We acknowledge the following sponsors who have made significant gifts to Hillel in support of the honorees and this milestone occasion:
Honorary Co-Chairs:
Drs. Philip Glick and Drucy Borowitz
Drs. Jeffrey Lackner and Ann Marie Carosella
The Weiss Family Foundation

 Vice Chairs:
Dr. Jeffrey and Melissa Goldberg
Honorary Committee:
Dean Aviva Abramovsky
Marc and Lisa Adler
Joyce and Stuart Angert
Dr. Iris Danziger
David Feuerstein
Rob and Shira Goldberg
Risé Kulick
Irv and Donna Levy
Annette Pinder
Susan and Eric Recoon
Graham Hammill and Richard Ridenour
Howard Rosenhoch
Ron Schreiber
Susan and Steven Schwartz
Harvey Siegel
Dr. Brian and Pam Snyder
Steny and Moises Sudit
Dr. Michael and Julie Weinberg
We also express gratitude to Hillel's 75th Anniversary Planning Committee, Board of Directors, and Staff
Planning Committee:
Laura Hemlock, Chair
Ruth Kleinman
Annette Pinder
Richard Ridenour
Karen Zakalik
Board of Directors:
Marc Adler - President

Dr. Iris Danziger - Vice President

Laura Hemlock - Vice President

Max Medwin - Treasurer

Dr. Jeffrey Lackner - Immediate Past President

Dr. Philip Glick

Dr. Jeffrey Goldberg

Adam Goldfarb

Rabbi Alex Lazarus-Klein

Chloe Komorowski

Mac Neuwirth

David Oestreicher

Annette Pinder

Richard Ridenour

Noah Rifkin

Stephen Yonaty


Hillel Staff:


Rabbi Sara Rich, Executive Director

Logan Woodard, Director of Engagement

Macie Clawson, Springboard Innovation Fellow

Professor Alexander Green, Buffalo Jewish Community Educator


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