Message from Rabbi Elie Weinstock
We’re back!
Actually, for me, it’s more like, “I’m here!”
Welcome to the JCAB Summer Breeze 2021. This year, we celebrate all that our shul has accomplished in the past, celebrate who we are now, and dream big for the future. After nearly a year and a half of staying apart, we are coming back together in shul, at Kiddush, and around the neighborhood. Our services, classes, youth programs, social activities, and chesed have resumed and are growing. There is a palpable sense of excitement that the JCAB is, please God, poised to grow and reach new heights.
Mazal tov to our honorees! Sam Offir has enhanced our community for over 40 years. As Gabbai, he plays an important role in engaging everyone who comes to shul, finding ways to make all feel welcome. Julie Yusupov is, indeed, a woman of valor. She is constantly seeking ways to connect people, help people, and keep our shul active. Sam represents the foundation upon which JCAB was built, and Julie represents our bridge to the future – including the many young families who are moving in. None of this would have been possible without the tireless effort of Jayne Luger. Jayne has given body and soul for the shul, and, as we look to the future, we must acknowledge the integral role Jayne has played. While no longer in the office, her presence will always be felt.
JCAB is the only house of worship in Atlantic Beach. That makes us the soul of the village. This dinner celebrates that soul and, hopefully, inspires each of us to redouble our efforts to support the shul, engage each other, and strengthen the bonds of community we share together.
Please join us to celebrate our honorees, support JCAB, and have a wonderful time together. Enjoy!
Rabbi Elie Weinstock
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