Head of School
Message from our Board of Trustees  
Head of School's Message

2020 has turned out to be a year unlike anything we have ever experienced.  Numerous roadblocks and obstacles have challenged our children, ourselves and our institutions.  Yet despite the instability and anxiety about the future, one constant has created stability and comfort for all of us, and that is the wider Moriah community. The chesed, spirit of giving and kindness, and support that we have seen emanate from numerous segments of our community has been inspirational.  We have seen students show new levels of resilience, continuing to learn and grow. 


We have seen parents whose kindness and thankfulness to their children's teachers show no bounds, whose patience during these difficult times has been expanded and who have been the best of partners to our school.


We have seen teachers who have gone above and beyond to support and love their students, teaching under difficult circumstances, but still giving 110 percent to ensure that their students continue to flourish academically and are happy.


We have seen so many parent volunteers willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure that Moriah continues to successfully embrace and develop our young students. We have seen our medical committee, faced with new challenges and questions every day, who have made themselves available at all hours of the day and night.  Their expertise and wisdom has been invaluable in ensuring a successful school year.

This year's annual fundraising event will look and feel different than most, but one thing will stay constant; the sense of hakarat hatov that we all feel for being part of such a special school community. 

Message from our Board of Trustees


We are often asked by community members and new parents: what makes Moriah unique? In the past we have responded reflexively and automatically, highlighting the deep devotion and professional expertise of our faculty, their commitment to innovation and their focus on all aspects of our students’ development and well-being. We have also pointed to our parents who are equally invested and eager to contribute their time and professional expertise to ensure that the quality of their children’s academic experiences is never compromised.   


In the past ten months we tested the limits of those assertions and have learned that our reflexive response was more than justified. With the onset of the COVID pandemic our teachers made a seamless transition into zoom education. If there was a steep learning curve it was invisible to us. This year we pivoted back to in-person learning, implementing the many necessary precautions to ensure the safety of our staff and students. Again, this switch appeared to be effortless. But behind the scenes the effort was enormous, spanning many months and drawing on the time and expertise of many people. At this year’s virtual dinner to be held on Motzei Shabbat, February 20th, we honor and show our gratitude to the people who worked to enable Moriah to not only endure the pandemic but to emerge an even stronger, more adaptable and inventive institution.   


We are delighted to honor our Medical Committee Parent volunteers and staff, Dr. Diana Straus, Dr. Sam Sultan, Dr. Sandra Hoenig Yahalom ‘93 and Nurse Toby Eizik. These trusted advisors answered the call when our world was turned upside down. They created protocols and designed a system that allowed Moriah to open its doors this fall while preserving our children’s safety. They continue to offer steady and practical guidance to our administrators helping us navigate the complex and ever-shifting COVID landscape.   


We also honor our Head of School, Rabbi Daniel Alter and our Executive Director, Erik Kessler for their incredible leadership during these rapidly changing times. Their resilience and perseverance is inspiring to us all and their dedication to Moriah is beyond measure.


Finally, we will be paying special tribute to our Faculty and Administrators, who are the backbone of our school. They are our community’s “essential workers” and we are profoundly grateful for their courage and commitment to our children.


We look forward to celebrating the spirit of Moriah with you on February 20! 


Thank you for your support! 


Steven Bleier, President

Leiah Moskowitz, Chairman of the Board


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