Tamar Green Eisenstat
Originally from London, England, Tamar lives with her husband and four children in the Bronx. Tamar is currently a chaplain intern at New York Presbyterian Hospital Queens and recently completed an internship for The International Beit Din. She is a graduate of Oxford University and Northeastern University School of Law, and in her prior endeavors worked as an Assistant Attorney General in the Charities Bureau at the New York State Attorney General’s Office. Tamar has learned Torah at Midreshet Lindenbaum, Matan, Drisha, and Lamdeinu and has volunteered at SAR Academy/High School, the Riverdale Jewish Center, and the Hunts Point Alliance for Kids.

Huge thank you to my family and friends for your endless support, love and kindness during this new chapter of my life.  You folks are awesome and I am beyond lucky to be in your midst.
To Reb Jeff: a big, big well deserved shkoyach on being honored today; we are so lucky to be under your wing and learn from your immense pool of Torah knowledge and all-around menschlichkeit.
To Rabba Sara and Rav Avi: thank you for building and sustaining this incredible institution- we can’t thank you enough for all you’ve both done and continue to do for us each and every day.
To Rabba Wendy - my teacher and mentor par excellence - it's been such a joy and treat to learn with you these past four years. I can’t tell you how much I’m going to miss your fun halacha problems, especially those involving crumpets and green croissants.
To Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower: you were there to support me on my very first day at Maharat and my journey just would not be the same without your brilliance and dedication to serious Torah study.
To Dr Esther Altmann, Rabbi Erin Leib Smokler, Maya Bernstein, Rabbi Adam Mintz, Rabbanit Tanya Farber, Rabbanit Liz Shayne for providing a constant stream of spiritual growth and intellectual support to us all.
To the administration and board of Yeshivat Maharat, including, but not limited to Erica Schwartz, Amander Schechter, Jennifer Feldman, Liz Offenbach, Kay Bros, Jude E, Dr Katie Light Soloway, and Rachel Zorbaron: your dedication to each and every student is unparalleled. Big, big thank you.
To the outstanding students of Maharat, past and present, including my amazing chevrutah Briah Cahana: thank you so much for all the generosity, brilliance, and fun you’ve given and keep giving. Special shout out to R Emily Weiner, R Gloria Nussbacher, R Adina Fredman and Jamie Schwartz for your selfless support and guidance.
To my incredible mentors outside the walls of Maharat: Blu Greenberg at the International Beit Din, Jampa Wang and Rabbi Mychal Springer at New York Presbyterian -it’s been an honor to be under your respective wings.
Much appreciation to Rabbi Reifman and the Drisha Summer Intensive and also to Rabbi Ethan Tucker and the Hadar Riverdale Tuesday night Talmud crew.
To Rachel Tessler Lopatin, for literally dragging me to the doors of Maharat and insisting, with your incredible kindness, that I give it a try.
To Mrs Esther Krauss: without you and Rabbi Simcha Krauss zt”l, I would not be here today. I can’t thank you both enough.
Michal and Marc Arkovitz
Mazal Tov to all the new musmachot! Mazal Tov Rav Jeff! And Mazal Tov to the whole Maharat family!
Joshua Lookstein
In honor of Tamar Green Eisenstat and Erica Schwartz
Mazal tov to all the musmakhot. We are so proud of Tamar Green Eisenstat on an amazing accomplishment. Eisenstat 1’s
Aliza Sperling and Josh Milner and Family
Mazal tov to the amazing graduates! Thank you Reb Jeff for leading with compassion and integrity.
Lamelle and Rob Ryman
May your light continue to spread and shine brightly across the Jewish world! R' Sarit, R' Tamar and Rosh haYeshiva R' Jeff -- may you go m'chayil el chayil!
Jimmy Haber
Ethan Tucker
Rabbi Jeff and the Musmakhot--May you go from strength to strength! Rabbi Ethan Tucker and Ariela Migdal
William Scheiner
Mazal Tov R' Tamar - From Linda & Billy
Ari and Shelley Zak
Mazal tov, Tamar, looking forward to the change you will make in the world! Shelley and Ari
Ben and Yali Weiss
Mazal tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat!
Lilly and David Icikson
Shkoyach Tamar Green Eisenstat! Mazal tov on your incredible achievement.
Sheira & Steve Schacter
Congratulations to Musmakhot and Honoree
Gratitude to Leadership of Maharat

Sheira & Steve Schacter
Dina Najman and James Licht Najman and Licht
Roselyn Weitzner
Mazel Tov to my niece Tamar Eisenstat May she continue from strength to strength. Aunt Rozy Weitzner
R. Liz and R. Tanya Shayne and Farber
Michelle and Jeff Kobrin
Mazal tov to Rabbi Jeff Fox, an inspiring leader, our friend Tamar Green Eisenstat, and all the graduates!
Ellen and Jack Hollander
Kol hakavod and mazel tov to Rav Jeffrey and to all the graduates.
Sally Mendelsohn and David Lowenthal
Susie & Mark Charendoff
Thank you to Rabbi Fox and everyone at Maharat for the important work you are doing. Kol hakavod to Tamar and all the musmakhot!
Suzanne Eisenstat
The Green , Winter and Knobil Families
Mazel Tov & Best Wishes

To all the Honourees and a special

Yasher Koach to Tamar Green Eisenstat on the occasion of getting your Semikha .

May you continue to be a source of illumination to the

Jewish community in the field of communal leadership, education, and pastoral support


The Green , Winter and Knobil Families
Ruth Licht
In honor of the semikha recipients + Rabbi Jeffrey Fox
Abigail and David Doft
Dear Tamar, Mazel Tov on your graduation!
Rabbi Barry & Naomi Dolinger (baine Goes With Naomi But I Don't See A Way To List That Here)
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment!
Anat & Ariel Sharbat Freidenberg
Mazal tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat!
Deborah and Jonathan David
Congratulations to Rabbi Jeff Fox, Tamar Green Eisenstat, and the graduates of 2023!
Leon Metzger and Emily Blum A"h
Valerie and Daniel Altmann and Perla
Mazel Tov to dear friend Tamar Eisenstat and her special family on this wonderful occasion Mazel Tov to the beloved Rabbi Jeff Fox on this well deserved honor
Rabbi Asher and Rachel Lopatin
R' Tamar - such respect and admiration for you! You did it!! Yasher Koach R' Jeff! R' Sara you are just awesome!
Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower & Rabbi Dov Linzer
A hige Mazel tov to the mushmachot! Mazel tov and hakarat ha tov to our colleague, Rosh Hayeshiva, Rabbi Jeff Fox.
Esther & Motti Kremer
Mazal Tov Tamar You are incredible and inspiring .We wish you to continue to go from strength to strength. with love, The Kremer's
Maya Bernstein and Noam Silverman
Mazal Tov to the musmakhot and to Rav Jeff - your leadership inspires us all.
Suzanne and Jacob Doft
Mazal Tov to Tamar Green Eisenstat. We always wanted a Rabbi in the family. Love, Suzanne and Jacob
Miriam Lorie
Mazal tov to my inspirational colleagues - now go light up the Jewish world!
Ella, Ari, David , Lilly Weisz Family
Tamar, Mazal tov! We are so proud of you Ari, Ella, lilly & David
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