commitment to Women's League.
Mazel Tov! to our Jewels in the Crown Award Winning Sisterhoods:
• Beth David Women - Toronto, Ontario
• Beth Tikvah Women - Toronto, Ontario
• Shaare Zedek Sisterhood - Montreal, Quebec
• Temple Beth El Sisterhood - Rochester, New York
• Women's Network of Temple Beth Tzedek - Buffalo, New York
Wishing wisdom and vision to the International Northeast appointees to International positions: Rusty Zackheim and Doreen Bornfreund, Kol Isha Co-Chairs, Adele Weinstein, Canadian Affairs Chair, Lois Silverman, Communications Co-Chair and Toby Maser, Sisterhood PrezNet Chair. May you all go from strength to strength in your new adventure!
The Sisterhoods and Women's Groups of the International Northeast Region
Sisterhood of Tifereth Israel of Bensalem, PA
wishes a Kol Hakavod to Debbi Goldich,
for becoming our new International President
and to Margie Miller and her administration
on a job well done.
We honor our very own members, Sandy Berenbaum,
who served as Consulting Services Chair
and Shelley Szwalbenest who serve as Parliamentarian.
We are very proud and excited to receive
a Jewels in the Crown Award this year.
Mazel Tov to all.
In honor of the winners of
the Jewels in the Crown Award.
Rabbi Emily Barton, Tifereth Israel Synagogue, Des Moines IA
In honor of
Women's League's 2020 Convention.
USCJ - Rabbinical Assembly
Todah Rabah to
Margie Miller and her Board
for their labor of love.
We are most grateful.
With much affection,
Eve Wechsberg, Past President
PSW Region
As proud president of the Sisterhood of
North Suburban Synagogue Beth El in Highland Park, IL,
I want to express my deep appreciation to Pam Schlosberg
and Rachel Ferber, both past presidents of our group,
for their devotion to WLCJ in helping with
the planning of Convention 2020.
I also wish a huge Mazal Tov to Rachel on her installation
as Vice-Chair of Convention Program for WLCJ
and to Pam on becoming a Board Representative for WLCJ.
Karen Weiss
Yasher Kochachem to Margie Miller
and the outgoing Board.
Mazal Tov to Debbi Goldich,
Julia Loeb and the incoming Board.
May you go from strength to strength.
Marilyn Wind, President MERCAZ USA
Kol hak'vod to
Women's League for Conservative Judaism.
Barbara Wiston
In memory of Evelyn Seelig
Friend and Mentor. Role Model and Confidante.
By your words and deeds, you taught us all what it means
to live righteous lives.You will be missed.
Selma Weintraub Ruth Perry
Audrey Citak Evelyn Auerbach
Janet Tobin Gloria Cohen
Cory Schneider Rita Wertlieb
Carol Simon Margie Miller
WLCJ International Presidents
Hats off to Margie Miller and her Board
for their service during the past three years.
Mazal Tov to Debbi Kaner Goldich and her Board
on the commencement of the next three years
as the new leaders of WLCJ.
Thank you to Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
for her dedication and encouragement during this trying time.
May the future of Women's League for Conservative Judaism
be 20/20 bilaterally.
Carol Wolintz
Thank you to the officers
and Board for their dedication
and leadership to Women's League.
Women's League of Herzl Ner-Tamid Synagogue, Mercer Island, WA
Honoring and thanking the
Board and officers of the North by Northwest Region.
Kol hak'vod for your
dedication and leadership! Women's League of Herzl Ner-Tamid Synagogue, Mercer Island, WA
Kol HaKavod to our ladies of Women's Network
of Temple BethTzedek, Buffalo, New York,
upon receiving the "Jewels In The Crown" Award
to Iris (Rusty) Zackheim Outgoing Executive Board
Vice-President and incoming National Board Member.
We wish the incoming Board and officers
much success in the future!
Mazel Tov to Debbi Kaner Goldich!
Women's Network of Temple Beth Tzedek
Razel, Thank you for your patience & assistance with the Jewels in the Crown Awards. Fondly, Meryl Balaban & Madeleine Gimbel
Yasher Koach to every woman, Sisterhood, and Congregation reaching out to keep people connected, cared for and thought about during these times. Adat Shalom Women's League, LA, CA
Mazal Tov to all the Mid-Atlantic Board Members moving into new International Sisterhood positions from Adath Israel. Adath Israel Women's League Lawrenceville, NJ
Mazel tov to the new officers and Board of Women's League. May you go from strength to strength! Gloria Adelson
Kol hak'vod to Women's League for Conservative Judaism. MARCI ADLER
In honor of Women's League's 2020 Convention. Benita, Deborah, Larissa, Laura, Loretta, Marcie, Marla, Marlene, Ruth, and Tree Anshe Emet Sisterhood
Yasher Koach to Ada Yerman and our Sisterhood of Congregation B'nai Moshe on receiving the Jewels in the Crown Award Sisterhood of Congregation B'nai Moshe
Mazel Tov to Debbi and Thank you to Margie! May you Go "From Strength to Strength." With Admiration, Ilene Berman
Mazel tov to Margie & her Board for their past service & Mazel tov to Debbi & her Board for the upcoming term. Beth David Women Toronto
Mazel to Doreen Bornfreund & Rusty Zackheim on your new position as Co-chairs on the Board for WLCJ. Beth David Women, Toronto
Lynda Braff, Todah Rabah for your ongoing leadership & dedication. A true treasure! Beth El Congregation Sisterhood, Pittsburgh
Kol Hakavod to all outgoing and incoming Board Members of the NxNW Region. Beth Shalom WLCJ Edmonton, AB
Mazel Tov Dana Sirkin of NxNW Region on her new leadership role as National Vice President. Beth Shalom WLCJ Edmonton, AB
Thank you, Margie, for your leadership for the past three years. Welcome back to FL Region! Beth Torah Sisterhood, N. Miami Beach, FL
Beth Torah Sisterhood is honored to receive the Jewels in the Crown award. Congratulations to all the recipients! Beth Torah Sisterhood, N. Miami Beach, FL
Thank you to the outgoing Board for a job well done and Congratulations to Debbi and the new Board. Beth Torah Sisterhood, North Miami Beach, FL
Kol hak'vod to Margie and team & Mazel Tov to Debbi and team. It was and will be again an honor to work with you. Karen Block
In honor of my sisters at Ohev Shalom of Bucks County. Each & every one a jewel. Sandy Blumenthal
Mindy Steinholz - gifted, talented, and a model of living Jewish values!! Hizki! Very proud of you. Cahoots!! Rabbi Dana Bogatz
Mazal Tov to my friend Debbi Goldich and the newly elected officers. Your leadership is inspirational. Stella Ann Borenstein
Congrats to outgoing president, Margie Miller and Mazel Tov to incoming president, Debbi Goldich. Braunstein Family
Mazel Tov to Edna Schrank as the incoming International VP! Love you, The Bright Family Mazel tov to my TRZ sisterhood for their Jewels in the Crown award. May we continue to flourish. Connie Brockman
Margie, you & your red shoe inspire me daily. Kol hak'vod to you and your officers on a job well done and b'hatzlachah to Debbi & her team! Jeanette Brownstein
To TOD, With Love, Pride, and Excitement of your new Journey! Love, D Deb Bruce
Mazel tov to the Jewels in the Crown Award-Winning Sisterhood, Adas Yeshurun Synagogue, from Augusta, Georgia Robyn Budenstein Family
Congratulations to Debbi K. Goldich.....a "work of heart"..... (like all our Nurse - Heroes)! Beth Chernoff
Thank you to the officers and Board for their dedication and leadership to Women's League. Miriam (mimi) Glenn Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel
Kol hak'vod to Regina Newman on her installation to the International Women's League Board Congregation Beth Shalom of Atlanta Sisterhood
Mazel Tov 2020-23 Int'l Board Members Debbie Cadis and Bertina Joseph & our 2020 Eshet Chayil Debbie Cadis Congregation Beth Shalom Santa Clarita California Sisterhood
Mazel Tov Edna Schrank and Marjorie Maxwell! Love your Sisterhood Board. Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood Northbrook, IL
Mazel Tov to Edna Schrank on her positions as an International VP and Convention 2023 Chair. Congregation Ohave Sholom Sisterhood, Rockford, IL
Best wishes to Debbi Kaner Goldich and her Executive Board as they lead us the next three years. Congregation Ohave Sholom Sisterhood, Rockford, IL
Thank you to Margie Miller and her Board for a job well done and for all they have done during this pandemic. Congregation Ohave Sholom Sisterhood, Rockford, IL
Todah Rabah to Margie Miller and her outgoing Board! CTJ Sisterhood appreciates your dedication to Women's League. Congregation Tikvat Jacob Beth Torah Sisterhood
Mazal Tov to Debbi Goldich and her incoming Board! CTJ Sisterhood thanks you for your leadership. Congregation Tikvat Jacob Beth Torah Sisterhood
Thanks to WLCJ for the educational opportunities. We support Women's League for Conservative Judaism. Congregation Torat-El Sisterhood
Mazel tov to our dear friend, Ilene Rothman- newly installed VP on the GS Region Board. East Brunswick JC Sisterhood
Thank you Cory, Ellen, Joyce. Thank you Ilene, Edna, Marjorie, Ardis. Women of strength, acumen & heart. Agnes Emert
Barbara Ezring, my mentor, thank you for always lending an ear. Esta Z. Lichtenstein
In honor of sincere support and insightful guidance I received from this outgoing administration. Love and thanks. Paula Ferguson
Grace, Wow! WLCJ is so fortunate to have you as incoming VP. Thanks for all you do for all of us. Teri Fields
Mazel tov new Vice President, Donna Finkelstein! Your persuasive leadership will insure success. Love, Larry & Rel Matanah/Gift
Todah rabah Margie Miller for your guiding friendship. Mazel tov Debbi Goldich on leading our new journey. Donna Finkelstein
Thank you to the outgoing and incoming board. Mazel Tov Margie and Debbi! Kol hak'vod to PSWR! Phyllis Fleschler
In honor of Debbi Goldich. Mazal Tov! May you go from strength to strength! Sheila & Alan Friedman
The world of volunteering would not be the same without you, Regina, and your commitment to Women's League. Clara, June, Marsha, Peggie and Rene Matanah/Gift
In Honor of HPCT-CAE Sisterhood and Ilene Rothman Lila Frost
Thank you to the officers and Board for their dedication and leadership to Women's League. Helene Fruchter
Kol hak'vod to Women's League for Conservative Judaism. Sheila Gideon
Thank you to the officers and Board for their dedication and leadership to Women's League. Cindy Ginsburg
Mazel Tov to the IntraContinental Region's Jewels in the Crown Recipients! Cindy Ginsburg
Mazel Tov, Dana Sirkin. So Proud to have you as our International Vice President Wendy J. Glasser
Thank you to Margie & the outgoing Board Members & Mazel Tov to Debbi & her wonderful team of volunteers! Renee Glazier
Marvelous Presidency-Margie Miller-Todah Rabbah! Mazal Tov-Debbi Goldich-Happiness and Success! Eve Gold
In honor of Women's League's 2020 Convention. Gayle Goldberg
Thank you to Margie and her board. Best of luck to Debbi and her board. You are all truly sisters. Mazel Tov Nancy Goldberg
Mazal Tov to Edna Schrank on her installation as WLCJ Vice President. Shira and Rob Goldberg
In honor of Debbi Kaner Goldich on her installation as president and devoted leadership to Women's League. Debbie Grant
Mazal tov to the newly elected officers of Women's League. Anne Greenbaum
Mazel Tov to Beth David Women on being honoured with a Jewel in the Crown Award. Ellen + Rose Haspel
Todah Rabbah to Barb Levin for her hard work & dedication! We love you & are so proud to have you representing us! Heska Amuna Women's League
International Northeast Region, may we continue to go from strength to strength! Matanah/Gift
Kol hakvod and Mazel Tov to Margie, Debbi, officers, Board and Women's League! Kol tuv, Joyce Berlin Weingarten
Mazel Tov to Debbi Goldich, our new International President. Warm Wishes, Connie Katz
Mazal Tov to my fellow MAR Executive Committee Members 2020-23: Sandy, Donna, Debbi, Rochelle & Illene Janet Kirschner
Thank you to the outgoing administration & best wishes to the incoming administration. Yasher Koach! Sandra Koppell
Congratulations to Debbi Goldich on her election as President! Philip Kushner
In honor of Grace Schessler, as a new Women's League Vice President. Mazal Tov to all the new and continuing Board. Vivian Leber
In honor of the CGLR Board. It is my honor to serve with these incredibly dedicated hard working women. Thank you. Cynthia Lerner
Sue Leventhal
Congratulations Aunt Edna and thank you for all your hard work for the Jewish Community Lionel, Diane, Mark, Josh, Lisi, Yuval Dredze
Thank you to my BQLI friends especially Anise Parnes, B.t Kaplan, & V. Leber. also to President Miller for support. RUTH LOEWENSTEIN
Mazel Tov Edna on Your Election to WLCJ VP Love, Louise & Gersh In honor of Barbara Ezring Audrey Madans
Thank you to Margie Miller for her leadership. Welcome to Debbi Kaner Goldich. Mazal Tov! Carol Maller
In Memory of Evelyn Seelig, a mentor and my inspiration on my Women's League journey. Will be missed. Cindy Marder
Thank you to the officers and Board for their dedication and leadership to Women's League. Cindy Marder
Mazel Tov to Edna Schrank and Marjorie Maxwell! Enjoy your journey in Women's League my CBS sisters! Cindy Marder
Thank you to the officers and board for their dedication and leadership to Women's League. Marla Allentoff
KOL Hakavod to Women's League for Conservative Judaism. Marla Allentoff
In honor of Debbi Kaner Goldich becoming WLCJ International President & installation of her new officers. Diane Mashioff
Thank you to my "CFO" Janet Kirschner. Your commitment and loyalty to WLCJ exceeds all. Margie Miller
To Cory Schneider, the "tallit maker." Your labor of love will embrace me at every wearing! Hugs, Margie Miller
To our Dream Team: Debbi, Illene, Marilyn & Renee. Thank's for creating Zoomburg, the best convention ever. Margie Miller
To the best Region Presidents Class. It's been my pleasure to work with each and every one of you! Hugs, Margie Miller
Congratulations to Sheila Kaufman on your new position with WLCJ with love from Miriam Sisterhood, South Orange, NJ
Thank you to the officers and Board for their dedication and leadership to Women's League. Marion & Murray Mohl
Congratulations to Mindy Steinholz upon her installation as Women's League VP Fran Olmsted
Mazal Tov to Margie on your outstanding leadership and to Debbi as you assume the role of International President! Hanna Lee Pomerantz
In honor of WLCJ's 2020 Convention and all of its virtual participants! Lisa Pompan, Sinai Temple Sisterhood
In honor of Myra Promisel who has served as Women's League Vice President and Finance Committee Chair for three years. Judy Promisel
Margie, Thank you for your leadership, guidance, patience, and for just being you. Love you! Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
Debbi, Mazel tov! Together we will fill WLCJ with Ahavat Torah, Yisrael, Shalom v'Reut! B'Yedidut, Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
In honor of Women's League's 2020 Convention. Esther Racoosin
In recognition of Women's Connection of CBE, La Jolla, JIC honoree. Proud to be a member! Renee Ravich
In honor of my sister, Myra Promisel. Suzy A Reingold
Thank you to the officers and Board for their dedication and leadership to Women's League. Sheila Romalis
Congratulations and All Best Wishes! Barbara Rosenau, Temple Sinai Sisterhood, Dresher, PA Matanah/Gift
Mazel Tov Illene Rubin! Thank you for showing us what it means to be a true Woman of Valor. We are so proud of you! Warren, Paul, Julie, Julie, and Lia Rubin
In honor of Women's League's 2020 Convention. Sarah Stern
Thank you to the officers and board for their dedication and leadership to Women's League. Iris Schachter
Thank you to Margie Miller, the officers and the board for their dedication and leadership. L'Shalom Gina Seeman
Mazal Tov to all the PSW Region Jewels in the Crown Award Recipients. PSW is the best. Love, Gina Seeman
Mazal Tov to Debbi, the Incoming Executive Committee and Incoming Board. L'Shalom, Gina Seeman
In honor of all of the fabulous women who have come before-may the next generation be worthy of their blessing! Susan Shapiro
In honor of our daughter, Marsha Strongin, and other incoming officers and board members. Sheralyn and Arthur Rosenblum
Kol hak'vod to Women's League for Conservative Judaism. Irene Sholk
Mazal tov to the newly elected officers of Women's League. Dana Sirkin
In honor of Women's League's 2020 Convention. Dana Sirkin
Thank you to the officers and Board for their dedication and leadership to Women's League. Sisterhood Beth Shalom of Kingsbay
In honor of those who join us as recipients of a Jewels in the Crown Award. Mazal tov! Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Shalom, Oak Park, MI
Sisterhood of Cong Beth Sholom, Teaneck, NJ, thanks WLCJ for inspiring Conservative/Masorti women everywhere! Mazel tov to Sisterhood, the jewel in our crown. Small in numbers, abundant in spirit! Sisterhood of Temple Har Zion, Mt. Holly, NJ
Proud to be a member of Women's League for Conservative Judaism. Mazel tov, b'hatzlacha and Kol Hakavod l'kulam. Sandy Starkman
Congratulations to Sue Bengele, incoming Financial Secretary! Cathy Swerdlow
For Debra Green who invited me to honor Hilda Stern with study/prayer and to Margie Miller for welcoming me. Susie T. on Zoom
MAZEL TOV TO SUE TAFFET, Past Sisterhood President-B'nai Israel, Past Seaboard Region Pres., WLCJ Int'l VP Richie, Naomi, and Rebecca Taffet
Thank you to the officers and Board for their dedication and leadership to Women's League. Sue Taffet
Mazal tov to the incoming officers and Board. Sue Taffet
In honor of B'nai Israel Sisterhood, Rockville, Maryland, Jewels in the Crown Award winners. Sue Taffet
Mazel Tov to Temple Beth El Mekor Chayim Sisterhood on receiving the Jewels in the Crown Award! Kol hak'vod Temple Beth El Mekor, Cranford, NJ
Congratulations to the women of Southern Region who have accepted positions on the International Board! Temple Beth-El Sisterhood, Birmingham, AL
Thanks WLCJ for all the Virtual Programming. Temple Israel of Natick, MA
Temple of Aaron Sisterhood in St. Paul, MN is proud to receive awards for Jewels in the Crown and Torah Fund Goal! In honor of Women's League's 2020 Convention. Temple Sinai Cinnaminson
Mazel Tov to Debbi Goldich! We are proud to be a recipient of the Jewels in the Crown award. Temple Sinai Sisterhood, Dresher, PA
Margie, to you & your Board, Mazel Tov on a wonderful three years; Debbi, the best to you & your Board for the future. Temple Torat Emet Sisterhood
In honor of Women's League's 2020 Convention. The Park Synagogue Sisterhood
Kol Nashim is the Voice of Women at Tifereth Israel Congregation in Washington, DC Kol Nashim Tifereth Israel Congregation
In honor of Tifereth Israel Women's League, Des Moines, IA; for our 100th Anniversary & Jewels in the Crown Award!! Tifereth Israel Women's League - Des Moines, IA
Thank you to Margie Miller & her Board for all they have done, along with the new Board of WLCJ. Much Appreciation, Tifereth Israel Women's League - Des Moines, IA
Thank you to the officers and Board for their dedication and leadership to Women's League. Tikvat Israel’s Women’s Network
Mazal tov to the newly elected officers of Women's League. Jill Tomar
Sheila Trossman
Mazel tov to our president and members of Beth David Women for receiving the Jewels in the Crown Award Marion Tully
Honoring Margie Miller for her dedication and leadership to Women's League and for her sweet and loving friendship. Ellen Vinocur Potash
A special shout out and thank you to Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Fields for her hard work and dedication. Robyn and Paul Weintraub
Thank you to the officers and Board, outgoing and incoming, for their dedication to WLCJ. Eshet chayil, all of you! Women of Temple Etz Chaim
In Honor of RENEE RAVICH for her ongoing dedication to WL. Thanks for our receiving the Jewels in the Crown Award. Women's Connection of Congregation Beth El
In honor of our Sisterhood and our sisters at Shaarey Zedek, Winnipeg being awarded the Jewels in the Crown. Women's League of Congregation Etz Chayim, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Mazel Tov to Margie & her Executive and Board! Mazel Tov and Good Luck to Debbi & her incoming Executive and Board. Women's League of Congregation Etz Chayim, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Kol Hak'vod to our fearless leader, Margie Miller. An honor to serve on the Executive Committee under your guidance Iris Zackheim
Mazel Tov Debbi Goldich, our Incoming President. I look forward to serving on the Board under your leadership. Iris Zackheim
Mazal Tov WLCJ leadership, both outgoing and incoming. Special good wishes to our incoming president, Debbi Goldich Violet Zeitlin
Mazel Tov to Debbi Goldich, Margie Miller and the entire outgoing and incoming officers! WLCJ rocks! Debbie Zimmerman
TODAH RABAH to Margie, her dedicated Board members and Staff for their tireless efforts on behalf of all of us. Judy Zola
Mazal tov to our new Board and especially to Debbi Goldich, a great mentor, "sister," and example of positive 'tude! Judy Zola
Todah Rabbah/Thank you
Carol Shapiro and Rochelle Epstein
Eileen Barberi
Beryl Goldberg
Beth Israel Sisterhood (Chester County)
Esther Bliss
Anna Bloom
Linda Boxer
Merle Eisman Carrus
Todah Rabbah/Thank you
Carol Flank
Lenore Garon
Gail Goldfarb
Anne Greenbaum
Merna Gross
Sara Goodman Hand
Vashti Horvat
Ruth Jatkoff
Todah Rabbah/Thank you
Donna Josephs
Sheryl Kalman
Amy Kargauer
Frances Katz
Judith Katzenelson Brownstein
Susan Kheel
Kol Isah Congregation Shaarei Kodesh
Marjorie Konigsberg
Todah Rabbah/Thank you
Margo Kuno
Laura LaBoda
Iris Lasky
Sharyn Lazare
Deborah Letow
Ilene Levine
Nancy Lubars
Judith Meyer
Todah Rabbah/Thank you
Ann Miller
Shirley Morrison
Adrienne Plotkin
Rodef Sholom Temple Sisterhood, Newport News, VA
Robin Rood
Marsha Rosenblum
Ruth Shapiro
Laurie Silverblatt
Todah Rabbah/Thank you
Sisterhood of Congregation Or Shalom, Orange, CT
Sisterhood Plainview Jewish Center, NY
Temple Beth Emet Women's League, Anaheim, CA
Temple Sinai of Hollywood, FL Sisterhood
Barbara Unger