Joy Zigelman
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I’m married to Danny, we have 3  children, 9 grandchildren who live far & wide .
I currently serve on my condominium board of directors, and I have been a volunteer in the Jewish & non Jewish communities for years. I am a long time volunteer with the Women’s Chevra Kadisha.  I am a patient advocate for Bikur Cholim.
In the past I worked with palliative care and continue to work with hospices in Thornhill.
During Covid, I have made it a priority to help those in our building that are all alone. I make sure that while following COVID protocols people don’t feel isolated. 
There are so many seniors that have family abroad and there is no one here to help or make major decisions about their health. I act as a middleman between the families here and there. Many people don’t have the technology and I am the go between the hospital and the families. From personal hygiene to food or when G-D forbid a crisis I am the one that makes all the decisions on their behalf sometimes just trying to preserve quality of life for those in palliative.  
Joy has a passion for helping others, "I work with families, patients & doctors as well as an active advocate in both hospitals  and long term care homes, to ensure patients get the same care as before the pandemic." 
I love being able to help people especially in their time of need!
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