Rabbi Cara Weinstein Rosenthal 

Rabbi Cara Weinstein Rosenthal is the Associate Rabbi of Temple Beth Sholom of Roslyn Heights. As an engagement-focused rabbi, she served previously as the Family Engagement Specialist at the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, where she guided congregations across North America in creating inclusive, relationship-focused synagogue communities. She has also served as spiritual leader of Congregation B'nai Israel in Freeport, NY.


Rabbi Rosenthal was ordained by the Rabbinical School of the Jewish Theological Seminary and is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. She resides in Roslyn Heights with her husband, David, and their children, Sara and Eli.


Cantor Ofer Barnoy

Temple Beth Sholom’s Cantor Ofer Barnoy was born in Tel-Aviv, Israel, and emigrated to the USA in 1977. As a child, he appeared in cantorial programs with his father, a prominent Israeli cantor, on stages and television stations across America, Canada, and Israel. 


Cantor Barnoy studied at the McGill Conservatory of Music in Montreal, Cleveland State University, and the Peabody Institute in Baltimore. Cantor Barnoy served at four congregations, including the prestigious Park Synagogue in Cleveland, and became the cantor at Temple Beth Sholom in July 2000. 


Cantor Barnoy is involved in a broad spectrum of activities in the music field, including composing, arranging, recording, choir leading, and teaching. He has published recordings of his high holiday and Shabbat musical compositions, which have included his award winning “LeDor VaDor.” He is currently recording a compilation of his original compositions to be titled “Pray for a Brighter Day.” He is a proud recipient of the Lion of Judah Award for his charitable work on behalf of Israel Bonds and has served on the executive boards of the Cantors Assembly and of Friends of Meir Panim, a charity which helps alleviate hunger and poverty in Israel. 


Tonight, Cantor Barnoy is accompanying singer Ghazal Mizrahi on the keyboard as she leads the audience in the anthems, and he is providing music for the Processional and Recessional during the program.

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