With gratitude to these dedicated congregants whose generosity
and early support have played an important role
in making our celebration a success.

Gala Hosts
Henry Bloom and Rabbie Helaine Ettinger
Chaya and Ira Cohen
Elizabeth Brandwein Cohen and Gerald Cohen
Betsy and Phil Darivoff
Ruth and Dan Dovdavany
Mariela and Ariel Dybner
Rozlyn and Jonathan Engel
Nicole Gaul and Daniel Ramer
Robyn Namm
Alison Grann and David Gutstein
Rachel and Jeff Greenberg
Nan Greenwald
Rabbi Ari and Gila Isenberg
Lisa and Josh Jacobs
Melissa and Eric Kanter
Laurie and Kenny Kavowras
Ruth Kirshner and Bruce Novick
Miriam Linver and Matt Askin
Rachel and Eric Manne
Carol and Robert Marcus
Jessica Marinoff and Jim Charatan
Sydra and Grant Miller
Debra Nevas and Jonathan Abrams
Debra Pianin and Rubin Sinins
Kathy and Jamey Potechin
Amy and Mitchell Radin
Jody Reich
Nancy and Allan Sloan
Linda and David Sotnick
Nancy and Joseph Tenenbaum
Rachel and Jason Wininger
Jane and Neil Yaris
Susan and Alan Zelman
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