Deena and Rafi Zlotnick
Community Leadership Award
From the time they arrived in New Rochelle from Riverdale about eight years ago, Deena and Rafi Zlotnick have been contributing to our community. Both Deena and Rafi have been extremely involved in various aspects of the shul and have always been eager to volunteer, highlighting their willingness to step up and do anything that’s needed to help.  Their incredible warmth and hospitality extends to all, and is indicative of their central values of family and community.

Deena has served on many committees of the shul including the Raffle Committee, Purim Committee, Women’s League Barbeque Committee, High Holiday Youth Programming Committee and COVID Health Committee. If that is not enough, for the last three years Deena has served as a co-chair for the Youth Committee, supervising the shul’s rapidly growing Youth Department. In this role, she has seamlessly navigated complex and challenging matters relating to hiring new youth directors, COVID, and addressing all items relating to the significant increase in the number of families with young children that have joined YINR. Her “day” jobs as a 2nd grade Judaic studies teacher at Westchester Day School and as the Director of Camp Lavi’s Day Camp program have certainly prepared her for this role.

Not to be outdone, Rafi is a true role model of Torah u-Maddah.  He is a daily minyan regular at YINR and has served as a gabbai in the main shul for the past 18 months. He has served on the Decorum Committee and Back to the Future Committee.  Rafi is also part of the shul’s Smichas Chaver program, carrying over all of the teachings he has learned into his daily life as a husband and father and in his work as the Managing Member of Navon Management, a hedge fund based in New Rochelle.

Other than when they are away visiting family in Woodmere or Dallas or away for the summer at Camp Lavi, Deena and Rafi’s home is filled with Shabbat guests, delicious meals, lively discussion and laughter. Their warmth and positive energy are felt by everyone at YINR, evident by the friendships they have forged and strengthened throughout the years.

Deena and Rafi are the proud parents of Kira (11), Ellie (8) and Jonathan (5).  In making the shul and the community a priority in their lives, Deena and Rafi have created an opportunity for their children to learn the importance of chesed, tefilla, Torah and community service.
Deena and Rafi are wonderful friends and community leaders. We are thrilled that they are being recognized for all of their efforts.  On behalf of your New Rochelle friends and the entire YINR community, we thank you for dedicating your time, talent and passion to enhancing our lives in so many ways.  We are blessed to be your friends!

Dara and Matthew Shatzkes
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