Frequently Asked Questions

What is MILTON's annual budget?
The school's total annual budget is approximately $10 million. Covid-19 has added more than $1 million in added expenses since March 2020.
How will my gift to The MILTON Fund be used?
The MILTON Fund is unrestricted income that covers everything in the annual budget that tuition alone does not. More than 75% of school expenditures go to faculty and staff salaries, professional development, and direct classroom costs. Facilities and operating expenses include everything from running bus routes to cleaning and maintaining the building and keeping the lights on.
What are the unique expenses necessitated by COVID-19?
  • Hiring additional faculty and teaching assistants to maintain proper classroom ratios and coverage
  • Devoting two full-time nursing staff to daily Covid monitoring and screening, and weekly PCR testing
  • Providing student vaccine clinics 
  • Upgrading communications technology, subscriptions, and connectivity
  • Providing at-home learning kits and a Chromebook or laptop for every student
  • Running extra buses and bus routes to allow social distancing
  • Upgrading facilities to include health safety equipment
  • Providing emergency tuition assistance for families
Okay, I still have a few questions. Where can I direct them?
Call us at (202) 291-5737 or email your questions to [email protected].
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