From the Rabbi        From the President      
Message from Rabbi Yaakov Gibber
Dear Friends,
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Boca Jewish Center’s Fifth Annual Journal Dinner. We join together in celebrating the many achievements of our extraordinary and vibrant community, as well as to recognize and honor the exemplary roles of our most deserving honorees, Lesli and Jordon Ross and Candy Neustein.
In describing the character of the people who came forth to participate in the building and construction of the Mishkan, The Torah in Parshas Vayakel famously states, “VaYavo Kol Eish Asher Nesa'o Leebo”, "Every man whose heart inspired him came… for the work of the Tent of Meeting.
The commentaries teach that there is much significance and deep meaning to the words “Asher Nesa'o Leebo”. The Ramban notes that the Mishkan was an impressive structure and as such, when Moshe Rabbeinu called forth the people to come participate in its construction, he was seemingly taking a big risk as the people were not trained architects or builders. And yet, somehow, the people found it within their nature to do what they were called upon to do through the expression Asher Nesa'o Leebo, literally as "whose heart lifted them up".
The Ramban teaches that the greatest key to success is not necessarily the training in a particular skill per say, but rather to possess an unwavering spirit of conviction and passion filled with the courage, inspiration, and initiative to get the job done. Thus, the true secret to success is for a person to translate their ambition into action and to live lives with the meaning and purpose that guides us and our people to our destiny.
Our Guests of Honor, Leslie and Jordon Ross have been an integral part of our community for many years, giving of themselves passionately and tirelessly, devoting endless hours in a multiplicity of ways to our Shul. Having served for years with distinction as our Sisterhood President, Lesli brought her warm personality, programming creativity, and organizational skills to the position.  She is a champion of worthy Jewish causes and Jewish continuity as demonstrated through her leadership with our local South Florida adult contingent to the March of the Living.  Jordon, with his well-known loving charm and trademark style, is truly beloved by all. He is quick to draw from his vast and successful life experiences to offer wise counsel and guidance to others.  He possesses a genuine love for Torah scholarship and learning and appreciates a meaningful and heartfelt davening. Both Leslie and Jordon are role models and we are fortunate to have them as esteemed members of our community.
We are also grateful to honor Candy Neustein, recipient of the Aishes Chayil Award, in recognition of her extraordinary dedication, love and loyal commitment to our community. Exuding positivity in all that she does, Candy has served with honor, distinction, and success as Sisterhood President, Annual Journal Dinner Co-Chair, Chair of the Finance Committee and in her current role as a member of our Board of Directors. She, together with her life partner Rabbi Dr. Joe z”l, were instrumental as builders and as cherished pillars of our community since its inception.  Candy is truly beloved by all, is one of a kind, and is a true gift, role model and blessing to our community.
The excitement, vibrancy, and inspiration that embodies the essence of our Shul is second to none. We couldn’t be more proud of what we have accomplished thus far and are enthusiastic about the bright and promising future of our beloved Boca Jewish Center community and about the future of the Jewish people.
With Torah Blessings,
Rabbi Yaakov Gibber
Message from Charles Trauring, President of Boca Jewish Center
Dear Friends,
We will gather at our 5th Annual Boca Jewish Center Dinner to celebrate and honor three individuals who have had a tremendous impact on our community.
Lesli, Jordon, and Candy represent the best of our Shul and of the Jewish community. At our dinner we will have the unique opportunity to thank and recognize them for all their time, dedication, guidance and financial support.
Lesli and Jordon Ross are a shining example of a couple that “jump” in and get involved in building Jewish communities, wherever they reside. Jordon, our own sophisticated, dapper, “man about town,” is also an accomplished athlete, trumpet player and all around davening and layning connoisseur. We’re lucky to have such an amazing role model in our shul. Lesli our amazingly multi-talented volunteer, just completed her term as Sisterhood President, where she singlehandedly helped revive the program. We are blessed to be the beneficiaries of their support and guidance.
Candy Neustein, embodies all the qualities of a true Aishes Chayil. Candy has worked tirelessly for years as a “super” volunteer. She has dedicated her time, her efforts and her varied skills in so many ways, and currently serves as the Chair of the Boca Jewish Center Finance Committee. Our Shul is lucky to have her, and truly owes her a debt of gratitude.
May Hashem grant them many years of health and may they continue to be pillars and builders of our shul and community.
The Boca Jewish Center has experienced outstanding growth in the past year and a half; in fact, our community has expanded with over 35 new families. This growth has brought with it an infusion of enthusiasm, vitality, new talented volunteers, great chemistry and a growing sense of community.
I look forward to working together with Rabbi Gibber, our incredible, inspiring Morah Da’asra; Jennifer Gibber, our extraordinary Rebbetzin; the Executive Council; The Board of Directors, and with each one of you in charting our course for future success, continued growth and expansion.
I am pleased to address you all as President, and ask for your participation in the coming year. It is essential for “all of us” to get involved in the growth and development of our Boca Jewish Center. There is nothing we cannot achieve if we’re all working together as one unified community.
Looking forward to working with all of you in the coming year.
Mazal tov to all, on this wonderful evening.
Charles Trauring, President
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