Zhanna & Eddie Fuzaylov
Eddie and Zhanna Fuzaylov each emigrated from Uzbekistan in 1993. They have been married for over 11 years and have a son, Avraham, and two daughters, Emma and Elana. Eddie is the youngest of four siblings. His father is a chef and his mother, who unfortunately passed away in 2022, was a homemaker. Zhanna is also the youngest of four siblings. Her father was a milkman in Tashkent and her mother is an accountant. Eddie and Zhanna both earned their masters in special education and share a passion for teaching. Currently, Eddie runs an agency that provides special education services and Zhanna teaches third grade for the Department of Education.  
Eddie and Zhanna joined the Schechter community in 2020 when their eldest child, Avraham, entered 2nd grade. They both became involved in the school immediately. During school events, Zhanna would create animal balloons and do face painting for the children. The couple attended and participated in organizing the annual Gala fundraisers. When their older daughter, Emma, enter kindergarten the Fuzaylovs donated a reading library for the early childhood department. Eddie builds memories and school spirit by playing basketball with his children along with Dr. Rafi Kalman, the Principal of Schechter Queens. Zhanna and Eddie are proud to be members of this community and look forward to many coming years contributing to the betterment of Schechter Queens and its students.
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