Honoring the Founders of JWC Atlanta
Katie Busch
Carrla Goldstein
Faye Lefkoff
Bev Lewyn
Gail Linder
Charlotte Marks
Erin Stone Mermelstein
Robyn Regenbaum
Lori Kagan-Schwarz
Gayle Siegel
Helen Zalik
Founding Executive Directors
Elaine Nussbaum Brasch

"My JWC Atlanta experience has had such a positive impact on me and my family.  In addition to wonderful, impactful friendships which have endured over many years, JWC Atlanta has made Judaism more meaningful and opened my eyes to incredible wisdom which I find myself tapping into all the time.  I am so fortunate to have been plugged in to this amazing organization."

In addition to being a founder, Elaine has served on the Board since inception, most recently as a Co-President.  Elaine is married to Fred and has two sons, Ben and Adam and practices corporate and commercial law at her own firm.
Katie Busch

“The importance of JWC Atlanta to me is the dear friendships made through the network of women and how it has deepened my connection with women and families in the Atlanta Jewish community.” 

In addition to being a founder of JWC Atlanta, Katie has served on the Board in the capacity of Trustee at Large.  She is married to Mark and has two children, Jake and Sarah. Katie is the Executive Director of International Advancement and Constituent Engagement at Emory University.
Carrla Goldstein
“JWC Atlanta has inspired me to be a better Jewish woman, wife and mother. I have grown along with JWC Atlanta.”

In addition to being a founder, Carrla has served on the Board since inception most recently in the capacity of Vice-President of Programming.

She is married to Jeff and has two children, Sydney and Robert
Faye Lefkoff
“JWC Atlanta creates an educational path for Jewish women all over Atlanta to learn how important the Jewish woman is in the home, workforce and  community. As a woman, I feel very empowered from the knowledge I have gained and continue to gain through the organization.”

In addition to being a founder, Faye has served on the board as a Trustee at Large and has opened the doors of the law firm which bears her husband’s name to JWC Atlanta women for a Tuesday lunch and learn that has been going strong for over 10 years. She is married to Craig and has three children, Steven, Ryan and Julie.  She is also the proud grandmother of Jonah, Mila, Macey, Evie, Hailey and Kayla.  Professionally, Faye works at the law firm in Admin/Hr/Compliance.
Bev Lewyn

“When we founded JWC Atlanta we wanted more opportunities to nourish ourselves, both spiritually and socially. But just as important, we wanted Jewish women across Atlanta to have access to the same inspiration and connection that had given us such fuel.”

Along with Helen Zalik, Bev deserves extra special recognition.  Together, they formulated the vision that is now JWC Atlanta, brought our honorees together and led the charge to make JWC Atlanta a reality as the first Co-President of the Board and remains involved to this day.
She is married to Marc and has four daughters, Alexandra, Rachel, Sarah and Rebecca.  
Bev is a writer, author and speaker.
Gail Linder

“It is so important to have an organization that energizes women to learn and grow and become more engaged in their relationship with Hashem.”

Gail and her husband  Harve have 2 children and she is a Practice Manager.
Charlotte Marks
“JWC Atlanta has impacted me and my family in many positive ways. The learning and Jewish experiences I have been so fortunate to be a part of have reinforced and strengthened, not only my growth as a Jewish woman, but that of my family's as well. It has also afforded me the opportunity to meet and get to know so many other women who are on a similar journey and together we support and inspire each other.”

In addition to being a founder, Charlotte has served on the Board in the capacity of Trustee at Large. She is married to Joel and has three children, Andrew, Steven and Megan.
Charlotte is now enjoying her retirement and her precious grandchildren.
Erin Stone Mermelstein

In addition to being a founder, Erin has served on the board as a Member at Large.

Erin and her husband Eric have two children, Josh and Kira.  Erin is a partner at the law firm of Bovis, Kyle, Burch & Medlin where she practices family law. 
Robyn Regenbaum

“JWC Atlanta has transformed my life and made me a more giving person. I have learned so much from our fearless leaders in the past 10 years and have grown by leaps and bounds. I have met so many incredible ladies and made life-long friendships. JWC Atlanta is an amazing organization, it brings women together to learn and grow Jewishly and then they can take what they have learned and experienced and share with their families.”

In addition to being a founder, Robyn has served on the Board since inception, most recently in the capacity of Vice President of Fundraising. She is also responsible for bringing the Great Big Challah Bake to Atlanta which is now a JWC Atlanta signature event. She is married to Allan and has three children, Ilan, Kelli and Shaun. , Robyn has been running an online business for 25 years.
Lori Kagan-Schwarz

“JWCA has opened my heart and mind to Jewish wisdom. I find myself living more purposefully and making more meaningful connections. My experience is not unique. JWC Atlanta touches women's hearts and minds across our community.”

In addition to being a founder, Lori has served on the Board for many years including serving as a Co-President.

She is married to Herman and has three children, Jason (Melissa), Kayla and Mollie. 

Lori works as a marketing consultant.
Gayle Siegel

“JWC Atlanta has enriched my life in ways I never expected. From the moment I took my first class, I developed friendships, a sense of community, and a yearning to find a deeper Jewish meaning in the holidays and in everyday life.  Sharing all this wisdom with my family has been the ultimate gift.”

In addition to being a founder, Gayle has served on the Board since inception, most recently in the capacity of Co-President.
She is married to Harris and has three daughters, Lauren, Ashley and Meredith.  Gayle is a branding specialist.
Helen Zalik

“JWC Atlanta has affected every aspect of my life.  It has changed our family’s Jewish trajectory and has been transformational in my own spiritual journey.”

Along with Bev Lewyn, Helen deserves extra special recognition.  Together they formulated the vision that is now JWC Atlanta, brought our honorees together and led the charge to make JWC Atlanta  a reality as the organization’s first Co-President of the Board. She remains involved to this day and sits on the Board as President Emeritus.  

She is married to David, and they have three daughters, Daniella, Arianna and Sophia.
Helen is a social entrepeneur.
Batsheva Gelbtuch
Julie Silverman
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