Stephen Goldberg
B'nai Israel
A native Bostonian, Steve and his family have been members of B’nai Israel Congregation for over a decade. Steve’s also been active in the region as a member of Congregation Har Shalom and Agudas Achim Congregation as well. 
Steve has spearheaded the creation of several groundbreaking and thoughtful Men’s Club programs -- one of the recent programs was a site visit to Camp Ritchie, where the participants learned about the Ritchie Boys.  Notwithstanding the  covid restrictions placed on programming,  Steve has been recognized by the synagogue for creating two important programs in collaboration with the B’nai Israel Talmud Torah and the synagogue’s Social Action Committee – a day trip to learn about the African American history in Rockville, Maryland, and an in-depth tour at the recently opened Josiah Henson Museum, where the students and parents learned about Josiah Henson and the origins of the book, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”
Steve’s professional career included senior roles at Argonne National Laboratory and at U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB).  At Argonne, Steve created strategic partnerships between the laboratory and several prominent institutions in Israel. Steve continues to provide expert assistance to Jewish national organizations regarding the Iran nuclear program.
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