Dr. Evelyn Hurvitz, Beth Hurvitz, and Denise Hurvitz
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Sisters whose young lives centered around METNY USY in all its versions: chapter functions at TIC and Beth El, kinnusim, regional and international conventions, social action, USY on Wheels, USY Pilgrimage, Encampment and mostly making friends who eventually became our extended family. The Hurvitz sisters would like to honor their parents, Jean and Abraham Hurvitz, for their love, support and for fostering their deep commitment to Judaism and Israel.
Evelyn started their longstanding relationship with USY in High School.  She attended Cornell University, and then continued to study medicine at the State University of New York in Buffalo.  Evelyn met her husband, David Blum, in Buffalo, and stayed to complete her residency in Pediatrics and now is a senior partner of the largest private Pediatric group in Western New York.  Evelyn and David have two wonderful children, Asher and Jessica, who also were USYers in the Tzafon region. Asher is a Pediatric Emergency Medicine physician and Jessica is a digital consultant at IBM in NYC.
Beth followed in Evelyn’s footsteps, finishing USY as President of Shviv Division.  Beth studied Electrical Engineering at Tufts University and worked for IBM as a product engineer.  She obtained her MBA from Harvard Business School and continued her career as a Principal at Mercer Management Consulting.  She then joined American Express where she rose to Senior Vice President and led various global teams and initiatives. Currently, Beth is Senior Vice President, Global Social Impact for Visa, Inc.  Just prior to joining Visa, Beth served as COO for a start-up NGO. Beth has remained very active in her Jewish Community and was the first female Co-President of the Hebrew Institute of White Plains. Beth’s daughter, Aviva Hurvitz, was also very active in USY and is now attending the University of Pennsylvania studying Mechanical Engineering. 
Denise continued the Hurvitz USY tradition ending as Regional Convention Chairperson.  Denise obtained her bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York at Albany. After a brief stint in business, she obtained her master’s degree in Special Education from Columbia University.  Denise has specialized in teaching the Autistic community for the past 25 years. In college, Denise was the advisor for a USY chapter in Albany and later served as the Advisor for the USY group in Beth-El New Rochelle.  Under her leadership, Beth El was named international chapter of the year. Denise worked as a camp director at Camp Mohawk for 20 years and she continues to train counselors in Jewish day camps. Denise, and her partner Dale Rubin, live in New Rochelle.
Feuer & Horowitz
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well deserved recognition.
Susan Blumberg
Mazel Tov to all the Hurvitz Women on your accomplishments with a specical thanks to Denise a great teacher
Susan, Andy and Leah
Jim and Jocelyn Gross
Congratulations to Denise, Evelyn, Beth and Jean! Your dedication is inspirational. We are so proud of you. Love, Jim, Jocelyn, Samantha and Rebecca
Linda and Bruce Varon Varon
Congratulations and Mazel Tov
to all the honorees
on your well-deserved recognition.
Pell Wealth Partners
Jeffrey S. Rubinstein, D.d.s.
Mazel tov to the Hurvitz women and all they have accomplished! A truly gifted and giving family!
Allen C. Schneider & Co. Llp
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well deserved recognition.
Julie Soury Kattan & Milton Kreppel
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well deserved recognition.
Deborah & Marc Guthartz
Congratulations to the fabulous Hurvitz Women on you most deserved honor!
Evelyn, Beth, and Denise Hurvitz
Thank you to USY for eveything and congratulations to Matthew Resnick and Justin Rosen Smolen for their well deserved honors.
Elly and David Schribman
Shlefstein Family
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well deserved recognition.
Debbi, Drew & Jake Varano
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