Cantor Howard M. Stahl
Howard M. Stahl has been hailed as one of America’s outstanding cantors. He was called to Congregation B’nai Jeshurun in Short Hills, New Jersey, in July of 1999. Previously, he served Temple Israel (Lawrence, New York) and Congregation Beth Emeth (Albany). A graduate of the School of Sacred Music of the Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion in New York City, he earned a Masters degree in Social Work from the State University of New York at Albany with specializations in both Gerontology and Marriage and Family Therapy.
In 1998, HUC-JIR awarded Cantor Stahl an Honorary Doctorate in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the cantorate and the Jewish people.
For several decades, Cantor Stahl has participated in the leadership of the American Conference of Cantors (ACC): as its president (1981-1983) and Executive Vice President (1991-1999). In 1999, the ACC named Cantor Stahl an Honorary Vice President. He also has served on the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, and is the founding chairman of the National Commission on Cantorial-Congregational Relationships.
A gifted and creative educator, Cantor Stahl was honored by the National Association of Temple Educators in 1995 for his commitment to Jewish education and, in 1984, he was awarded Life Membership in the North American Federation of Temple Youth for his pioneer work with Jewish youth.
Cantor Stahl has appeared on major stages throughout the world, including the Saratoga Performing Arts Center, the Sarasota Opera House and Carnegie Hall. He can be heard on the CD’s Evening, Morn and Noon: The Sacred Music of Jack Gottlieb (Premier Recordings), Yamim Noraim (Union for Reform Judaism), and Leonard Bernstein: A Jewish Legacy (Naxos), as well as two CD’s issued by TBJ: Shabbat B’Shir (2006) and Spanning Generations (2011).
Cantor Stahl currently serves on the faculty of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Throughout his career, he has mentored clergy, educators, and performers, helping them attain new heights in their careers and find greater meaning in their personal lives. He holds as one of his greatest accomplishments the vibrant network of Jewish professionals who continue to turn to him for advice and guidance. Cantor Stahl has now begun to devote his professional energies towards mentoring a new generation of all those who stand before the public for success and fulfillment in their careers and personal and organizational life.
Cantor Stahl and his wife, Dr. Nancy Simpkins, are the proud parents of five children and five grandchildren.
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