Ronald Williams
Founder, New York Therapeutic Communities, Inc.
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Ronald A. Williams was been the President/CEO of New York Therapeutic Communities, Inc. since its inception in 1977. He began his career in the substance abuse field over forty years ago as one of the founders and first graduates of the Phoenix House organization where he held clinical and administrative positions, including facility and regional directorships. Mr. Williams also developed the Su Casa residential program at the Lower Eastside Service Center. During his many years of involvement in this field, he has served as an expert in demand reduction and as a technical assistance advisor and trainer for the U.S. Department of State. He has assisted in the implementation of in-prison treatment programs in 32 states and several foreign countries, including Malaysia, Thailand, Colombia, Argentina, and Italy.
Mr. Williams has served as Vice President of Therapeutic Communities of America, and is the former Chair of the Criminal Justice Task Force of that association. In the latter position, he led the successful effort to develop and implement accreditation standards for in-prison therapeutic communities through the American Correctional Association; these standards have also been adopted by the federal government. Mr. Williams serves on the board of Exponents, Inc. (ARRIVE) HIV/AIDS, an outreach project, and is Liaison to the United Nations for the World Federation of Therapeutic Communities.
Ronald Williams has received many awards including the Governor’s Lifetime Service Award from New York State Governor David Paterson in 2009, and the Harry Sholl Award from the World Federation of Therapeutic Communities in 2010. Most recently (2011) he received the Transformation – First Muse Award at the New York State Behavioral Health Recognition Month Celebration. The New York State Bar Association has honored Mr. Williams for outstanding contributions to the Rule of Law and the Administration of Justice, and he has also been awarded the St. Bonaventure College’s Award for Excellence in Public Service.
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