Jessica Major
Young Leadership Award
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Jessica Major grew up in New Rochelle, New York and attended SAR high school. She graduated from Stern College for women with a bachelors degree in sociology and is currently studying at Columbia University to become a social worker.
Jessica spent two summers as a coordinator on Emunah Kol HaNearim. Jessica’s decision to become a social worker was directly influenced by her summers spent there. She has a deep love for each child at the home and continues to stay in touch with them throughout the year. Jessica does not view the volunteer work she did on Emunah Kol HaNearim as a one time time experience, rather she wants this passion of hers to become a part of her everyday life. Jessica is committed to Emunah, as she and the organization both share the same dream of creating change and a better life for at-risk children.
Shari & Maurice Gluckstadt
In honor of Johana Herskowitz; Careena parker and jessica major. Tizku L'mitzvot!
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Emunah is admirable.
Tova & Shai Gerson
Dana Waitman
Congratulations on this well deserved award. May you go from strength to strength.
Isaac and Jacqueline Shapiro
Mazal tov Seeka!!! We are so proud of you!!
Mazal tov to all the honorees, especially my roomie Jess who is beautiful inside and out! So proud to know you and to love you!
Ariel Berger
My dearest Jessica,

Mazel Tov on this incredible honor. The commitment and impact that you have had on Emunah has been spectacular. Your consistency in wanting to help others and making this world a better place is just a small part of what makes you so special.

May you continue in your dedication to Emunah and the children of Israel for many years to come !

Jane and Josh Grauer
Rachel and Jonah Raskas
Mazel Tov Jessica Major and to all the honorees! We love you!
Sarrah Ottensoser
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Katie and Josh Parker-Gruenbaum
To Careena Parker whose dedication to Emunah and generosity of her time to serving the Jewish community at large inspires her family every day.
Cara and Cal Major
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Lisa and Yaron Reich
Yasher koach to all the honorees for their outstanding dedication to Emunah at this
life-threatening time for the Jewish people and Israel.
Bettina and Spencer Waxman
So proud of our



Bettina, Spencer, Sara&Jeremy, Alec, Nat
Iris and Shalom Maidenbaum
Mazal Tov to our good friends,
Karen and Robert Spitalnick on your well-deserved tribute…your dedication to Emunah, as well as your family, friends and Klal Yisrael set an amazing example for all of us…
Congratulations as well to Jessica Major and the other honorees…
Especially during this most difficult time, may you all continue your vital work on behalf of Emunah and the entire Jewish community.

Iris and Shalom Maidenbaum
Jessica Major
Debbie and Daniel Schwartz
Mazel tov on this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Emunah is admirable.
Beth and Gary Orbach
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Rochelle & Eugene Major
Congratulations to all the honorees.
Dear Jessica- we are the proudest aunt and uncle!
Debbie and Rich Finkelstein
Tiki and Simcha Lyons
Mazel Tov to our cousin Jessica and all the honorees on this well deserved honor .
Tiki & Simcha Lyons
Amanda Parker and Scott Stiefel
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Joyce and Stanley Raskas
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to all the honorees on this well deserved honor.
Barbara and Alan Weichselbaum and Family
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Sara and Richie Schlussel
Congratulations to all the honorees on this wonderful honor. May you continue your dedication to Emunah and the children in Israel.
Jenna Parker
Wishing the most heartfelt Mazel Tov to you Jess! Your generosity knows no end. May you continue to provide the world with your amazing gift of kindness and bright light. I am so proud of you!
Shaynee and Marty Kessler
A very hearty Mazal Tov to Karen and Robert Spitalnick on this well deserved honor. Your commitment, determined dedication and unwavering support has enabled Emunah to provide the crucial and vital services to countless children and families. Yasher Koach to you. May you be granted the years and strength to continue in your acts of chesed.
Best wishes and Mazal Tov to Jessica Major and the Libby Kolb Emunah Chapter and to all the people who support and have emunah in Emunah.
Shaynee and Marty Kessler
Shifra and Dani Bendheim
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to all the honorees on this well deserved honor.
Hammerman, Kessler and Lifshitz Families Hammerman Charitable Trust
We would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to all the honorees on this well deserved honor.
Raffaella Kestenbaum
Biggest Mazal Tov to an extremely strong and kindhearted leader, Jessica a true JEM!!
The care and warmth you give to all those around you and especially with Emunah and Kol Hanearim is truly inspiring. The love that you give to your Talp KHids shines an everlasting light in their lives. This list can go on and on which just shows how fitting and true to who you are this award is. Endlessly proud of you Jessica MAZAL TOV!!!
Much love,
Robyn & Ari Raskas
Mazel Tov Jessica on this well deserved honor! Your steadfast dedication to Emunah and the Kol Hanearim program is inspirational. We are very proud of you!

Robyn, Ari, Gabriel, Hannah, Ben and Sheri Lee
Lital Berger & Micah Gill
Mazel Tov Jessica!!! We are so incredibly proud of your dedication to the children of Kol Hanearim and Emunah! May you continue to find the strength to be the thoughtful and special girl you are. We love you!
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