Alison Marks
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The first charity I worked on was raising money for Magen David Adom, I did that in my teenage years. In my early 20’s I really wanted to work in the community, helping others, I volunteered for many years at Miyad in the UK, a Jewish Crisis Help Line.
When I came to Canada in 1999, I immersed myself in the community, and supported many charities.  My passion was people and trying to make a difference.  I started a singles group for anyone over 35 years and hosted dinners for up to 30 people on a Friday night to bring people together. I also ran singles events at a few shuls. I went back to School at the age of 45 and took on a summer job at Jews for Judaism. I worked part-time at Emunah for 6 years, although I loved it, life took me in different directions. Family obligations required that I commute between Toronto and London.
Since Covid, I have had more time in Canada, and began volunteering at Ve’ahavta cooking meals in their kitchen with a team of people to feed the homeless.  I am also still involved and passionate about Emunah.  I also volunteer for Shalva and Chai life line on a consistent basis.
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