SCC Leadership Award
Cindy has made huge contributions to the success of Southside. Cindy is a admissions manager at Bells University. She has extensive experience in creating policy and administration protocol.
Cindy is also very involved with the annual Southside 5k walk fundraiser. Her activities go far beyond in helping to assure Southside success.
She helps Southside raise $100,000 annually from local business donations. After a several year term, Cindy has taken over Southside vice president of planning on the executive board. 
Test Tes
Albert Toller
Tom Blake
Congratulations to the honorees on their well-deserved honors.
Harold Burke
Tom Randel
Congratulations to all the honorees. We really appreciate all that you do. Keep up the good work.
Pear Stevens
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Apple Stevens
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Caryln Rosen
Congratulations to the honorees on their well-deserved honors. Congratulations to Southside on another great year!
Tom Apple
Glad to be part of this event. Congratulations to the honorees on their well-deserved honors. Celebrate again next year.
Bob Banister
So glad to be joining in the campaign. Congratulations to the honorees on their well-deserved honors. Celebrate again next year.
Karen Kantor
Congratulations to Southside on another great year!
Stacey Green
Congratulations to the honorees on their well-deserved honors.
Jon Green
Congratulations to the honorees on their well-deserved honors. Congratulations to Southside on another great year!
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