Daniella Pressner
Advanced Kollel: Executive Ordination Track
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Daniella Pressner is Head of School at the Akiva School in Nashville, TN. She received a BA in Dance and Religion from Barnard College and an MA from Vanderbilt University.  She has studied at Drisha, Pardes, and the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Daniella is a past-president of JFS and serves on the Board of the Jewish Middle School of Nashville. Daniella was awarded a DSLTI fellowship and has been published in the PEJE, Avi Chai, RAVSAK and JOFA journals. Daniella has taught nationally on curricular design and on children and spirituality. She is married to Rabbi Saul Strosberg of Congregation Sherith Israel and has 4 children.
Bracha Jaffe
Bob and Barbara Woolf
Diana & Shelly Lutz
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Mia and Ali Lapping
Stan Pressner
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Rabba Dr. Anat Sharbat & Ariel Freidenberg Sharbat
Mazal Tov for the Great Musmachot and for Am Israel for the new Rabbis.
Aaron and Julie Finkelstein / Sugar
Lisa Schlaff
Mazal tov to all the graduates! Judith, Daniella, Alana and Agi you are an inspiration!
Kenneth and Regene Prager
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment
Rabbi Shana Mackler and Family
Mazel tov to Daniella and all the musmakhot on your accomplishment! May you go from strength to strength!
Saul Strosberg
Dear Daniella,
כִּ֚י אֶ֪לֶף שָׁנִ֡ים בְּֽעֵינֶ֗יךָ כְּי֣וֹם אֶ֖תְמוֹל
In dedicating your life these past 3 years to your studies at Yeshivat Maharat, you have elevated me, our family, and our entire community. Thank you for being you and wishing you much success!
Saul, Cole, Amalia, Ravi, and Yedid.
Dov & Nancy Lerea
Mazal Tov to all the Graduates Shout Outs to: Atara, Michal, Jennifer, Gloria Love love love Daniella Nancy & Dov
Tova Tolman
Rabba Rachel and Rabbi Avi Finegold
Rabbi Marianne Novak & Dr. Noam Stadlan
My dear friends and Musmakhot, Mazal Tov to all of you on this outstanding achievement , a tribute to your learning, persistence and love of Torah. A special heartfelt congratulations to my former chavrutot Michal and especially Jen. May you truly continue to bring your real light of Torah to a world so desperately in need of it.
B’ahava, Rabbi Marianne Novak and Dr. Noam Stadlan
Aliza Libman Baronofsky and Ari Baronofsky
Mazal tov to my beloved classmates on your tremendous accomplishment. It has been a gift to learn with all of you.
Rabba Wendy Amsellem and Rabbi Mike Moskowitz Amsellem and Moskowitz
Mazal tov to the amazing musmakhot! We cannot wait to see all that you will do.
Yehudit and Aaron Gavant
Mazal Tov on this beautiful milestone! May your Torah learning bring light and love to all that surround you!
Marsha Jaffa
Carol & Larry Hyatt
Mazal Tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat
Kelli Turner
Mazel Tov, Daniella Pressner, and all of your fellow graduates on your amazing accomplishment!
Arn and Malka Pressner
Mazal Tov to all the musmakhot, and especially to Daniella who continúes to find ways to make us proud! Right on!
Pam and Shaul Kelner
Pam and Shaul Kelner
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