Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Dear Dovid & Naomi,
We are all so proud of you for your contributions
and dedication to HANC, your community, and your family.
You are raising a beautiful family, passing on to them the values of education, caring, and chessed. We stand in admiration
We are all so proud of you for your contributions
and dedication to HANC, your community, and your family.
You are raising a beautiful family, passing on to them the values of education, caring, and chessed. We stand in admiration
of the love and commitment you give to your family
-- and share with others.
Naomi - You are following in the footsteps of Mom & Dad,
Naomi - You are following in the footsteps of Mom & Dad,
who invested so much of their time, care and love
in our schools and community.
Dovid - Your entire family is a model of chessed, love,
and dedication that we are happy to be a part of.
Thank you for being OUR family.
With much love from,
Dad, Rebecca, Aunt Frema & Larry, Martin Bennett, Rebecca Bennett, Frema Schneier, Larry Schneier
Dovid - Your entire family is a model of chessed, love,
and dedication that we are happy to be a part of.
Thank you for being OUR family.
With much love from,
Dad, Rebecca, Aunt Frema & Larry, Martin Bennett, Rebecca Bennett, Frema Schneier, Larry Schneier
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Mazal Tov
David & Naomi Speiser
on receiving this special honor which recognizes
your tireless efforts and commitment to HANC.
Hakarat Hatov to you as well for your dedicated
and continuous support of family, friends,
David & Naomi Speiser
on receiving this special honor which recognizes
your tireless efforts and commitment to HANC.
Hakarat Hatov to you as well for your dedicated
and continuous support of family, friends,
and community. Your midot inspire us
and brings us much nachat.
All our love,
Rosalyn Speiser & Rabbi George Speiser A"H
Moishe & Shaindy Speiser & Family
Shanie & Bill Ellerton & Family
Bashie & Gary Shulman & Family
Rosalyn Speiser & Rabbi George Speiser A"H
Moishe & Shaindy Speiser & Family
Shanie & Bill Ellerton & Family
Bashie & Gary Shulman & Family
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
To our wonderful children,
Adam, Michael and Zahava
We are so proud of how intelligent, creative, funny, hard working, and loving you are.
You are amazing friends, grandchildren and children.
Our greatest pleasure in life is watching you grow and succeed.
We will love you forever.
Mom and Dad
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Congratulations and Mazal Tov to
Naomi & David Speiser
this year's
Guests of Honor
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Your tireless efforts and hard work for the school
and community make you most deserving of
this honor and recognition.
May Hashem give you the strength to continue to be
a source of inspiration to the entire community.
Naomi & David Speiser
this year's
Guests of Honor
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Your tireless efforts and hard work for the school
and community make you most deserving of
this honor and recognition.
May Hashem give you the strength to continue to be
a source of inspiration to the entire community.
With pride, bracha, mazal, and love,
Shaya, Sandy, Yoni, Shifra, Dov,
Erica & Sharona Speiser
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Mazel Tov
Nicki and David Taller
Mrs. Debbie Simpser!
Thank you for your years of dedication to our wonderful school.
May you have continued nachas and success!
Naomi and David Speiser
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Mazel Tov to the entire staff of the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County.
You have educated and inspired generations. Thousands of Jewish children and adults are committed to Hashem and their communities because of the Yiddishkeit you have shared.
A Jewish education is invaluable.
Thank you for combining
learning with inspiration and
an education with compassion.
Naomi and Dovid Speiser
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Mazel Tov to the
HANC Dinner Committee
on a job well done.
Thank you for your endless hours ensuring that every detail is done perfectly.
Thank you
Liz Pazornick and Phyllis Itzkowitz
for your advice, patience and support.
You are all the true heroes tonight!
Naomi and Dovid Speiser
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
To our dear parents,
Sharon Pfeffer and Esther Taller
and Nachum Taller A"H
Thank you for all you have done for us
Thank you for all you have done for us
through the years. Thank you for
your encouragement and love
and for teaching us how important it is
to stay connected to your roots.
We love you,
Nicki and David
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Mazal tov to
Nicki & David Taller
It was here at HANC that they met in 1985
"And the rest is history!"
We are so proud of your beautiful family
that is a piece of ours!
With Hashem's help, we look forward
to more nachas in the coming years.
Nicki & David Taller
It was here at HANC that they met in 1985
"And the rest is history!"
We are so proud of your beautiful family
that is a piece of ours!
With Hashem's help, we look forward
to more nachas in the coming years.
With much love from your,
Mothers, Sharon Pfeffer & Esther Taller
Sister, Lisa & Brother-in-Law, Jimmy O'Connor
Niece, Kayla & Nephew, Jacob O'Connor
Mothers, Sharon Pfeffer & Esther Taller
Sister, Lisa & Brother-in-Law, Jimmy O'Connor
Niece, Kayla & Nephew, Jacob O'Connor
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
To our incredible kids,
Max, Jake, Ariana and Mackenzie
We love you more than words can express.
We love you more than words can express.
You have all grown into kind, loving, funny
and all around fantastic people, and we
could not be any more proud of you
than we are today.
We encourage you to be excited
for what the future will bring,
but never forget the lessons
and relationships of your past
-they help define who you are.
Mom and Dad
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Mazal Tov to the Guests of Honor,
Naomi and David Speiser
We are delighted to be sharing
We are delighted to be sharing
this wonderful evening with you.
We express our deepest Hakarat Hatov
for all of your efforts and dedication in
supporting HANC to be the best it can.
May you enjoy many years of nachat
May you enjoy many years of nachat
together with your family.
Nicki and David
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Mazal Tov to the Educator of Excellence,
Debbie Simpser
Thank you for your daily efforts
Thank you for your daily efforts
to enrich the lives of all our children.
May you continue to enjoy
your passion for many years to come.
We are so happy to be sharing this evening
with you and your family.
Nicki and David
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Thank You to the entire HANC Staff and Administration
for all of your hard work and caring.
Our children reap the benefits of your efforts daily
Our children reap the benefits of your efforts daily
and will exemplify the morals and lessons
you have imbued in them.
Thank You to Rabbi Adelman and Mrs. Palaia
Thank You to Rabbi Adelman and Mrs. Palaia
for your outstanding leadership.
A special Thank You to Ms. Tziporah Zucker
A special Thank You to Ms. Tziporah Zucker
for being such a true friend
and advisor to our daughter Mackenzie.
Her four years in HANC have been
all the more precious because of the time
and attention you have given her.
Nicki and David
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Thank You to the entire HANC Dinner Committee
for your tireless and often unseen efforts on behalf of the school.
You are all truly appreciated.
A special Thank You to
A special Thank You to
Liz Pazornick and Phyllis Itzkowitz
You ladies have been an absolute dream to work with. Thank you both for your Herculean efforts, kindness, humor and incredible support. There is no one we would rather share the trenches with than you both. Thank you for making this evening the success and inspiration it is.
Nicki and David
You ladies have been an absolute dream to work with. Thank you both for your Herculean efforts, kindness, humor and incredible support. There is no one we would rather share the trenches with than you both. Thank you for making this evening the success and inspiration it is.
Nicki and David
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Home is where the heart is...
Thank you to my wonderful husband
Your advice and support
Thank you to my wonderful husband
Your advice and support
have been invaluable throughout my career
You have encouraged me to reach for the stars
You have encouraged me to reach for the stars
in pursuit of excellence to the benefit
of all the kids at HANC Plainview
Thank you for always being there for me!
Thank you for always being there for me!
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
To my Dearest
I can certainly attest to your love for and dedication to the children and the mission of HANC Plainview
It is not just the day, night and weekend hours you put in; it is your constant focus on enhancing the educational experience for every child that is so inspiring
The kids and I have always been supremely proud of you and your trailblazing work and it is gratifying to see it acknowledged today by the entire organization
With much love and admiration,
I can certainly attest to your love for and dedication to the children and the mission of HANC Plainview
It is not just the day, night and weekend hours you put in; it is your constant focus on enhancing the educational experience for every child that is so inspiring
The kids and I have always been supremely proud of you and your trailblazing work and it is gratifying to see it acknowledged today by the entire organization
With much love and admiration,
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
In Honor of
My Loving Parents
Sam (A"H) & Goldie Mayers
I learned from you at a young age
My Loving Parents
Sam (A"H) & Goldie Mayers
I learned from you at a young age
about the importance of serving
the Jewish community. You imprinted on me
the concept that a Jewish education
was paramount in our struggle
to rebuild Yiddishkeit after the Shoah
You have been my role models and inspiration
OS-73 Simpser
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Mazal tov
to my wonderful daughter
Debbie Simpser
I am so very proud of all
that you have accomplished in life,
especially your service
to Jewish education at HANC.
to my wonderful daughter
Debbie Simpser
I am so very proud of all
that you have accomplished in life,
especially your service
to Jewish education at HANC.
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Mazal Tov
My Wonderful Daughter
On this most well deserved honor
I have always "shepped nachas" from your dedication and commitment to Jewish education
Rose Simpser
My Wonderful Daughter
On this most well deserved honor
I have always "shepped nachas" from your dedication and commitment to Jewish education
Rose Simpser
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
In Honor Of
My Wonderful
Children & Grandchildren
Rachel & Dovid, Rivka Meira, Nechama,
My Wonderful
Children & Grandchildren
Rachel & Dovid, Rivka Meira, Nechama,
Bracha Aidel, Yehudis and Sholom
Michal & Brad, Leah and Sammy
Michal & Brad, Leah and Sammy
(HANC Plainview students!!)
Shlomo Yosef & Tee
Dovid & Yael
Shlomo Yosef & Tee
Dovid & Yael
I am so proud that you have grown into productive members
of the Jewish community while being true "mentchen"
The middos we taught you at home were enhanced
The middos we taught you at home were enhanced
by your wonderful teachers and leaders at HANC Plainview
Thank you for supporting me and putting up with my "homework"
Thank you for supporting me and putting up with my "homework"
and many nights away from home.
(AKA) Bubby Debbie
(AKA) Bubby Debbie
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Dearest Mommy/Bubby Debbie,
Mazel tov on this well-deserved honor!
Mazel tov on this well-deserved honor!
We wish that you lived closer, but we know that
you are doing great and important things
on that side of the ocean. HANC is very lucky
to have such a dedicated and skilled educator
in their midst.
You should have continued hatzlacha
in all your personal and professional endeavors.
Please come visit us soon!
With much love and admiration,
Rachel, Dovid & the rest of the Sussman Clan
Please come visit us soon!
With much love and admiration,
Rachel, Dovid & the rest of the Sussman Clan
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Mazel Tov
Mom / Bubby Debbie (Simpser)!
Mom / Bubby Debbie (Simpser)!
We are so proud of you
on this well deserved honor!
Every child who has learned from you
is truly blessed; be it in school or at home;
be it student, child or grandchild.
on this well deserved honor!
Every child who has learned from you
is truly blessed; be it in school or at home;
be it student, child or grandchild.
We love you!
Michal, Brad, Leah
& Sammy Goldsammler
& Sammy Goldsammler
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Educator of Excellence -
a title befitting a woman who continuously inspires, encourages, and supports countless students at HANC in her roles as teacher, educator, and administrator.
To us, your biggest fans, you are
Mommy & Mom.
We are so proud to see you honored;
well-deserved doesn't begin to cover it. We love you so much and wish you a huge mazal tov!
a title befitting a woman who continuously inspires, encourages, and supports countless students at HANC in her roles as teacher, educator, and administrator.
To us, your biggest fans, you are
Mommy & Mom.
We are so proud to see you honored;
well-deserved doesn't begin to cover it. We love you so much and wish you a huge mazal tov!
Tee & Shlomo Yosef
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Dear Mommy,
We are so happy for you!
We are so happy for you!
Your dedication to those you love
is completely evident in our home,
in your workplace, and in our community.
You should only continue to have success
and happiness. We love you!
Love always,
Dovid and Yael
Love always,
Dovid and Yael
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Mazal Tov
Naomi & David Speiser
Nicki and David Taller
on this most deserved honor
Naomi & David Speiser
Nicki and David Taller
on this most deserved honor
May you continue to go
from strength to strength
in your commitment to Jewish education
Debbie Simpser
Debbie Simpser
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
The Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Is more than just a place of employment for me
It is like my second family
HANC has provided me the opportunity to channel my passion for developing innovative educational approaches for all children and a rewarding career helping children reach their fullest potential
Is more than just a place of employment for me
It is like my second family
HANC has provided me the opportunity to channel my passion for developing innovative educational approaches for all children and a rewarding career helping children reach their fullest potential
A heartfelt Thank You to
Rabbi Kalman Fogel
along with the previous HANC Plainview leadership and my fellow educators (past and present) for your support
Thank You to the Board and Administration for this wonderful honor
Debbie Simpser
Rabbi Kalman Fogel
along with the previous HANC Plainview leadership and my fellow educators (past and present) for your support
Thank You to the Board and Administration for this wonderful honor
Debbie Simpser
We Salute
With Heartfelt
הכרת הטוב
Rabbi Meyer & Goldie Fendel a"h
Rabbi Moshe & Sondra Gottesman
We for whom you toiled for so many years
think of you always as we grow both physically and spiritually.
May the Almighty bless you and your entire families
with good and health and nachat for your "reward" is endless.
An eternal flame is ablaze of Torah, Midot Tovot, and Maasim Tovim
Rabbi Meyer & Goldie Fendel a"h
Rabbi Moshe & Sondra Gottesman
We for whom you toiled for so many years
think of you always as we grow both physically and spiritually.
May the Almighty bless you and your entire families
with good and health and nachat for your "reward" is endless.
An eternal flame is ablaze of Torah, Midot Tovot, and Maasim Tovim
which will surely never be extinguished.
With Our Sincerest Respect,
The Officers, Board of Directors, Board of Education
and the entire
HANC Administration
We Salute
The P.T.A. of HANC
Shoshana Traum and Tova Haironson
Presidium, West Hempstead-Mitchel Field
Sheryl Cohen and Sherri Brunner
Co-Presidents, Plainview
Sheryl Cohen and Sherri Brunner
Co-Presidents, Plainview
Parents dedicated to providing the extra-curricular programs
of our school, and the multitude of extras we enjoy.
Their volunteer work displays not only their total dedication,
but gives a lesson in chesed for all to learn.
Thank you Hashem for our
Their volunteer work displays not only their total dedication,
but gives a lesson in chesed for all to learn.
Thank you Hashem for our
Nashim Tzidkaniyot - Righteous Women.
We Salute
Our Most Precious Gems
The Children of HANC
without whom
HANC would be
just another yeshiva!
HANC would be
just another yeshiva!
We Salute
The Parents of Our Children
For many of you, the responsibility
of educating your children can only be described as
one of life's worthwhile struggles.
We at the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
appreciate your hard work, earnest dedication
and sincere personal sacrifice to "make it happen."
May Hashem bless you with continued nachat
for your steadfast investment
in your children's future.
We Salute
The Board of Education
for their deep concern for all aspects
of this excellent educational institution.
The many hours of hard work by
Dr. Loren Daitch
and the
Committee Members
are appreciated by all.
May Hashem bless you all.
of this excellent educational institution.
The many hours of hard work by
Dr. Loren Daitch
and the
Committee Members
are appreciated by all.
May Hashem bless you all.
We Salute
HANC's Standing Committees
for their unusual dedication to the Academy.
Very often the special situations, thankless
Very often the special situations, thankless
conditions, extreme pressure, and long hours
committee members endure go unnoticed.
We take note and applaud you
We take note and applaud you
for a job well done.
May we always share in the Mitzvah
May we always share in the Mitzvah
of building for Torah in our communities.
We Salute
We gratefully acknowledge
the generous funding, support
and educational enhancements
provided by the
Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss
Life Monument Funds, Inc.
The vision of
Mr. Jason Cury, President
Mr. Joel Beritz, Vice President
in providing new opportunities, new technologies,
and new ventures in education
for yeshivot and day schools
are indeed most commendable.
the generous funding, support
and educational enhancements
provided by the
Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss
Life Monument Funds, Inc.
The vision of
Mr. Jason Cury, President
Mr. Joel Beritz, Vice President
in providing new opportunities, new technologies,
and new ventures in education
for yeshivot and day schools
are indeed most commendable.
We Salute
We gratefully acknowledge
the support received
from the
Fund for Jewish Education
and the
Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education (CIJE)
the support received
from the
Fund for Jewish Education
and the
Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education (CIJE)
Sponsored by
Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss Life Monument Funds, Inc.
Jason Cury, President
Joel Beritz, Vice President
UJA - Federation of New York
Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss Life Monument Funds, Inc.
Jason Cury, President
Joel Beritz, Vice President
UJA - Federation of New York
We Salute
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
gratefully acknowledges the
Legacy Heritage Names, Not Numbers Program
at our school.
This inter-generational program provides
an opportunity for our students to learn
about the Holocaust directly from survivors
who experienced its horrors.
We Salute
We extend our sincere recognition to
UJA - Federation of New York
and the
Rose Biller Day School
Scholarship Fund
for their efforts in supporting
Jewish day schools and yeshivot
in New York City, Westchester,
and the
Rose Biller Day School
Scholarship Fund
for their efforts in supporting
Jewish day schools and yeshivot
in New York City, Westchester,
Nassau and Suffolk
We Salute
We gratefully acknowledge the support we have received
from the
Avi Chai Foundation
Avi Chai Foundation
With our sincerest appreciation to
Mem Bernstein, Chairman
Yossi Prager, Executive Director, North America
Eli Silver, Executive Director, Israel
Marvin Schick, Executive Consultant
Yossi Prager, Executive Director, North America
Eli Silver, Executive Director, Israel
Marvin Schick, Executive Consultant
We stand with Avi Chai in adoption and dissemination of the following:
The creation of the State of Israel is one of the seminal events in Jewish history. Recognizing the significance of the State and its national institutions, we seek to instill in our students an attachment to the State of Israel and its people as well as a sense of responsibility for their welfare.
We Salute
The generous benefactors who helped create,
implement and fund the
West Hempstead
Community Torah Fund
implement and fund the
West Hempstead
Community Torah Fund
An innovative scholarship program, conceived,
designed and brought to realization by
a group of concerned HANC Board Members.
designed and brought to realization by
a group of concerned HANC Board Members.
The objective of this fund is to help attract and recruit
new, first time families and students to
HANC's West Hempstead Elementary School Campus
through the utilization of private grant funding.
new, first time families and students to
HANC's West Hempstead Elementary School Campus
through the utilization of private grant funding.
We Salute
Rochelle & Melly Lifshitz
for funding the
Beit Medrash Program
at the
HANC High School Campus
We salute all of the additional
Generous Donors & Benefactors
who have contributed to the sustainability of this unique program.
Beit Medrash Program
at the
HANC High School Campus
We salute all of the additional
Generous Donors & Benefactors
who have contributed to the sustainability of this unique program.
"Creating Torah Study opportunities in a formal, sacred place. One in which our high school students can sharpen their Torah skills while building positive relationships with each other and learning from genuine role models. A place that students, alumni and parents will utilize for
Limud Torah and spiritual growth."
We Salute
Dedicated to
the countless number of individuals
who have made themselves available to HANC
by giving their time, expertise and/or financial support.
Your help constitutes the lifeblood of the
the countless number of individuals
who have made themselves available to HANC
by giving their time, expertise and/or financial support.
Your help constitutes the lifeblood of the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County.
Thank you for being there.
At the risk of omitting even one of these individuals,
we have intentionally not listed
any of their names on this page.
Thank you for being there.
At the risk of omitting even one of these individuals,
we have intentionally not listed
any of their names on this page.
In Memoriam
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me?"
"And if I am only for myself, what am I?"
"And if I am only for myself, what am I?"
In heartfelt tribute to the memory of
Samuel & Judge Elizabeth Bass Golding ז"ל
and in recognition of their legacy to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Samuel & Judge Elizabeth Bass Golding ז"ל
and in recognition of their legacy to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
HANC is the major beneficiary under the last wills of both
Samuel and Elizabeth Bass Golding, of blessed memory,
Samuel and Elizabeth Bass Golding, of blessed memory,
with provisions for a Permanent Endowment Fund,
and Annual Lecture Series, and a Scholarship Fund
for HANC graduates who attend graduate school
in the fields of law, medicine, rabbinical studies,
and education.
May their righteous souls find comfort
May their righteous souls find comfort
in knowing that their values and virtues
are those that are instilled in
our students...their children.
In Memoriam
The HANC Family is forever indebted in its Hakarat Hatov to
Rebbetzin Goldie Fendel a"h
for all that she enabled HANC to become.
More than 65 years ago, Rabbi Meyer and Goldie Fendel envisioned what others said was not possible. Their dream of providing a high quality Jewish education to generation
upon generation of Long Island Jewry became a reality through their dedication
and that of the many who joined them in their mission.
Her leadership, commitment, warmth, and foresight enabled the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County to be established and thrive on Long Island. Our HANC "founders" - individuals with a strong desire to build a Jewish educational institution to meet the needs of our diverse Jewish community - came together in unity to offer their time, talents, expertise, funding
and unconditional love to build the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County.
Where Rabbi Fendel is known as the "builder" Rebbetzin Fendel Z"L is fondly remembered
and thought of as the "architect" behind the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County.
Throughout the years, the Fendels have served as inspirational role models, exemplifying the highest ideals, and bearing the torch of Torah on Long Island. Through their vision and endless hard work, the lives of thousands of young Jewish students have been forever enriched.
In Memoriam
In loving memory of
Goldie Fendel a'h was a wise woman of integrity and principle, of warmth and compassion, of sensitivity and love, of few words but much action, a true Ashis Chayil and a devoted and loving mother. She was the quintessential Ezer Kinegdo, working hand in hand with her husband, Rabbi Meyer Fendel, may he live and be well, to first build a vibrant Jewish community in West Hempstead and then plant a citadel of Torah, HANC, in its midst.
We are particularly blessed that the melody of our friendship has transcended time and place, resonating through the generations of our families, from parents to children, shaping our lives and enriching us...forever.
May her memory be a blessing.
Rabbi Moshe and Sondra Gottesman
Goldie Fendel a'h was a wise woman of integrity and principle, of warmth and compassion, of sensitivity and love, of few words but much action, a true Ashis Chayil and a devoted and loving mother. She was the quintessential Ezer Kinegdo, working hand in hand with her husband, Rabbi Meyer Fendel, may he live and be well, to first build a vibrant Jewish community in West Hempstead and then plant a citadel of Torah, HANC, in its midst.
We are particularly blessed that the melody of our friendship has transcended time and place, resonating through the generations of our families, from parents to children, shaping our lives and enriching us...forever.
May her memory be a blessing.
Rabbi Moshe and Sondra Gottesman
In Memoriam
In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Rebbetzin Goldie Fendel,
we send our congratulations to the entire HANC family, both past and present.
We remember this special role model of loving kindness, ideals and sensitivity,
who stood, with ever-present warmth and good cheer for everyone around her,
behind and alongside her husband and joined in his mission to spread Torah, love of Israel, and devotion to middot.
We pray that the vision of HANC's founders, together with that of its leaders today, merge together to continue to produce young men and women who lead and contribute to Am Yisrael.
May Hashem bless HANC with continued success as it carries on all that she worked and prayed for.
יהי זכרה ברוך
With unending love and honor,
Rabbi Meyer Fendel
and children (and HANC alumni):
Hillel and Bina Fendel
Raizie and Yehoshua Steinberg
Duv and Mechi Fendel
Mindy and Ari Marcus
we send our congratulations to the entire HANC family, both past and present.
We remember this special role model of loving kindness, ideals and sensitivity,
who stood, with ever-present warmth and good cheer for everyone around her,
behind and alongside her husband and joined in his mission to spread Torah, love of Israel, and devotion to middot.
We pray that the vision of HANC's founders, together with that of its leaders today, merge together to continue to produce young men and women who lead and contribute to Am Yisrael.
May Hashem bless HANC with continued success as it carries on all that she worked and prayed for.
יהי זכרה ברוך
With unending love and honor,
Rabbi Meyer Fendel
and children (and HANC alumni):
Hillel and Bina Fendel
Raizie and Yehoshua Steinberg
Duv and Mechi Fendel
Mindy and Ari Marcus
In Memoriam
Rebbetzin Goldie Fendel
was a true "Eishet Chayil".
She worked tirelessly alongside Rabbi Fendel to build the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
She worked tirelessly alongside Rabbi Fendel to build the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
and the community of West Hempstead.
Her smile, warmth and care for everyone that she met was her Hallmark. Her personality is inbedded into the makeup of our school.
Her smile, warmth and care for everyone that she met was her Hallmark. Her personality is inbedded into the makeup of our school.
The Hebrew Academy of Nassau County High School
is eternally thankful for all the she did for us.
May her neshama have an Aliyah.
HANC High School
May her neshama have an Aliyah.
HANC High School
In Memoriam
In Memory
Judge Paul J. Widlitz
for his long-term partnership
Judge Paul J. Widlitz
for his long-term partnership
In Memoriam
In memory of
Sidney Barbanel A"H
HANC President Emeritus
HANC President Emeritus
and longtime benefactor.
The Officers, Board Members
and Administration
of the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
In Memoriam
Fred Orbach ע"ה
Rosh Hashana 5755
Rosh Hashana 5755
Fred Orbach was a true inspiration for the growth
of Torah education.
He was a founding father of the
He was a founding father of the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County.
His intelligence, his support, his good heart,
His intelligence, his support, his good heart,
his Saychl and his foresight, helped the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County become what it is today.
Fred Orbach was a past HANC President, a Dinner Honoree, and a recipient of the Mack Markowitz Award.
Fred Orbach was a past HANC President, a Dinner Honoree, and a recipient of the Mack Markowitz Award.
He is missed daily by his HANC family.
Grand Master Benefactor
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Doreen & Beryl Eckstein
Grand Master Benefactor
We are so happy to see the well deserving Naomi and David
receiving the Guests of Honor award. They work tirelessly
for the school and are the most enthusiastic cheerleaders as well.
They care for HANC as if all the children were members of their own family. We hope to continue to share in their goals in making HANC the very best place to raise our children together.
HANC made it happen for Nicki and David Taller
and they have returned the favor by becoming devoted parents
and alumni. Mazal Tov on receiving this award and on being incredible role models to your family.
Congratulations to Debbie Simpser
on being the Educator of Excellence.
Sharon & Billy Lovy
Grand Master Benefactor
Mazel Tov to all of the Honorees.
Each of you has, in your own way, made important
and lasting impacts on the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County. The organization's continued growth and success
would not have occurred
without your efforts and contributions.
A special Hakarat Hatov to Naomi & David Speiser
- your leadership at HANC and your overall commitment
to chesed provide us with a great example
to strive to follow.
We wish each of you continued strength in your service
to benefit the HANC Family
and the wider community, until 120!
Rena & David Maryles & Family
Grand Master Benefactor
We thank the
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Cali & Moshe Orenbuch
Grand Master Benefactor
Mazal Tov
All the Honorees
Thank you for all that you do for the
Thank you for all that you do for the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Penny & Paul Reinstein
Table Sponsor
Table Sponsor
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Special Mazal Tov
Naomi & David Speiser
Adina & Dovid Frankel
Table Sponsor
All the Honorees
on this well deserved honor!
Thank you for all the work you do
on behalf of the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County!
May it continue for many years to come!
Shira & Gadi Goldress
Table Sponsor
Mazal Tov
Naomi & David Speiser
Naomi & David Speiser
Nicki & David Taller
Debbie Simpser
Your hard work on behalf of our Yeshiva
Your hard work on behalf of our Yeshiva
is very much appreciated.
The dedication you show, combined with
The dedication you show, combined with
the endless efforts of our Menahalim, Rebbeim,
administrators, teachers and staff,
makes HANC who we are.
May we see much continued nachat
May we see much continued nachat
from all of our children and from our Yeshiva.
Tizku l'mitzvot,
Ruchi & Tsvi Kushner
Table Sponsor
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees!
We thank you for your "VISION,"
leadership and commitment to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County.
It's a pleasure working together with you.
Elana & Rafi Rosman
Table Sponsor
Mazal Tov
To Our Dear Friend
Debbie Simpser
We are inspired by your dedication to Torah, Mitzvot, Education,
To Our Dear Friend
Debbie Simpser
We are inspired by your dedication to Torah, Mitzvot, Education,
and Community; and honored by your service to HANC
and to our children
and to
Naomi & David Speiser
Nicki & David Taller
For the well-deserved recognition
of your commitment and service to HANC
And to The Teachers and Administration of
The Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
For Another Successful Year
The Vilkas Family
Elizabeth, David, Joshua, and Leah
and to
Naomi & David Speiser
Nicki & David Taller
For the well-deserved recognition
of your commitment and service to HANC
And to The Teachers and Administration of
The Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
For Another Successful Year
The Vilkas Family
Elizabeth, David, Joshua, and Leah
Grand Master Patron
Mazal Tov to
All the Honorees
on this well deserved honor.
A special congratulations to the
on all their hard work and leadership
on behalf of the school.
Laura & Aryeh Eisner
Grand Master Patron
Best wishes to
Guests of Honor
Naomi & David Speiser
Alumni of the Year
Nicki & David Taller
and this year's
Educator of Excellence
Mrs. Debbie Simpser
Thank you for your vigorous support of HANC,
Thank you for your vigorous support of HANC,
its students, and its mission.
Rachel & Jeff Lichtman
Grand Master Patron
Mazel Tov
to all the
Thank you for everything you do for HANC.
Tara, Ari, Jacob, Rafi & Isaac Silbiger
Master Patron
We thank the
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
The Brandler Family
Ethan, Rachel, Avi, Raffi & Bracha
Master Patron
Mazal tov
to all the
Thank you for your tireless efforts
Thank you for your tireless efforts
and everything that you do for HANC
Shoshanna & Ben Diamond
Master Patron
Mazal Tov
to all of the
and a
Special Mazal Tov
Naomi & Dovid Speiser
for their tireless efforts on behalf of
HANC and the community.
Tamara & Oren Farber
Master Patron
Mazal Tov
to all of the
on this well-deserved honor!!
Thank you for your amazing dedication
to our children's school
and the entire HANC community!!
Sharon & Jeremy Grysman
Master Patron
Mazal Tov
to all the
Thank you so much for all that you have done
Thank you so much for all that you have done
and continue to do on behalf of
the HANC Community.
Your time, effort, enthusiasm and dedication
are truly appreciated!
Racheli Hackel
Master Patron
We thank
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Stephanie & Adam Kalter
Master Patron
Mazal tov to
Naomi & David Speiser
and to all of the honorees.
The untold hours and heart that the both of you
put in to the success of HANC
is absolutely inspiring. You have been
the unsung heroes of this school for so long.
We are so happy to finally have the opportunity
to sing your praises.
Mazal Tov!
Shira & Yehuda Kessock
Master Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Faige & Akiva Lefkowitz
Master Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Stephanie & Shneur Nathan
Master Patron
Mazal Tov
Naomi & Dovid
Your involvement in our school is a model
we should all strive to emulate.
With much appreciation,
Stacey & Moshe Radinsky & Family
Master Patron
Wishing a Mazal Tov to all of this year's most deserving honorees!
Naomi & David Speiser
Nicki & David Taller
Debbie Simpser
The devotion you have for our school
is extraordinary and it's thanks to the efforts
of people like you that HANC
is such a wonderful place for our students.
Finally, a special thank you to the entire dinner committee for their tireless efforts!
Alison & Elliot Schimel
Master Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Shoshana & Dov Traum & Family
Gold Patron
Gold Patron
Mazel Tov
to our friends
Nicki & David
and to all the honorees
on your wonderful honors!
May you and your families be blessed
with good health, and may you go
from strength to strength!
Hilary & Eric Rothman
Silver Patron
Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach
to all of the
to all of the
with great great admiration for
your dedication and commitment
to our school
with great great admiration for
your dedication and commitment
to our school
Loren & Stuart Daitch & Family
Silver Patron
To My Dearest
I can certainly attest to your love for and dedication
I can certainly attest to your love for and dedication
to the children and the mission of HANC Plainview
It is not just the day, night and weekend hours you put in;
It is not just the day, night and weekend hours you put in;
it is your constant focus on enhancing
the educational experience for every child that is so inspiring.
The kids and I have always been supremely proud of you
and your trailblazing work and it is gratifying to see it
acknowledged today by the entire organization
With much love and admiration,
Bronze Patron
In honor
of our
wonderful grandchildren
who attend and are alumni of
Mazel Tov!
Sylvia & Mendel Brill
Bronze Patron
Mazal tov to
Nicki & David Taller
It was here at HANC that they met in 1985
"And the rest is history!"
We are so proud of your beautiful family
that is a piece of ours!
With Hashem's help, we look forward
"And the rest is history!"
We are so proud of your beautiful family
that is a piece of ours!
With Hashem's help, we look forward
to more nachas in the coming years.
With much love from your,
Mothers, Sharon Pfeffer & Esther Taller
Sister, Lisa & Brother-in-Law, Jimmy O'Connor
Niece, Kayla & Nephew, Jacob O'Connor
Sister, Lisa & Brother-in-Law, Jimmy O'Connor
Niece, Kayla & Nephew, Jacob O'Connor
Bronze Patron
Mazal Tov
All of This Year's Honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
We thank you for your leadership
and commitment to the HANC family.
May you continue to be a source
of inspiration to our community.
Ariella & Craig Weitzman
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Esther & Josh Abramovitz
Scholarship Patron
Congratulations and best wishes to the honorees!
מזל טוב
to our dear friend
Debbie Simpser
on this well-deserved honor
Your humble manner and unconditional commitment
מזל טוב
to our dear friend
Debbie Simpser
on this well-deserved honor
Your humble manner and unconditional commitment
to Plainview community is an inspiration to all of us.
Thank you for your tremendous dedication
Thank you for your tremendous dedication
to your students and their families.
May הקדוש ברוך הוא grant you long life, health, happiness
May הקדוש ברוך הוא grant you long life, health, happiness
and the strength to continue your great work
on the behalf of HANC's students and families.
Janet & Yonni Akhavan
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov to our friend
Debbie Simpser
on this well-deserved recognition.
Thank you for all the love, patience, and effort that you have put forth
Debbie Simpser
on this well-deserved recognition.
Thank you for all the love, patience, and effort that you have put forth
on behalf of our children in Plainview HANC for so many years.
You are a model for all to follow.
Thank you to HANC for teaching our children
Thank you to HANC for teaching our children
about living a life of Torah, midot, and chesed.
While we are no longer a daily presence in the HANC hallways,
it is a place we will always consider home.
Mazal Tov to all the honorees.
Steve and Sharon Albert,
Daniel and Deena,
Rachel & Eli Wein, and Isabelle
Mazal Tov to all the honorees.
Steve and Sharon Albert,
Daniel and Deena,
Rachel & Eli Wein, and Isabelle
Scholarship Patron
David & Naomi
Model Parents and Ideal Partners
Committed to Torah Values
and Their Children's Education
Mazal Tov on a This Well Deserved Honor!
Mazal Tov on a This Well Deserved Honor!
Rabbi Yaakov Sadigh | Barbara Deutsch |
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Farbod & Eliah Barzideh
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Barzideh Family
Scholarship Patron
Dear Dovid & Naomi,
We are all so proud of you for your contributions
and dedication to HANC, your community, and your family.
You are raising a beautiful family, passing on to them the values of education, caring, and chessed. We stand in admiration of the love and commitment you give to your family
-- and share with others.
Naomi - You are following in the footsteps of Mom & Dad,
who invested so much of their time, care
and love in our schools and community.
Dovid - Your entire family is a model of chessed, love,
and dedication that we are happy to be a part of.
Thank you for being OUR family.
With much love from,
Dad, Rebecca, Aunt Frema & Larry, Martin Bennett, Rebecca Bennett, Frema Schneier, Larry Schneier
Scholarship Patron
We thank and salute the most worthy honorees
Naomi & David Speiser
Nicki & David Taller
Debbi Simpser
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Benny's Food
Boker & Gadon Families
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Shalom & Farnaz Berokhim
Equity Evaluation Services
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Dana & Shimon Betesh
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Michelle & Jason Blass
Scholarship Patron
Mazel Tov
Our Dear Friends
Naomi & Dovid Speiser
on this much deserved honor
Naomi & Dovid Speiser
on this much deserved honor
Helen & Avi Blazer
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Lisa & Michael Blitstein
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Suzy & Adam Bloom
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Jeff & Lea Boriskin
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Jennifer & Joshua Bornstein
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Tamara & Stu Brand
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees!
Aviva & Ben Brukner
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Lynne & Mark Burger
Technology Practice Group
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Tzippy & Yoni Calm
Scholarship Patron
Mazel Tov
all the
Beth & Simeon Chiger
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Stephanie & Lidan Dahan
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Jeremy Dalkoff
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Temima & Howie Dublin
Scholarship Patron
We thank the
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Eli & Darren Edelstein
Scholarship Patron
We thank the
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Leslie & Eli Engelsohn
Scholarship Patron
To our good friends
Nicki & David Taller
Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor!
May you go from strength to strength!
Miriam & Robert Fagin
Scholarship Patron
Mazal tov
on a well-deserved honor!
We are so grateful to have you
in our school and in our community.
Jordana & Adam Farber
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Helah Feldman
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Sheri & Richard Feldman
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Paige & Eric Finkelstein
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Lisa & Philip Floumanhaft
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Andrea & Michael Frohmann
Scholarship Patron
Thank you to all the
for your contributions to HANC
Rachel & David Fryman
Gulko Schwed LLC
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Ayelet and Norman Galanti
Scholarship Patron
Mazel Tov
Dovid & Naomi
on this most deserved honor.
More genuine friends one cannot find.
Ada & Mark Gelbart
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
Nicki and David
Two special people, whose efforts
and dedication to our community
and the Jewish people are evident
in all that you do and all that you are.
Cory & Jonathan Glaubach
Scholarship Patron
To our dear friends
Nicki & David Taller
Mazel Tov on a well deserved honor!
Chaya & Josh Glikman
Scholarship Patron
Mazel Tov
Mom / Bubby Debbie (Simpser)!
We are so proud of you
on this well deserved honor!
Every child who has learned from you
is truly blessed; be it in school or at home;
be it student, child or grandchild.
We love you!
Michal, Brad, Leah
& Sammy Goldsammler
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Shanna & David Goldstein
Scholarship Patron
Congrats to Plainview's own
Mrs. Debbie Simpser
on this well-deserved honor.
Kol hakavod and thank you for all that you do for the Plainview HANC family.
Jennifer & Shalom Gordon
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov to the all of the honorees
In particular, we wish to recognize
Mrs. Debbie Simpser
for her selfless devotion to her students,
and our school and community.
Her caring and patience is extraordinary,
Her caring and patience is extraordinary,
and we deeply appreciate her attention
to the emotional wellbeing of our children.
With love,
David, Sarah, Sammy, Abby, & Ellie Gross
With love,
David, Sarah, Sammy, Abby, & Ellie Gross
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Cindy & Ariel Gross
Scholarship Patron
In Honor Of
Naomi & Dovid Speiser
For Your Dedication
On Behalf of HANC.
We Cherish Our Friendship.
May Hashem Grant You Good Health,
Happiness And Much Nachas
From Your Children.
Anita & Richard Grossman
Scholarship Patron
We thank
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Barry & Chana Grossman
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov to all of the Honorees!
Thank you so much for all that you do
for our wonderful school!
A special Mazal Tov to Debbie Simpser,
a wonderful woman, mother,
and "surrogate mother" for friends
with summer jobs at Stony Brook University.
<3 You deserve every bit of this love and recognition!
Dora Chana & Josh Haar
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Frank & Deborah Haftel
Scholarship Patron
איזהו חכם? הרואה את הנולד
Who is wise? The one who foresees the future.
מזל טוב
To The Deserving Honorees
Naomi & David Speiser
Guests of Honor
Nicki & David Taller
Alumni of the Year - Class of 1988
Debbie Simpser
Educator of Excellence
for investing your loving efforts into the future of Klal Yisrael
Rabbi Kalman Fogel
& The Staff of HANC Plainview
Who is wise? The one who foresees the future.
מזל טוב
To The Deserving Honorees
Naomi & David Speiser
Guests of Honor
Nicki & David Taller
Alumni of the Year - Class of 1988
Debbie Simpser
Educator of Excellence
for investing your loving efforts into the future of Klal Yisrael
Rabbi Kalman Fogel
& The Staff of HANC Plainview
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
Naomi and David Speiser
We appreciate all that you have done
for HANC.
May your efforts be rewarded
with good health, happiness and nachat.
Rachel & Daniel Hanuka
Scholarship Patron
to all the
Thank you for all you do
on behalf of the school.
Yona & Henry Hassan
Scholarship Patron
Mazel tov to
Naomi & David Speiser
and all of the honorees on this well deserved honor.
Cindy Haynes, LCSW-R
Cindy and Josh Haynes
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
Naomi & David
on this well deserved honor.
Thank you for all that you do for HANC.
Your friends,
Laurie & Natan Hecht
Scholarship Patron
Mazal tov to all of the honorees on this well-deserved honor
Naomi and David Speiser
Your precious children speak volumes about the kind of people you are.
Your dedication to our "illustrious" yeshiva is phenomenal
Debbie Simpser
Your devotion to the students is incredible.
Your keen sense of what will help each one grow is admirable
Nicki and David Taller
From one alum to another, I guess it is true - HANC makes it Happen!
Naomi and David Speiser
Your precious children speak volumes about the kind of people you are.
Your dedication to our "illustrious" yeshiva is phenomenal
Debbie Simpser
Your devotion to the students is incredible.
Your keen sense of what will help each one grow is admirable
Nicki and David Taller
From one alum to another, I guess it is true - HANC makes it Happen!
Rabbi Elliot Hecht
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Bradley & Miriam Herman
Scholarship Patron
to our friends
The Speisers
Thank you for all you do for HANC.
The Herschbergs
Scholarship Patron
Mazel Tov to all the Honorees.
Mazel Tov to Mrs. Simpser!
We have and will continue to value
your insight, time, warmth, and dedication.
We are so happy to be sharing
in your simcha.
Lori & Matthew Hildebrand
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Jordana & Daniel Hirschel
Scholarship Patron
לעילוי נשמת
Erna & Freddy Pfeffer
ר' משה בן ר' מרדכי ע"ה
אסתר פערל בת ר' משה ע"ה
Bobbi & Zeidy
who would be so proud of
their grandchildren
Nicki & David Taller
Shelly & Jerry Hoffnung
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Dawn & Ira Horowitz
Scholarship Patron
We thank the
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Gail, Bob & Lauren Hyman
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
on this well deserved honor!
Debra and Benji Alper
Kadima Psychotherapy
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Taraneh & Massoud Karimzadeh
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
Naomi & David Speiser
Nicki & David Taller
Thank you for all you have done
and continue to do for HANC
Mazal Tov
Educator of Excellence
Mrs. Debbie Simpser
Thank you for going above and beyond and for
giving your heart and soul to our children and our school.
Shani & David Kaufman
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Kayla & Jeremy Kaye
Scholarship Patron
Mazel Tov
to all of the
on these well deserved honors.
Knickerbocker Abstract Co. Inc.
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Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Jessica & Stew Koenigsberg
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Ann & Mark Koffsky
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Malka & Mashiyah Kohanim
Scholarship Patron
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Bat-Sheva & Wayne Kutner
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Meira & Shaya Lefkovich
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Jessica & Matthew Lerner
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
Debbie Simpser
and the other amazing Honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Tiffany & Steven Levich
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
on your well deserved honor
Kari & Joshua Levine
Scholarship Patron
Naomi & David Speiser
Mazel Tov on your well deserved honor.
May Hashem continue to grant you
years of health and happiness.
Cathy & David Linder
Scholarship Patron
Congratulations to all Honorees
The Livi family and Noah Livi, in particular,
would like to send a special thank you to
Debbie Simpser and acknowledge
all her years of hard work and endless caring,
helping, providing, and achieving amazing help
and progress for our kids.
Debbie, congratulations on a well-deserved honor.
You are the best at what you do, we couldn't
have done it without you
and we love you very much.
With appreciation and gratitude,
The Livi Family
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Azita & Mitchell Livian
Scholarship Patron
We thank
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Lisa & Ben Lowy
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Major Homes Corp.
Scholarship Patron
In tribute to
Rebbetzin Goldie Fendel
of blessed memory
Her personal warmth, dedication to HANC and love for the entire HANC community touched so many people over many decades.
May her memory be a source of inspiration for all.
Vivian Mannis & Family
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Abbie & Eric Maslin
Scholarship Patron
Giant Mazel Tov
Our Friends
Nicki & David!
Naomi & Shlomo Mayer
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Or Mayer-Guy, Coach Realtors
Scholarship Patron
Mazal tov
to my wonderful daughter
Debbie Simpser
I am so very proud of all
that you have accomplished in life,
especially your service
to Jewish education at HANC.
Scholarship Patron
Mazel Tov
Nicki & David Taller
on this
most deserved honor.
Hindi & Mark Mazel
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Leah & Abraham Meles
Scholarship Patron
Mazel Tov to all the Honorees.
A special heartfelt thank you to
Mrs. Simpser
for all of your guidance, support
and love for our students.
Your smile and presence
are always encouraging.
You are truly cherished!
The Morse Family
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to our dear friends
Naomi & Dovid Speiser
on this well deserved honor!
Thank you for all you do for HANC!
Mazal Tov
Nicki and David Taller
and to all of the honorees!
We appreciate all you do for HANC.
Tali & Jeff Moskowitz
Scholarship Patron
In Honor
Debbie Simpser
An excellent educator
and an even better friend.
With our love and appreciation,
Sharon & Steve Nachman
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Sheryl-Sue & Noah Newman
Scholarship Patron
We thank the
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Wendy, Eyal, Sam, Caleb & Ethan Ofer
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov to all of our Honorees
Naomi & David Speiser
Guests of Honor
Naomi & David Speiser
Guests of Honor
Nicki & David Taller
Alumni of the Year
Mrs. Debbie Simpser
Educator of Excellence
Thank you for ALL that you do. For being amazing partners, visionaries and HANC cheerleaders.
Liz Pazornick
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Alisa & Michael Pelikow
Scholarship Patron
Mazel tov to the
on this well-deserved honor
and a special mazel tov to our dear friends,
Naomi & Dovid Speiser.
We truly appreciate your leadership, commitment, vision, and all that you do
for our HANC family.
Most importantly, thank you
for your friendship!
Sherry & Uri Peyser & Family
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Deborah & David Pfeffer
Scholarship Patron
We wish to thank the honorees
for their continued dedication and support
in growing HANC as the
premier Yeshiva Day School in New York.
Audrey & Jay Wildstein
PGLI Insurance, Inc.
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Rachelle & Daniel Pilarski
Scholarship Patron
In Honor of our Good Buddy Dave T...
Hey Diddy Diddy Yo,
Congratulations on graduating 30 years ago!
We are sure that HANC is to thank for the fine talents
Hey Diddy Diddy Yo,
Congratulations on graduating 30 years ago!
We are sure that HANC is to thank for the fine talents
you bring to our group, such as:
Team Work - Sportsmanship - Organization - Planning
Team Work - Sportsmanship - Organization - Planning
Implementation - Efficiency
and of course...your adventurous spirit.
It's a pleasure spending time with you every week.
Your jokes are always on target, but seriously,
and of course...your adventurous spirit.
It's a pleasure spending time with you every week.
Your jokes are always on target, but seriously,
how do you come up with all that stuff?
To Nicki,
Thanks for always letting Dave come out and play.
Zie Gezunt!!
Pipe Hitters Union Local 613 (Watchmen)
To Nicki,
Thanks for always letting Dave come out and play.
Zie Gezunt!!
Pipe Hitters Union Local 613 (Watchmen)
Moti | Hudi | Will | Chris | Aaron |
Izzy | Freddy | Shea | Glen | Mordy |
Scholarship Patron
To HANC Dinner Honorees
David & Naomi Speiser
Debbie Simpser
Nicki & David Taller
Thank You for Your Outstanding Dedication and Commitment to Our Children and Colleagues.
Mazal Tov!
David & Naomi Speiser
Debbie Simpser
Nicki & David Taller
Thank You for Your Outstanding Dedication and Commitment to Our Children and Colleagues.
Mazal Tov!
Rabbi Yaakov Sadigh,
HANC 609 & ECC Family
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this
well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Rashel Rahmani DDS PC
Scholarship Patron
Naomi & David Speiser
on this
well-deserved honor.
Shoshana & Dr. Steven Reichman
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Irv & Yocheved Reinstein
Scholarship Patron
Mazel Tov
Naomi & David Speiser
upon this well deserved honor.
May you be blessed with good health, happiness, and nachas!!
Shaindy & Heshy Reiss
Scholarship Patron
We thank the
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Brianne & Binyamin Rosenstock
Scholarship Patron
Mazel Tov
to all the well-deserving honorees.
Your efforts do not go unnoticed
by our family, our yeshiva,
and our community.
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
Lisa, Avi, Yoel & Talya Rosman
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Liz & David Rothafel
Scholarship Patron
We thank
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Tiffany & Gary Rothberger
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Sarah & Daron Rubensohn
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Rachel & Doug Schechter
Scholarship Patron
We thank the
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Mindy & Andrew Scheer & Family
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Jonathan & Shana Schoenfeld
Scholarship Patron
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
The Sedighis
Scholarship Patron
Naomi and Dovid
We are so proud to call you
We are so proud to call you
neighbors and friends.
Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor.
You set a beautiful example
for your family and friends to emulate.
We love you,
Michele & Marc Segelnick
Jacqueline & Neal Polaniecki
Yehuda and Hannah
Scholarship Patron
Mazel Tov to the Honorees!
Thank you for your incredible dedication
to our school.
A special THANK YOU to our "Team T.J."
Those two words seem insufficient
for all that you do for her,
and for us, on a daily basis.
Shelley, Ariel & T.J. Serber
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Mahnoosh & Yadidya Setareh
Scholarship Patron
This is our final dinner as HANC parents. For the past
22 years we have been blessed to watch our girls grow in Torah
and Middot, from the tremendous education they received
in all FOUR HANC buildings.
We would like to thank all the
Rebbeim, Morot, Teachers and Administrative Staff
at our Illustrious Yeshiva for all their help and caring.
To our senior, Estee. We are so proud to be your parents
and can't wait for the next chapter in your life. Keep on
being you and you will do great things.
Mazel tov to all the honorees,
especally the amazing
Debbie Simpser.
Judy & Mike Sigal
Scholarship Patron
Mazel Tov
to all the
We really appreciate all you do
for our school!
Nancy & Neil Smith
Scholarship Patron
With Tremendous Appreciation
& Hakarat Hatov
Rabbi Adelman and Mrs. Palaia
For their deep devotion to all students
& their loving, caring approach to each one.
Esther & Yitzchak Soleimani
Scholarship Patron
Congratulations and Mazal Tov to
Naomi & David Speiser
this year's
Guests of Honor
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Your tireless efforts and hard work for the school
Naomi & David Speiser
this year's
Guests of Honor
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Your tireless efforts and hard work for the school
and community make you most deserving of
this honor and recognition.
May Hashem give you the strength to continue to be
a source of inspiration to the entire community.
With pride, bracha, mazal, and love,
Shaya, Sandy, Yoni, Shifra, Dov,
Erica & Sharona Speiser
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
David & Naomi Speiser
on receiving this special honor which recognizes
your tireless efforts and commitment to HANC.
Hakarat Hatov to you as well for your dedicated
and continuous support of family, friends, and community.
Your midot inspire us and brings us much nachat.
All our love,
Rosalyn Speiser & Rabbi George Speiser A"H
Moishe & Shaindy Speiser & Family
Shanie & Bill Ellerton & Family
Bashie & Gary Shulman & Family
Moishe & Shaindy Speiser & Family
Shanie & Bill Ellerton & Family
Bashie & Gary Shulman & Family
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov to all the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
65th Dinner Honorees
65th Dinner Honorees
Naomi and David Speiser
Guests of Honor
Nicki and David Taller
Alumni of the Year
Debbie Simpser
Educator of Excellence
We fondly remember Goldie Fendel, A"H
Who along with her husband, Rabbi Meyer Fendel, עמו"ש
Were dedicated and beloved founders of HANC and the
Guests of Honor
Nicki and David Taller
Alumni of the Year
Debbie Simpser
Educator of Excellence
We fondly remember Goldie Fendel, A"H
Who along with her husband, Rabbi Meyer Fendel, עמו"ש
Were dedicated and beloved founders of HANC and the
West Hempstead Community
Nechama & Howard Taber
Scholarship Patron
Dovid and Naomi
Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor!
We can all attest to your daily kindness
to everyone and your commitment
to the community.
Wishing you and your children
continued success!
Your office staff,
Stephanie Delmaestro, Samantha Kenney, Caitlin Nocera, Dr. Leah Shanfeld (Fish)
and Dr. Dana Stern
Scholarship Patron
We thank the
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Denise & Jack Warsawsky
Scholarship Patron
We thank
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Andrew and Lauren Weissman
Scholarship Patron
Mazel tov from the ECC
The amazing honorees who have worked so hard to make HANC the exceptional school that it is!!
Special mention to Naomi Speiser who was a counselor par excellence at Ruach Day Camp!!
Mazel Tov to Debbie Simpser who has been always been a strong advocate for all of her students. May you continue to help each and every student with your educational expertise.
Trudy Rubinstein
The amazing honorees who have worked so hard to make HANC the exceptional school that it is!!
Special mention to Naomi Speiser who was a counselor par excellence at Ruach Day Camp!!
Mazel Tov to Debbie Simpser who has been always been a strong advocate for all of her students. May you continue to help each and every student with your educational expertise.
Trudy Rubinstein
Scholarship Patron
We thank the
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Chanchi & Jonah Wieder
Scholarship Patron
Dear Nicki and David,
Mazal Tov and Best Wishes
to you and your family on this wonderful
and most deserved honor.
Your character, commitment, generosity
and kindness inspires us all!
Congratulations to the Honorees
and the Hebrew Academy
of Nassau County on its Annual Gala
Heidi, Mordy, Renee and Eric
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to all of the
on this well deserved honor!
Thank you for your hard work
& dedication always!
Ivy & David Yizhaky
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Stacy Yonk
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov to
Debbie Simpser
on being honored as
on being honored as
Educator of Excellence
You have enriched our children's lives through your caring devotion and dedication
You have enriched our children's lives through your caring devotion and dedication
You have enriched our community
as a teacher, leader and friend
Thank you for all you do for HANC and YIP
Thank you for all you do for HANC and YIP
Young Israel of Plainview
Scholarship Patron
Mazal tov
Debbie Simpser
on being honored for
Educator of Excellence
Thank you for everything you do
for our children, the future of our community.
We are truly blessed
to have you in HANC and in Plainview
Young Israel of Plainview Sisterhood
Scholarship Patron
Scholarship Patron
In honor of our cousins
Naomi & David Speiser
who exemplify כבוד אב ואם and whose
home is always open for חסד.
who exemplify כבוד אב ואם and whose
home is always open for חסד.
May you see much bracha from your children and hatzlacha in all your endeavors.
Chanie & Herbie Zakarin
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on your honor and
all the hard work you do for HANC.
Mazal Tov to
HANC's High School Class of 2018
on their upcoming graduation.
Suri & David Zaretsky
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Irina & Alex Zarzhevsky
Scholarship Patron
We thank the
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Saul & Gayle Zeitlin
Scholarship Patron
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Zurndorfer Family
Mazal Tov
to our good friend
Debbie Simpser
on this most well deserved honor.
Your dedication to our children
and community is greatly admired
and appreciated.
Judy & Abe Alper
Thank you for all you do
On behalf of the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
May you continue to go from strength to strength.
Judy & Alvin Smilow
Ceasar & Smilow, LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Alvin Smilow, CPA, Partner
60 Cutter Mill Road, Suite 512
Great Neck, NY 11021
Tel: 516 466-5280
Fax: 516 466-2548
[email protected]
Thank you for all you do
On behalf of the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
May you continue to go from strength to strength.
Judy & Alvin Smilow
Ceasar & Smilow, LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Alvin Smilow, CPA, Partner
60 Cutter Mill Road, Suite 512
Great Neck, NY 11021
Tel: 516 466-5280
Fax: 516 466-2548
[email protected]
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Cosmic Fischer Locks & Doors
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Ronnie & Jeffrey Eisman
Mazel tov
to all of the
on this well deserved honor.
May you go from strength to strength!
With gratitude,
Ariane & Robert Eisman
Jason ('12), Tamar, Alec ('14)
& Emily ('16)
Mazal Tov to our most deserving honorees
Naomi and David Speiser
Guests of Honor
Nicki and David Taller
Alumni of the Year
Mrs. Debbie Simpser
Educator of Excellence
May you continue your עבודת הקודש עד מאה ועשרים שנה
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County High School
Rabbi Shlomo Adelman, Menahel/Principal
Mrs. Marie Palaia, Associate Principal
Ms. Tziporah Zucker, Assistant Principal
Naomi and David Speiser
Guests of Honor
Nicki and David Taller
Alumni of the Year
Mrs. Debbie Simpser
Educator of Excellence
May you continue your עבודת הקודש עד מאה ועשרים שנה
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County High School
Rabbi Shlomo Adelman, Menahel/Principal
Mrs. Marie Palaia, Associate Principal
Ms. Tziporah Zucker, Assistant Principal
HANc High School
MAZEL TOV TO Mrs. Debbie Simpser
Particularly valued; distinguished, unique
Works tirelessly to help others and provide accommodations
Guides the instruction of education and supports staff.
In recognition of all you do for the staff
and children of HANC Plainview.
Kol Havod, from the HANC Plainview Team
Mazel Tov to
Naomi & David Speiser
on a well deserved honor.
Your friends at
I&D Glatt
Dear Debbie,
HANC could not have chosen a better,
more deserving person for this honor.
As parents of four children who at various times attended HANC Plainview, we know better
than many how your focus and commitment
touched each of them in their own way.
We are so happy for you.
Mazal Tov on being this year's
"Educator of Excellence."
Shelley & Gary Katz
To our dear friends
Nicole & David
A hearty
Mazel Tov
upon being presented with the
Alumni of the Year Award
Paula & Nat Kaufmann
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Naomi and David Speiser
Thank you for always opening your doors
to your friends and neighbors. May you
continue to be wonderful role models
to your children, family and community.
A special Mazal Tov to Debbie Simpser
on this well deserved honor.
Judy & Moshe David Laufer
In memory of Rebbetzin Goldie, ז"ל
From the earliest days of HANC,
her smile brought joy and love to thousands.
She raised a beautiful family that continues to
spread love and the light of Torah.
She is sorely missed.
Wishing Rabbi Meyer Fendel
אורך ימים ושנים
Richard A Lopchinsky, MD
Class of '64 (9th grade)
She is sorely missed.
Wishing Rabbi Meyer Fendel
אורך ימים ושנים
Richard A Lopchinsky, MD
Class of '64 (9th grade)
Dear Nicole and David,
Mazel Tov on this wonderful honor which you both truly deserve. We are happy to see that others are recognizing your selflessness and inner qualities which your family and friends are all too familiar with. We are happy to share in this celebration with you.
Deena, Jonathan, Jenny,
Justin, Snowy & Kylie
Mazal Tov
Naomi & David Speiser
Lonny & Jay Mostel
The Podiatry office of D. Stan Rutstein wishes
Mazel tov to our dear Friend
Debbie Simpser
on receiving this special honor
May we continue to share many future simchot
Mazel tov to al the honorees
Evelyn & Stan Rutstein
Educator of Excellence -
a title befitting a woman who continuously inspires, encourages, and supports countless students at HANC in her roles as teacher, educator, and administrator.
To us, your biggest fans, you are
Mommy & Mom.
We are so proud to see you honored;
well-deserved doesn't begin to cover it. We love you so much and wish you a huge mazal tov!
Tee & Shlomo Yosef
Naomi & Dovid,
You are pillars of the community
and can always be counted on when needed.
Your devotion to the school, friends
and family are a testament
to your fine middot and values.
Mazal Tov on receiving this great honor.
Racheli & Seth Speiser
Mazal Tov and Best Wishes
to our dear, dear friends,
Nicki & David Taller
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees.
Ella & Robert Weiss
Mazel Tov to Honorees
Naomi and David Speiser
The HANC community is enriched by your vision, commitment, and devotion. May Hashem give you the strength to continue your avodat hakodesh and may you continue to reap tremendous nachat from your amazing children.
The HANC community is enriched by your vision, commitment, and devotion. May Hashem give you the strength to continue your avodat hakodesh and may you continue to reap tremendous nachat from your amazing children.
Mazel Tov to Alumni of the Year
Nicki and David Taller
The apple (Mckenzie) does not fall far from the tree
In appreciation
of an educator par excellence
Mrs. Debbie Simpser
Your abiding love for your students
has significantly expanded the reach and impact of HANC.
Chany & Shlomo Adelman
Nicki and David Taller
The apple (Mckenzie) does not fall far from the tree
In appreciation
of an educator par excellence
Mrs. Debbie Simpser
Your abiding love for your students
has significantly expanded the reach and impact of HANC.
Chany & Shlomo Adelman
In Loving Memory
Our Grandmother
Shoshanna Freida bat Menachem Zev
Elianna & Uri Brill
Debbie Simpser
on your well earned recognition.
Suri Gotowner & Ed Ehrlich
Mazel Tov
to all of the
Jason M. Grunfeld, C.P.A., PLLC
Complete Tax Services
(516) 478-8306
לעילוי נשמת גולדה דבורה בת הרב יעקב משה
Rebbetzin Goldie Fendel, ע"ה
With tremendous Hakarat Hatov for all she did for HANC and the West Hempstead community. Her warmth and exquisite Middot enriched
Rebbetzin Goldie Fendel, ע"ה
With tremendous Hakarat Hatov for all she did for HANC and the West Hempstead community. Her warmth and exquisite Middot enriched
all who came in contact with her.
Arnold & Chayala Liebman & Family
Harvey Liebman and Family
Seymour & Mindy Liebman & Family
Arnold & Chayala Liebman & Family
Harvey Liebman and Family
Seymour & Mindy Liebman & Family
Educator of Excellence
Debbie Simpser
You truly deserve this honor for your devotion
to HANC and our community.
Thank you for your years of service and commitment.
May you go from strength to strength.
Sandy & Barry Zweigbaum
Shulie, Danny, Menachem, Yehuda, Racheli & Shayna Zweigbaum
Jamie & Shane Saplisky
Mazal Tov
to our mechutenet
Debbie Simpser
on this well-deserved honor.
We and our mutual chidlren/grandchildren are so proud of you.
Laurie & Avi Sussman
Alan N. Sussman, CPA, PC
Mazel Tov
Nicki & David Taller
and their fellow honorees
on this well deserved honor.
Karen & Steven Alexander
In memory of
Goldie Fendel ז"ל
A True Aishet Chayil!
We will always remember your warmth, kindness and great smile!
Roz Bierig, Stuart & Karen
Mazal Tov
Naomi & David
Phyllis & Hillel Cohen
Mazel Tov
Debbie Simpser
and the entire Simpser family
on this well deserved honor
Audrey & Eliot Davidowitz
Mazal Tov
to the
on this
well-deserved Honor.
Thank you to all the staff and lay leaders
for all that you do on behalf of HANC.
Shelley & David Fishel
A shout-out to
Debbie Simpser
the personification of Jewish womanhood;
a well-spring and lifeline to her mishpachah and
friends, the kehillah,
and certainly the HANC family.
She and her husband Eddie have devoted their careers
to serving the needs of countless children and their parents.
May they be gebencht
through their own generations.
With heartfelt and abiding respect,
Miriam & Marty Fisher
Mazel Tov
Nicki & David Taller
and all the Honorees
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Erika (class of '88)
& Shneur Gershuni
to the
and the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
on its
Annual Gala Celebration
Monica & Simeon Glaubach
Mazel Tov
Debbie Simpser
on her well-deserved honor.
Marlene & Stu Horowitz
Congratulations Honorees!
Gloria & Howard Jacobson
Owners of West Hempstead Pharmacy,
Ryan Medical Pharmacy
and Rockville Center Pharmacy
Offering Great Service & Free Delivery
Mazel Tov
Estee Sigal
my granddaughter
Mazel Tov to all the extraordinary students at HANC.
I am so proud to be Estee's Bubbe.
With her beautiful spirit, her parents' loving guidance, and the rich education at HANC, I write this
with so much love for my granddaughter, Estee.
Mazal Tov
Our Good Friends
Nicki & David Taller
Best wishes for good health, happiness,
nachas, and the strength to continue
all your charitable work.
With much admiration
Jenny & Mordy Lent
on your well-deserved honor.
Leah, Paul, Addison, Emma & Michael
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Ellen & David Lubel
Mazal Tov to Our Dear Friend
Debbie Simpser
on being honored as HANC's
Educator of Excellence
We admire your devotion
to All of Our Children!!
Mazal Tov to all the other Honorees
Sandi & Howie Nayberg & Family
With Heartfelt
הכרת הטוב
Rabbi Meyer & Goldie Fendel
Rabbi Moshe & Sondra Gottesman
We for whom you toiled for so many years
think of you always as we grow both physically and spiritually.
May the Almighty bless you and your entire families
with good and health and nachat for your "reward" is endless.
An eternal flame is ablaze of Torah, Midot Tovot, and Maasim Tovim
Rabbi Meyer & Goldie Fendel
Rabbi Moshe & Sondra Gottesman
We for whom you toiled for so many years
think of you always as we grow both physically and spiritually.
May the Almighty bless you and your entire families
with good and health and nachat for your "reward" is endless.
An eternal flame is ablaze of Torah, Midot Tovot, and Maasim Tovim
which will surely never be extinguished.
With Our Sincerest Respect,
The Officers, Board of Directors, Board of Education
and the entire
HANC Administration
Mazel Tov, Debbie!
Your students at HANC are fortunate to have you.
May Hashem give you continued strength to do what you love, as you continue to help children grow in their learning and Torah.
Malca & Sam Schwarzmer
We thank the
for their
vision, leadership and commitment
to the
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
Randi Silber
Dear Debbie,
30+ years ago, our family observed a young aspiring teacher
whose dedication to her students and craft was 2nd to none. The deep roots you planted through your teaching have produced great fruits over the years, especially with those who benefited immensely from your warmth and skills.
May the Ribbono Shel Olam grant you health and strength
(as we all know, teaching may be one of the most exhausting jobs that exists) to continue your great work on behalf of HANC's students and families.
Beracha V'hatzlacha on this well deserved honor.
Sara & Berel Shlomo, Sarah, Shmueli, Huvi, & Elazar Simpser & The Scherman, Gershonowitz
& Frank Mishpochos
Mazel tov
to my dear granddaughter
Continue on the path you are taking.
Oma Janet
Mazal Tov
to the
on this well-deserved honor.
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Alexander The Great
Plumbing and Heating
Mazel Tov
Naomi & David Speiser
With love,
Pam & Russell Berg & Family
Mazal Tov
All the Honorees
on their well deserved honors.
Uri & Elianna Brill
Mazal Tov to the
and all the
on this well deserved honor.
Judy & Joshua Feldman
Mazal tov
Naomi & Dovid
on this very well-deserved honor!
Ita & Adam Flug
To Nicole and David -
Alumni of the Year, Pillars of strength,
Treasured Friends
May you always continue to
delight and inspire us.
HANC was the foundation and still is.
Mazel Tov!
The Glickmans
Dorothy & David Goldberg
Mazal Tov
Debbie Simpser
Educator of Excellence
Joyce & Irving Gomolin
Debbie Simpser
You are truly a
Person of Excellence
as well as an
Educator of Excellence
Elaine & Gerry Gross
Mazel Tov to
Debbie Simpser
for being honored as the
Educator of Excellence.
Well Deserved!
Sherri & Ken Malc
In honor of
Rebecca Abramovitz
and her outstanding
teachers & administrators
Mindy Reznik
Mazel Tov
Naomi & David Speiser
Roxana & Shelly Rybak
Sussman Education
is proud to support HANC in its commitment to providing premier educational services.
Here's to another 65 years of success!
Name Listing
Michele & Danny Adler
Adele & Dov Bodlander
Five Towns Mini Golf and Batting Range - Matthew Rosen
Malverne Cinema & Art Center
Sharon & Steven Nadelbach
Francine & Mitchell Popowitz
Sharyn & Harry Rozental