David Cohen
Beth Emeth
A graduate of Woodson High School and George Mason University with both his BA and MA, David Cohen has spent most of his life here in Northern Virginia.  Growing up, he attended and had his Bar Mitzvah at Temple Rodef Shalom, where his parents are still members.  He did a semester of High School in Israel and was very active in his BBYO chapter, where he served as chapter president and NOVA council president.  He’s now channeling that social energy into Congregation Beth Emeth (CBE). 
Dave and his wife Robin officially became members of CBE in 2010, but have been active members since 2007 when their oldest child, Lilah (16), was first enrolled in the “mommy/me program” at BEECC, CBE's preschool.  Dahlia (13) and Gabriel (12) followed in Lilah’s footsteps as BEECC graduates, and all three children are currently enrolled in CBE’s religious school. They are heavily immersed in Bar/Bat Mitzvah season at the moment! 
David has spent many years as an involved parent in both the preschool and religious school at CBE.  He now serves as the Tech Committee chair, putting his IT expertise and career as a project manager to good use.  Whether it be to serve as a witness at a mikvah for a conversion, monitor the zoom during services, or help build the Sukkah, Dave likes to be the kind of guy that shows up where you need him.  He joined the Men’s club several years ago and has done a variety of volunteering with them as well.  At the Purim carnival, steak and whiskey events, or annual BBQ’s, you will most likely find David behind the grill – one of his favorite places to be!  He makes a mean (but kosher) steak!
In his spare time, if he has any, he enjoys playing soccer, poker & video games, gardening, and spending down time with his family.  Dave is honored to be CBE’s Blue Yarmulke Man of the year.
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