Sue Talansky
Murray Wallen Distinguished Service Award
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Sue Talansky was born in Antwerp, Belgium and raised on the Upper West Side of New York. She attended Manhattan Day School, The Bronx High School of Science, Barnard College and Yale University,  where she was a Danforth Fellow. After several years teaching English at Barnard, she took over management of the family real estate business. 
Sue and her husband, Dr. Arthur Talansky, a gastroenterologist, raised their family in Great Neck, New York, where they were both very active in the North Shore Hebrew Academy, the Young Israel of Great Neck, Ramaz and other Jewish organizations. Their children , Jonathan and Heidi Talansky of Woodmere, Pammy and Michael Talansky of Los Angeles and David and Ruthie Schwartz of Scarsdale have blessed Sue and Arthur with fourteen grandchildren. 
A child of two Holocaust survivors, Sue has made Holocaust remembrance a passionate pursuit. She edited her father's wartime diary Memoirs of an Unfortunate Person which was published by Yad Vashem Press in 2012. Her volume Ordinary Objects/Enduring Legacies : The Great Neck Collection was printed in 2017. The Atlantic Beach Collection was produced in 2021. She speaks often to groups about Holocaust related topics. At present, Sue is at work on translating and editing  a family correspondence collection sent from Poland to America, during  the Soviet occupation, 1939-41.
The Talanskys have been members of the Jewish Center of Atlantic Beach for over a decade and cherish the friendships made here and the Torah learned. 
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