Tamar Gelb
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I am a fourth-year undergraduate student at Western University completing a Bachelors of Science with an Honours in Psychology! I am graduating this spring and hope to one day pursue a career as a Clinical Psychologist. I am a total people person, I love working with others and meeting new people. I love food, movies, dogs, travelling (pre-COVID, of course) and look forward to exploring new places in the future!
During the pandemic, I began a non-profit organization called Pen Buds, which is essentially a pen pal service for students and young adults to write letters and cards to residents in senior and long-term care facilities.
Around the holidays especially, my heart broke for the many individuals who were unable to see their families and partake in their normal holiday traditions. However, due to the visitor limitations and restrictions, I wanted to do something that did not require direct contact and was COVID safe of course. This way, young individuals can form friendships and spread positivity to those in these facilities, experiencing limited social interaction. It was important for me to do this because I realized that while many of us are fortunate to be able to be with family and have limited social interactions with friends, many others are not as fortunate. Especially during the holidays, a time for family and friends, this can be particularly difficult, in addition to coping with the state of the world. I believed it was our duty as the younger generation, to give back in whatever way we can to those that came before us.
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