Michelle & Jess Dolgin
Tiferet Award
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Michelle was born in Los Angeles to Ted z”l and Rita Basch. A native California girl, she attended Yavneh Hebrew Academy, Hillel Hebrew Academy, Yeshiva University High School and Fairfax High School. She earned her degree in Child Development, with an emphasis in Child Life from Cal State University, Northridge. 
Michelle was active in NCSY as a Beth Jacob member and later as a Beth Jacob chapter advisor. Michelle has over 30 years of experience in the field of Early Childhood Education directing Infant Toddler centers and programs at Warner Bros. Studios and Sinai Temple. Michelle is currently a docent at the Holocaust Museum of Los Angeles where she finds great value in educating public school and private school students on the Holocaust, Jewish life and being an upstander in today’s world. When time allows, Michelle enjoys editing and proofreading, gardening, and entertaining (since the pandemic, this has been replaced with a new hobby - painting).

Jess was born in Los Angeles to Rabbi Simon and Shirley Dolgin z”l. At age six, Jess’ family made Aliyah. Jess grew up in Jerusalem and served in the IDF in the Maale Adumin Hesder program.

After his service, Jess earned a master’s degree in computer science and Jewish Studies from the University of Florida and  a law degree from Bar Ilan University.
Jess practiced law in Israel until moving back to L.A in 1999,  where he met Michelle. Jess is currently CEO of JMedia Global, a company he co-founded over 20 years ago. In his downtime, Jess can be found on the treadmill, relaxing on the patio, meditating, studying Torah and Philosophy or watching a Florida Gators Football game.
Upon their marriage in 2009, Michelle and Jess decided to return to their roots at Beth Jacob. Michelle has served on the Board, participated as an Areivim committee member and enjoys arranging programming for Seniors. Jess has served as Treasurer and President and is currently Chairman of the Board.

Michelle & Jess, together with their family, Daniella and Avi Lazar, Jonathan Dolgin and David Dolgin are thrilled to have truly returned home to Beth Jacob and could not be prouder to be a part of such an amazing community and family.
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