Adrianne Drazin
Lilly Ronn Volunteer Appreciation Award
Adrianne Drazin grew up in Woodmere, New York where she attended HAFTR High School. Upon graduating she spent a year at Midreshet Moriah in Israel and continued her education at Stern College. Upon marrying Shlomo Drazin in 2000, Adrianne moved to Montreal and worked as a graphic designer. She went back to school at the age of 30 for a degree in Interior Design and has been working as an interior designer ever since.
Adrianne has served as President of the Ayelet Chapter of Emunah Montreal. She has co-chaired many events and has been a part of countless committees. No event would be the same without Adrianne’s creativity. She has enhanced the Annual Fall Gala by making it a beautiful event, and has volunteered to handle decor, logos, and too-many-invitations-to-count for assorted Montreal Jewish organizations, including Emunah.
It is thanks to Adrianne’s original initiative that the Emunah Montreal Bake Sale has been so successful. More recently, she introduced the very popular tablescape raffle to the event. Through hard work and determination Adrianne creates beautiful tablescapes that get raffled off to benefit Emunah.
Emunah is not the only tzedakah lucky enough to have Adrianne. Over the years Adrianne has volunteered for Hebrew Academy, Congregation TBDJ, Chai Lifeline and Federation CJA; bringing her love of tzedakah and her flair for design to everything she touches.
Adrianne and Shlomo Drazin have 5 beautiful children: Mia, Meir, Ilan, Azi and Raquel. The children are learning firsthand the importance of volunteering and tzedakah from their parents.
Adrianne embodies everything that Lilly Ronn z”l stood for. She believes in the importance of helping others and giving of herself.
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